Hallo! Newbie here...

So, my story is pretty typical. Lost about 30 lbs, put it back on again. I recently became vegan as of November of last year, and fell prey to the 'carbo-tarian' curse. After learning many things to do (and what not to do), I am back and looking to take the weight off for good. I've been toying with the idea of adapting a bikini competitor's training program, (for various reasons, not necessarily to compete) but need some help with nutrition, (namely getting enough protein). Some things that I've read suggest that I need to be getting 100 grams of protein per day in conjunction with the training regimen in order to put on the kind of muscle that will help me blast this fat off of me...

Here's my beginning stats as of March 4, 2013:

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 174.8
Bust: 38"
Waist: 33"
Hips: 42.5"
R/L Arm: 12"
R/L Thigh: 25"
Neck: 13"
Body Fat%: 23.4%

Anticipated goals: (by November 2013)

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 145
Bust: 36"
Waist: 28"
Hips: 38"
R/L Arm: ?
R/L Thigh: ?
Neck: ?
Body Fat%: 15%

I'm here looking to make friends who are VEGAN and BODYBUILDERS since that appears to be the direction that I am headed in. I love my vegan eating plan, but I could really use some help and support to keep me accountable so that I can reach those goals by the time that my husband and I head to Hawai'i in November for our 2 year wedding anniversary. The countdown is... ON!

Won't you please be my friend? :)



  • BalanceComposure
    I'm nit a body builder but I love the way they look and would like to achieve a body like that someday. I've been vegan for about 4 years and id totally be your friend.
  • blunder_bolt
    blunder_bolt Posts: 32 Member
    Hey, fellow vegan here (14 months-ish) looking to improve muscle tone rather than weightloss but still happy to offer support.