What's Your Motivation...?

ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
For wanting to be healthier and wanting to lose weight, and how do you stay focused...?


  • loves86
    loves86 Posts: 88 Member
    seeing all the new fit girls before and after pics on here definitely keeps me motivated....because someday I want to have a before and after pic that people can say WOW to!!!
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    Reading the posts on MFP certainly helps me, too. When I see that my MFP friends are logging in and keeping within their calorie range and doing the exercising (so many many exercise a lot!!) it makes me want to have the same posted about me. ;-) I mainly want to lose this weight for myself, so I feel better and feel better about myself. I try to remember that when I'm tempted. Not always successful, but more often than not.
  • GreenLaura22
    GreenLaura22 Posts: 110 Member
    My motivation is my family. I have spent too much time feeling down about my weight and declining health. When I am overweight and inactive, I am tired, grumpy and negative. I cannot believe the difference in all aspects in my life when I am working out and eating healthy. I want to reach my goal so very badly. I haven't been under 130 since before I had kids, I just want a piece of myself back!