
Hello all, new to the group, just wanting to say hello. I am a soon to be 30 year old mom and I am sick of bing in the 200's. My highest weight was in 2007. I weighed 244. I am only 4 foot 8 inches tall. Can you imagine? I lost weight after my son was born in 2008 and in 2010, I was at my lowest weight since high school. I was 170. I was also going through a breakup and was unemployed so all I had was time to exercise and be with my son. Summer 2010, I got a good job and a new boyfriend. Got content, and before I knew it, I was back up over 200. I haven't weighed since February 26th, and I was at 222 then. I really would love to reach my goal of losing 60 pounds. I want to be healthy for myself, my son and my guy. To have confidence again and KNOW I am beautiful. I get so motivated to exercise, and I just don't. I get embarassed, or tired or just give up. I eat decently, most days coming in under my calorie goals. I drink 6 glasses of water most days. I am just so out of shape that I don't even try exercising really. And I HATE that. I just need to kick myself in the butt and get on with it lol.

I'm a goofball. Kind of gamer, one of those people who are into crafts and makes friends easily. People are drawn to me, probably because I am so goofy. I have a new found "obsession" with zombies-thanks Walking Dead. Love music out outdoors. Just one of those everyday people you meet. I just have 60 pounds of "extra person" on me LOL.