MFP settings and em2wl

HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
Ok. So I have all my numbers. BMR is 1209 (I'm not even 5'1" and weigh 110. My TDEE at lightly active is 1662. Tdee -15% is 1400 and change. I think I may need to change my activity modifier because I've been exercising more since I started 5-6 days. But, that's not necessarily relevant To my question.

In mfp, my goal shows at 1200. In my profile that I can see, it says my goal is 1460 netting 1200. Is this the right way to set up mfp? I use a fitbit and sync it with mfp. I only eat back exercise if I'm netting below BMR. Though, I often have a hard time eatin enough to do it (like yesterday). I guess the goal is to consume tdee -15% while netting BMR, correct?

I have been using the fat2fit site for the numbers. Since I'm ok ing out more now, I should probably change my tdee level, but I'm scared to eat more since my BMR is so low bc of my size. I'm only looking to lose 3-5 lbs, but am less wedded to a scale number to how I look feel. I need to add some weights. Most of my exercise is walking (3-6 miles depending in the day). I'm also exploring yoga and Pilates DVDs.

Do I need to change my mfp settings? I look at it and can understand where I am, but want to make sure it's right.



  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I guess it depends on if you're trying to use MFP the way that it's set up or not?

    Some people reset their #s based on a TDEE number (which includes exercise) and then don't eat the exercise cals back.

    Others use MFPs settings (which doesn't include exercise) and eat the cals back.

    Either way, we all make sure that we NET above BMR, and the total amount of cals that we eat are our "cut" (TDEE -15%).

    So if you want to go with fat2fit #s (which I assume includes TDEE) then you would reset your MFP settings to the goal # and NOT eat back exercise cals (some people simply choose to enter "1 cal burned" when they enter exercise, so that it doesn't skew their end goal # by giving cals back)

    It's up to you.

    I hope that answers your question? :ohwell: Or maybe confused you more? :laugh:

  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    Thank you. That's exactly what I needed. I knew the settings were just that and I imagine different ways of doing it work for diff ppl. What I really wanted to confirm that the main gist is to consume TDEE-15% but at least net BMR. I ran my numbers on scoots workshop and they were for all intents and purposes the same. BMR on scooby was 1202. It was 1209 on fat2fit. And same thing with the cut of tdee. Scooby is better in that regard because there are more tiers for exercise levels and they re more clearly defined.

    Anyway, thanks Kiki. I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. Just need to eat more during the day bc I'm often eating a lot of snacks in the evening to net my BMR even though I'm not hungry.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Being that close to goal weight, you should also be using 10% deficit, as you'll just find yourself below BMR more often than not and eating more anyway.
    So keep it simple so as close to single number every day while you get it down.
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    Thanks hey bales!!!! I will try it. I'm a bit anxious to do it, but ill try it.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Heybales is absolutely right. The closer you get to goal, that deficit gap should be closing. Don't be afraid to fuel ;)

    You do plan on maintaining, after all, right? This is the road to maintenance. :)
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    Yes. Absolutely. I want to be in the 104-107lb range. BUT, I do want to add some toning, so if the number on the scale is higher than what I have as a number in my head, I'm ok with that. They thing is I need to be ok eating more during the day. I find I'm eating just to hit BMR in the evenings. Also, I'm taking M-W off of work this week, so I can work out in the morning and start my day in a deficit. Once I'm back at work, I won't work out til the evening, so ill need to play with how I do this so I hit BMR without eating when I'm not hungry.