Grade Your 2nd Weekend 100DayTilSummer Challenge



  • nnaemeka
    nnaemeka Posts: 6
    This weekend was my first reentry to my fitness/healthy eating plan since early 2012. Since its taken a lot to motivate myself past disappointment and frustration and get back to the starting line, I think did pretty good and would give myself a B. I went to BodyPump on Friday and Yoga on Sunday. I treated myself to a pedicure on Sat and drank a good amount of water all weekend. I was above my calories intake but not by huge difference. I did eat healthy in general and made sure to enjoy my veggies and fruits.
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    DiaryOfaThickFitWoman Posts: 406 Member
    Even though I pigged out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I met my workout quotas. I also pigged out consciously (if that makes sense, lol). Honestly, what lead to the pig out session is my frustration with the scale. After exercising eating @ 1350 the scale didn't move. I appreciate the entire mishap because I realize I need to to make more healthier choices. It is what it is and I'm feeling good today and I didn't gain..............soooooooo I give myself a:


    And because I'm such a gracious teacher I will raise it to a -C (70).

    I wish everyone the best, let's keep going despite.
  • elesiac
    elesiac Posts: 30 Member
    I did great until Sunday, had a piece of birthday cake from Publix and a piece of homemade upside down pineapple cake (small pieces though hehe). So I would give myself a B-. I started weight training on Saturday and burned hella calories!
  • tgmoore34
    tgmoore34 Posts: 18
    I will give myself a solid B. I met my number 1 goal of getting to they gym at least 4 days... woohoo so I think I was solid. My eating wasn't all clean but to be honest it never really is. Im sorta all over the place with that. One step at a time. I am making better choices but I love having dessert at the end of a very long day. I guess that not all bad since in the past it would have been dessert all day:)

    I am feeling good and super excited to keep pushing. Next goal is to be able to wear all my summer dresses without a coverup to hide my arms.

    I appreciate you guys and your motivation a great deal :)
  • LiveLaughVegRun
    LiveLaughVegRun Posts: 5 Member
    C, didn't make the best food choices.
  • Tonika44137
    Tonika44137 Posts: 167 Member
    Ugh sad to say I give myself a D..I did really well on the workouts Friday and Saturday but also ate horrible Friday and Saturday night and my body didnt respond to it so I was sick all day Sunday eating toast/crackers..back on track this week..LETS GOOOOOO
  • lovesharmony
    lovesharmony Posts: 71 Member
    I would give myself a b.... Had a whooper on Saturday. Well i was traveling with the in-laws in starving. So far this week going wonderful.
  • MsSassy45
    MsSassy45 Posts: 65 Member
    I know I'm late....but a D I took a mental break this weekend...I'm also finishing up 21 day challenge this weeknd so ill do better when I can just plan n eat n not eat the same foods...:) warming up so I want to get out more..

    We otm!

    40+ n fabulous! :0)
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    I think I'm in the (majority?) B, B- boat - had one alcoholic drink at home on Fri and Sun (plus the planned lots-of-wine on Saturday at our friends' house). Then made great choice eating out Sun morning, but bundling Monday into the weekend, I made a not-so-great choice eating out MONDAY morning (don't ask...) :P. Otherwise, on top of exercise, made a lot of good choices, doin alright!