"Be Good, Fitness Pals!"

pepgab Posts: 80 Member
Ok here is a new spot for us!


  • pepgab
    pepgab Posts: 80 Member
    Pep gab weigh in for 3/25:
    SW -- 218
    Today's weight -- 217
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    Hi guys! Joining in this week.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Welcome EyeonthePrize!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I am going to try to focus on increasing my fats a little bit. I don't eat low fat, but I'm hoping a conscious effort to up it a little might cut down on my impulses to grab something, anything, to eat mid to late day. I cooked some tofu and veggies in coconut oil today to that end.
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    That sounds like a good idea Flaxmilk.

    I just got my Les Mils Combat yesterday and did one right away. Love it!
  • Gigib64
    Gigib64 Posts: 18 Member
    264 pounds today. No big surprise. The scale always shows it when I do nothing but work straight 12 hour days. The stress alone prohibits my health- trek.

    Better luck this week. Much luck to my team-mates. Happy Monday. Happy April 1st.
  • pepgab
    pepgab Posts: 80 Member
    Too much Easter alcohol. Sorry.

    221 is what I weighed today.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Hey team! Easter Curses or April Fool's on us all?

    Anyone up for more interaction on a day to day basis? I have to be honest, I tend to forget about this unless a thread shows up in my recent posts.
  • pepgab
    pepgab Posts: 80 Member
    Mine was too much alcohol and gluten free food. When I eat gluten free food that is made to be gluten free instead of eating things that are naturally gluten free then I pack on the water weight from all the gF carbs.
  • pepgab
    pepgab Posts: 80 Member
    Yes I would like to interact moree
  • Gigib64
    Gigib64 Posts: 18 Member
    definitely up for more supportive communication. I feel alone in my fight sometimes.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Hey Team, been resisting posting this because I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses. But since we are talking more support and interaction, why not? This week (and this past weekend) were very tough on me due to emotional stress. The emotional stress will probably lessen a bit after the next couple of days, but it's been hard to be conscious of what I should be eating, hard to plan and prepare foods, and I've been working like crazy and waking up after little sleep so I know my hormones are all off and it's hard to get energy.

    Whew off my chest. Hopefully I will get things on track and things will settle down. Thanks for hearing me!
  • pepgab
    pepgab Posts: 80 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your stress. I think we all understand stress and how we each use food as a comfort item. I know I do. I use food as entertainment when I'm bored or use food as a reward or comfort. We all are hear to fix ourselves. So lets support each other.
  • Gigib64
    Gigib64 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey there. How bout if we try that thing Jillian Michael's says (or is it Bob?). If we find ourselves wanting to eat mindlessly (trust me the majority of my calories lately are mindless), wait 20 minutes. if it is still something we thing we have to have I think she says have 3 bites and walk away. Go back to work, or do something. Then after 20 minutes IF we feel like we have to have another bite, go for it. Now I think I paraphrased but you get the idea. I work at home and can get so bored, I completely understand. Today, if I find my self going up and down the stairs to eat (I am going to do make it a work trip). Like take a load of laundry or unload the dishwasher. By doing that I think I will take my mind off the actually eating of my boredom :) Good luck today everyone
  • pepgab
    pepgab Posts: 80 Member
    That is a good idea, I could have used that today. We were testing and I was sooooooooookoo bored. I did really good not eating bad things until the afternoon and then I ate Reese peanut butter miniatures. Ugh!!!
  • Gigib64
    Gigib64 Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah, rough time to be around anywhere because everyone has left-over candy either to get rid or on sale. My daughter wanted more and I got her somethings and did not resist myself. It killed my calories. I played with my goal numbers today and am going to try to just eat fresh for the rest of the day. One day at a time.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Good luck everyone! Yesterday was long and busy but better on the food. I've fallen in love with my new "chocolate milk" protein shakes and I think it's helping.
  • Gigib64
    Gigib64 Posts: 18 Member
    My protein shake gets me all the way to lunch usually. It is protein, almond milk, half or whole banana, and pb2 now. it is amazing.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Much better last couple of days food wise. I expect things to get better at work by the end of today. Fresh start next week. How are you all doing?
  • Gigib64
    Gigib64 Posts: 18 Member
    Good morning all,
    Food wise is fine, I bumped my calories down because I am having trouble making time to move. Being Friday I have a little more freedom with work and the weekend should be fine.

    Have a great day everyone.