My Stage One Results

I just finished Stage One yesterday. I am so happy with the results. I can already see my body changing. Please view my blog for the details on inches and pounds lost:

As far as strength gain, here's my improvements:

Squats - From bodyweight to 105 lbs
Pushups - 10 real, 5 girly to all real
Rows - 20 lbs to 90 lbs
Step ups - 2.5 lbs each hand to 25 lbs in each hand
Prone jackknife - 8 to 15

Deadlift - 20 lbs to 90 lbs
Shoulder press - 10 lbs each dumbbell to 25 lbs each dumbbell
Lat pulldown - 50 lbs to 90 lbs
Lunges - 15 lbs x 2 dumbbells to 70 lbs (on bar)
Crunches - 8 to 15

The results can't lie.


  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    Awesome results! Incredible progression in everything! Looked at your blog too about inches, body fat % and weight loss - it's just fantastic! Can't wait to see your results as you progress into Stage 2 and beyond.
  • admmommy
    admmommy Posts: 143 Member
    Awesome! Way too go!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be starting and I hope to have great results as well.
  • Luvs_Rage_Phish
    Luvs_Rage_Phish Posts: 87 Member
    Looked at your blog - amazing results!

    Can I ask what your diet was like? Did you work out other days besides your lifting days?

    I'm gonna be done with stage 1 in a couple weeks and I haven't seen as much of a change in my body as you have and am wondering what I should be doing differently.
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    Stupendous results!!! I am looking forward to seeing your progress pics :)

    I haven't officially started the program yet (i'm in tax accounting and it's busy season) but this is making me all the more pumped to start when busy season is over

    Keep up the great work!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Great job!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Awesome work! Congrats on your progress!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Excellent results! Congrats!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Great results! congratulations!!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Wow. Awesome! I'm in the middle of Stage 1 now. I've already seen great gains in strength - it's so encouraging, isn't it?!