Stuck on a plateau

Dear readers,

I have been following a ketogenic diet for exactly a month now.
I'm 101 kilo's, 1.84m, and have a BF% of 21%.
I eat 2400 kcal a day, over 7 meals from 6:30am till 9pm.
I drink 5 liters of water every day, work out 4 times a week where I burn 400-600 calories while doing Cardio.

I lost 6 kilo's on the initial water weight loss, and after that I've been on the same weight for 3 weeks.
I've measured with bodyfat both with a calipper and a scale. I've measured with tape, and yup. Exact same thing.

At first I thought I was just holding water, but with my water intake and no change in my fat percentage I expect to be stuck on a plateau. I don't do carb refeeds - That might be an issue.

The first idea that pops in to my head is dropping my caloric intake to 2200 a day. But that's really, really low for my stats & exercise.

I was hoping that someone here could help me out - And get me on the right track again.
I'm turning pretty desperate by all that stalling, and would really like to see myself going in the righht track again.

Thanks in advance,


  • randomprofiles
    Should I try a week of 16/8 IF with 2400 calories first and then drop to 2200?
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Whats your tdee ? And 13 lbs is pretty fantastic for 3 weeks.After the inital drop in weight,weight does stall for everyone but then you go back to losign a decent number every week after that.
    Also Have you been weight lifting for long? Cuz 21 % bf at 101 kgs for your height means you have put on some heavy muscle in the past.
    If you know your tdee and are eating at a 500 cal deficit from it,I'd say stick with 2400 cals for 2 more weeks and if you dont see any movement,then drop below it.
  • randomprofiles
    I've always been "muscular", sadly hidden by a layer of fat.
    I've cycled 15 kilometer per day for 4 years, skated for 4 years, and went to the gym from my 15th till 17th.
    I'm currently 20.

    My calculated maintenance is "3178"
    However when I gained weight in the past I gained weight by eating way less than that.
    I expect that I have a slow metabolism or something along those lines.

    3 weeks with 0 weight loss / MM's lost still is weird though, the "PISS" period should only take 1 to 2 weeks as I've read.
    13 LBS was pure water weight though.

    Staying 2400 for much longer doesn't really give me hope because 3 weeks is a long time for zero change already.
    I could try Intermittent Fasting for the comming 2 weeks (Eat window 12:00 -> 20:00).
    That might give my weight stalling a kick in the nuts and get it going down again..
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    What's your breakdown of Fat% - Protein % - Carb %?

    Are you doing primarily cardio? Or strength? or both?

    If you haven't checked these out, here's an excellent Keto Calculator developed by folks over at reddit.

    For those trying to build muscle mass while doing keto, they have a slightly different version on the ketogains subreddit.

    When I plugged in some of your data into the ketogains keto calculator (101kg, 21% BF) it gives an output of 2122 kcal for maintenance without exercise; and 2482 for maintenance with exercise. There's a whole lot more in here based on how much exercise, whether your goals are to lose weight or gain muscle, etc.

    If you haven't been over to the ketogains subreddit, it may be worth checking out: Be sure to check out the links on the righthand sidebar.
  • randomprofiles
    I do them pretty balanced. ~40 minutes of strength mixed with 30-40 minutes of cardio.
    I eat 70/25/5.

    No clue why the ketogains calculater gives off such a low calories. Mind explaining?
    Using the traditional methods of BMR calculating gives off a much higher number.

    Anyways, I used the spreadsheet and filled in some info, such as 400 cals burned while cardio
    added 40 mins of weightlifting and it already bumped me up to 2800.

    So what should I do?
    One thing that is certain - I will move to Ketogenic Intermittent Fasting with a 8 hour eating window (12:00 -> 20:00)

    There are two questions left;
    1) Drop down to 2200 to see results
    2) Have a refeed day??

    PS. Thanks for the replies all
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I wish I could answer on the ketogains calculator. They are a much more sophisticated crowd over there -- and I've just started lurking. I believe they follow the teachings of Lyle McDonald. It might be worth asking that crew and see what they identify.
  • GloMash710
    GloMash710 Posts: 78 Member
    What's your breakdown of Fat% - Protein % - Carb %?

    Are you doing primarily cardio? Or strength? or both?

    If you haven't checked these out, here's an excellent Keto Calculator developed by folks over at reddit.

    For those trying to build muscle mass while doing keto, they have a slightly different version on the ketogains subreddit.

    When I plugged in some of your data into the ketogains keto calculator (101kg, 21% BF) it gives an output of 2122 kcal for maintenance without exercise; and 2482 for maintenance with exercise. There's a whole lot more in here based on how much exercise, whether your goals are to lose weight or gain muscle, etc.

    If you haven't been over to the ketogains subreddit, it may be worth checking out: Be sure to check out the links on the righthand sidebar.

    Bumping this quote for the awesome calculator. Really impressive.
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    bump for future reference! :)
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I think your TDEE is off. I would suggest dropping your calories by 100 each week until you start to see weight loss.
  • randomprofiles
    I think your TDEE is off. I would suggest dropping your calories by 100 each week until you start to see weight loss.

    I'll do that, thanks :)
    Anyways, my progress so far.

    Start keto;

    1 week ago