Confused about NROL4W Workouts

stepheatscake Posts: 167 Member
Hello all you NROL4W peeps.

Little problem.

Unless I'm doing the workouts wrong or misreading the chart, Stage 1 workouts A and B are only taking me 20 minutes to complete. At the end of this, I don't necessarily feel like I've gotten a thorough workout and so far (I did my second workout to day lol i"m a newbie) I have been adding on other exercises which is BAD I know. It's not recommended but i can't help myself!!

Am I doing something wrong? Should the workouts be much longer?

For workout A, my workout is:

Squats (15 x 2)
Push-up's (15 x 2)
Seated Rows (15 x 2)
Step Ups (15 x 2)
Prone Jacknife (2x8)

Thanks in advance for your comments.


  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    You're doing it correctly. Don't worry- Stage 2 workouts take much longer. If you feel like you're not getting a workout, you may not be using enough weight. Your muscles should be jello when you walk out of the gym :)
  • stepheatscake
    stepheatscake Posts: 167 Member
    They definitely aren't jello :) I'll try using heavier weights…
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    As long as you're not sacrificing your form for heavier weights, it can't hurt to try. Since it's only your second workout, it might take you a few more workouts to figure out the right weights(heavy enough that the last rep of set is a challenge, but not so heavy that you lose form). Good luck!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I normally warm up for 5-10 minutes beforehand and then stretch for 10 afterward:) The workouts do get longer. Even in stage 1 when you start doing 3 sets it started taking me longer!
  • stepheatscake
    stepheatscake Posts: 167 Member
    Phew glad to know i'm not doing it wrong… a ten min warmup sounds good too
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    ive started today and had the same problem, was literally done with everything within 30minutes!
    my arms are jello though, however, the rest of me is alright. time to up them weights me thinks!