No longer tracking

I pretty much stopped tracking my food intake. I have a good idea of what I can and can't eat, and stay within those guidelines...for the most part. I stopped measuring food quite awhile ago. I simply eat fat, meat, and non-starchy veggies until I'm full and that's it. If I'm feeling hungry, I drink more water and have a few nuts, a small piece of cheese, or a fat bomb. The scale isn't moving downward very quickly, but it's not rising, either. I can live with that, as long as it goes in an overall downward movement. I do, however, read labels and check the food database before I try something new. I still log on and read stories, and see how others are doing.

I'm actually much happier this way.


  • Bill_from_Philly
    I pretty much stopped tracking my food intake. I have a good idea of what I can and can't eat, and stay within those guidelines...for the most part. I stopped measuring food quite awhile ago. I simply eat fat, meat, and non-starchy veggies until I'm full and that's it. If I'm feeling hungry, I drink more water and have a few nuts, a small piece of cheese, or a fat bomb. The scale isn't moving downward very quickly, but it's not rising, either. I can live with that, as long as it goes in an overall downward movement. I do, however, read labels and check the food database before I try something new. I still log on and read stories, and see how others are doing.

    I'm actually much happier this way.
    I really don't need to track anymore either. I do so that when someone else starts on a keto lifestyle they can look at my diary for ideas etc.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    It's funny, tracking isn't really the accountability so much any more -- I mean, when you've done this long enough you're right, you just know. For me, it's part of the whole system of needing to stay focused. Like, if I stopped tracking, and stopped weighing in daily (okay, twice a day), would my commitment start to erode. I don't know if that makes sense. It's part of the same reason I don't like to visit the non-keto or non-LC forums; or why I'll unfriend someone here on MFP if they make a post about all the nutella they are eating, or how they are quitting keto for low fat. I just feel that I need to surround myself with people and habits that positively reinforce my keto path.

    Sheesh. I sound nuts.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I log because I do need to control calories to some extent. I also log to monitor my carb intake and make sure I'm hitting my macro balance. I need to log to stay accountable to my water intake. I'm also constantly trying new stuff and need to know how it lands.

    I log because I can lie to myself too easily.

    I also log because I track my blood glucose levels. Being able to see how a particular meal affects my bg is extremely helpful.