food/intake ?

jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
first off- im super excited to start the program. i think im already doing a lot of the right things (other than my occasional mega binging, which has to stop)- but my lifting, although pretty good, my workouts are not at all a regimented routine- and i need the structure (along with the kick in the butt to not go WAY off my diet once every week or so and ruin my progress). SO- im excited to start, and i thank u ladies in advance for your feedback!

as im halfway through the book, and have read several of the posts on MFP- i just wanted to check a few things.please correct me if im wrong (or let me know if im right so i dont think im talking to myself :-) ):

1- depending on the book you have (supercharged or not) its apparently fine to eat at the original maintanance level he described or 300 below? (i know i should eat more on workout days). if thats true- just assess how u are doing after a month, and then tweak from there?
-(the original maintenance equation has me eating 2084 on non workout days and 2362 on workout days/ but 300 less on the other chart ive seen on other posts). im not scared to eat cals, but as someone who has lifted a good deal in the past, i am pretty confident that the latter amount of 1700ish/2000ish is a good range for me- and just wanted to make sure im not cheating myself if i start with that)

2- you dont have to follow their diet plan- but try to hit the macros where you are getting 30%+ of your day in protein, at least 25% in fats, and obviously try to eat healthier foods than useless carbs. (i already am following a macro breakdown of 40%C/25%F/25% protein- i assume its fine to just continue with that and be consistent?). and to ensure im having a protein shake or bar right after my workouts- that i know. i know i have to work on my timing of my eating, since im someone who typically eats the most within the 6 hrs i wake up, and then eats a small dinner with often a long gap of not eating b/t dinner and breakfast.

am i correct so far?


  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    When I did the program, I followed the book and ate at the 1700/2000 calorie range. I did get stronger, however after following the EM2WL philosophy I feel like I could have done so much better eating more. I had newbie gains.... not real strength gains and from not eating more I really feel like I lost muscle after those newbie gains. My real TDEE was more like 2300/2600 at least. I ended up following the book with 40/30/30. I have tried other ratios but those work the best for me.

    I think following a routine and tracking your progress would be hugely beneficial to your routine and you will start to see things happen the way you want.

    (newbie gains)
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    i think you are fine to start with the 1700/2000 level. I generally do 1500/2000, but i do a lot of additional cardio (so I can eat more!)

    what are your macro targets now? 40/25/35?
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    Thanks! Yep- that's my current macro breakdown