Setting Realistic Expectations on Keto



  • Kira, I feel like that was exactly what I needed right now. I've definitely been feeling those frustrations lately (not in comparison to anyone else, just in comparison to my prior results) and you're right, any progress is good progress, and patience is definitely a must when doing this or any other lifestyle change. Thanks for sharing!
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    As always Kira, thank you so much for this! You are the authority on this system for Atkins, and it is a privilege to have you on my friends list. Keep on writing, I'll always be eager to read what's on your mind! Thanks again!
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Aw shucks.... :blushing:

    I feel good, I eat awesome food, I don't get tired in the afternoons, I don't get these horrible cravings and feel the need to snack all the time. Honestly, I've been in a stall for the longest time. But I'm at the point that the weight loss is a secondary thing. This lifestyle is it for me. I believe in it, and that this is the healthy way for me to eat on a permanent basis. When I drop a few pounds, that's just a bonus.
  • So true!
  • I feel good, I eat awesome food, I don't get tired in the afternoons, I don't get these horrible cravings and feel the need to snack all the time. Honestly, I've been in a stall for the longest time. But I'm at the point that the weight loss is a secondary thing. This lifestyle is it for me. I believe in it, and that this is the healthy way for me to eat on a permanent basis. When I drop a few pounds, that's just a bonus.

    I feel exactly the same! Even during the times that I haven't lost as much, I still would never go back to how I used to eat, because I just don't want to put that crap into my body. I'm in it for the long haul, baby!

  • Losing 1.5 lbs of body fat a week is great progress! Anything more than that is muscle/water weight/bogus/dangerous.

    Not necessarily true depends on the individual.
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