Anyone gain weight while eating under/at their BMR?

alleekat Posts: 40 Member
Hi All! I'm new and just joined the group in the hopes of turning around this ridiculous weight gain of the past 6 months.
About 2 years ago, I was 127lbs (my lowest weight ever, but reached through severe severe restriction/undereating). I maintained it effortlessly even throughout a month long trip to Italy. Once I returned, I set about taking off the last few vanity pounds - even trying a fast for 10 days. Fast forward one year and I was almost 10lbs HEAVIER - in the bad my-pants-are-getting-tight way :-( This was all while dieting and exercising.

I continued to struggle to get it off/keep it from climbing, then 7 months ago, I relocated across country, and my weight just started to shoot up. I was exercising 4-6 days a week. I was counting calories meticulously, and I was grossing anywhere between 400-1100 calories a day. I figure even if I were to take into account a huge margin of error, I would still have mostly been eating under my BMR. Yet, I put on 12lbs of fat!! I'm currently violating the laws of thermodynamics, and no one believes I could have gained weight undereating.
I've had my thyroid checked, numbers are in range albeit on the low end. Cortisol levels are low in the am, but normal the rest of the day. Hormone levels are normal.

Undereating is giving me the complete opposite of what I am trying to achieve. The weight gain seems to have stopped, as I've been holding steady for about 2 months. I've been slowly bumping up to 1300/day, but I'm terrified to really up my calories because I've already put on so much weight (I'm already busting out of my clothes; if I gain any more, I'll have nothing left to wear!).

I teach dance (dancing with the students) 4hrs/week; walk about 15-20 miles/week; vigorous yoga 2-3x/week; resistance training 2x/week.
I'm 39; 5'3.5" 147lbs. ScoobysWorkshop gave me:
BMR of 1336
TDEE of 1838
20% cut of 1470
(This is pretty much in line with the BMR testing I had done a couple of months ago.)

An extra 500 calories a day looks scary, given that I've already put on so much and much less. Has anyone else experienced significant weight gain PRIOR to starting a reset? How did the reset go?

Thanks so much!!


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    What activity level did you choose? If moderate, it sounds that you do more than 3-5hrs of activity weekly.

    I would suggest if there is any way to cut back some of the cardio and do 3 lift sessions for an hour. Lifting heavy will help you gain some muscle while losing the fat.

    Also, I would STRONGLY suggest that you do a full metabolic reset...yes you may gain weight but you will heal your metabolism so it is burning higher as it should and then you can take a small cut to start losing fat while retaining muscle.
  • jtmurph7
    jtmurph7 Posts: 83
    You sound just like me..

    I was 128lbs 2 years ago I was barley eating and still trying to loose that last 10lbs. I was running 3x a week 3 to 5 miles each time I ran and doing Zumba 3x a week and workingout at the gym when I could. I was still unhappy with the way I looked. Then I started gaining weight and It wouldn't stop. I am 5' and 147lbs. In January I stopped almost all of the cardio and started lifting weights again. I lift as heavy as I can 3x a week and I do zumba 1 day and I run 1 day ( I enjoy running 5K's and 10K's with my friends) I found EM2WL in February and I realized that I was not fueling my body. I am 6 weeks in to my metabolic reset. I was 143 when I started so I have gained 4lbs. I am eating at my TDEE 2065. I am not sure how long I am going to eat at this before I decide to do a cut. I know It will be at least another 6 weeks if not longer. I feel so much better physicaly I am getting there mentaly. I have decided it is not the scale that matters so much as it is the building muscle and loosing inches. I have made good food choice for the most part while increasing my calories. This is truly right thing to do. I believe this is what is going to work for me. It is going to be a long road but I am headed in the right direction.

    I hope this helps you to realize that you are not the only one out there that gained weight while eating under 1200 calories.
    Feel free to send me a friend request.
    Best of Luck,
  • amandacepstein
    amandacepstein Posts: 93 Member
    This is a pretty interesting article that talks about how we can gain weight undereating. I really like his stuff and find it helpful to read as I gain weight doing a reset.
  • alleekat
    alleekat Posts: 40 Member
    What activity level did you choose? If moderate, it sounds that you do more than 3-5hrs of activity weekly.

    I would suggest if there is any way to cut back some of the cardio and do 3 lift sessions for an hour. Lifting heavy will help you gain some muscle while losing the fat.

    Also, I would STRONGLY suggest that you do a full metabolic reset...yes you may gain weight but you will heal your metabolism so it is burning higher as it should and then you can take a small cut to start losing fat while retaining muscle.

    I chose lightly active. I don't work a desk job, but I sometimes feel like I'm more sedentary than I should be outside of exercise.

    I won't be able to cut out the dance part of the cardio yet, since it's my job; however, the semester ends at the beginning of May, and I'll have a break from teaching then.

    How heavy is heavy??

  • alleekat
    alleekat Posts: 40 Member
    You sound just like me..

    I was 128lbs 2 years ago I was barley eating and still trying to loose that last 10lbs. I was running 3x a week 3 to 5 miles each time I ran and doing Zumba 3x a week and workingout at the gym when I could. I was still unhappy with the way I looked. Then I started gaining weight and It wouldn't stop. I am 5' and 147lbs. In January I stopped almost all of the cardio and started lifting weights again. I lift as heavy as I can 3x a week and I do zumba 1 day and I run 1 day ( I enjoy running 5K's and 10K's with my friends) I found EM2WL in February and I realized that I was not fueling my body. I am 6 weeks in to my metabolic reset. I was 143 when I started so I have gained 4lbs. I am eating at my TDEE 2065. I am not sure how long I am going to eat at this before I decide to do a cut. I know It will be at least another 6 weeks if not longer. I feel so much better physicaly I am getting there mentaly. I have decided it is not the scale that matters so much as it is the building muscle and loosing inches. I have made good food choice for the most part while increasing my calories. This is truly right thing to do. I believe this is what is going to work for me. It is going to be a long road but I am headed in the right direction.

    I hope this helps you to realize that you are not the only one out there that gained weight while eating under 1200 calories.
    Feel free to send me a friend request.
    Best of Luck,

    Ohmygosh. It sucks that you're going/have gone through this same thing too, but I can't tell you what a relief it is to feel like I'm not completely crazy. 4lbs in 6 weeks doesn't sound so bad at all. I think my recent gain was quicker while undereating. Did you start at 2065 right away, or did you gradually work your way up? Have you noticed other changes such as clothes fitting better yet?

    It's so encouraging to hear you story. Thank you so much!
  • alleekat
    alleekat Posts: 40 Member
    This is a pretty interesting article that talks about how we can gain weight undereating. I really like his stuff and find it helpful to read as I gain weight doing a reset.

    Thank you! This is great!
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    bump to read later! sounding like me!
  • jtmurph7
    jtmurph7 Posts: 83
    You sound just like me..

    I was 128lbs 2 years ago I was barley eating and still trying to loose that last 10lbs. I was running 3x a week 3 to 5 miles each time I ran and doing Zumba 3x a week and workingout at the gym when I could. I was still unhappy with the way I looked. Then I started gaining weight and It wouldn't stop. I am 5' and 147lbs. In January I stopped almost all of the cardio and started lifting weights again. I lift as heavy as I can 3x a week and I do zumba 1 day and I run 1 day ( I enjoy running 5K's and 10K's with my friends) I found EM2WL in February and I realized that I was not fueling my body. I am 6 weeks in to my metabolic reset. I was 143 when I started so I have gained 4lbs. I am eating at my TDEE 2065. I am not sure how long I am going to eat at this before I decide to do a cut. I know It will be at least another 6 weeks if not longer. I feel so much better physicaly I am getting there mentaly. I have decided it is not the scale that matters so much as it is the building muscle and loosing inches. I have made good food choice for the most part while increasing my calories. This is truly right thing to do. I believe this is what is going to work for me. It is going to be a long road but I am headed in the right direction.

    I hope this helps you to realize that you are not the only one out there that gained weight while eating under 1200 calories.
    Feel free to send me a friend request.
    Best of Luck,

    Ohmygosh. It sucks that you're going/have gone through this same thing too, but I can't tell you what a relief it is to feel like I'm not completely crazy. 4lbs in 6 weeks doesn't sound so bad at all. I think my recent gain was quicker while undereating. Did you start at 2065 right away, or did you gradually work your way up? Have you noticed other changes such as clothes fitting better yet?

    It's so encouraging to hear you story. Thank you so much!

    I knew what had to be done so I jumped right in with both feet. It took me about a week to get to 2065. I was really feeling full and had to stuff my self to get all of the calories in sometimes I fall a little short on my calories but I try not to do that very often.. I drink protein shakes with all kinds of good stuff in them to get the calories higher. I looked at other peoples diaries to get ideas on what to eat for snacks. I have read and read these message boards. I also lift weights. My clothes are getting tight in some spots..I am short and most of my weight is in my stomach and hips but I am building muscle. I can see changes in my legs and arms. I know it is not going to be like this forever. This is not a quick fix. As long as I can do this reset right when I do my cut I will start loosing fat and inches.

  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm bumping in! This IS ME and I need to see what others think...
    I had already gained some weight before starting the reset (so still eating less than my TDEE but more that I used to). Since started the reset I have gained some more. I know the theory of reset is nice and that's why I'm doing it BUT it's difficult socially! Can hardly find clothes that fit right now :frown:
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    If you gain body fat at your bmr, then it isn't your bmr. :)
  • alleekat
    alleekat Posts: 40 Member
    If you gain body fat at your bmr, then it isn't your bmr. :)

    I've had my BMR tested (VO2 max), which means that it is.
    If for some reason the test was ridiculously inaccurate, then my BMR would be under 800 calories a day, since I was typically eating 400-1000 calories a day AND exercising.

    I know that it defies everything we supposedly know, but it happened.
  • bigdgeek
    bigdgeek Posts: 88
    If you gain body fat at your bmr, then it isn't your bmr. :)

    I've had my BMR tested (VO2 max), which means that it is.
    If for some reason the test was ridiculously inaccurate, then my BMR would be under 800 calories a day, since I was typically eating 400-1000 calories a day AND exercising.

    I know that it defies everything we supposedly know, but it happened.

    The exact same thing is happening to me....netting under BMR and gaining weight. Did you ever figure out what's going on with you?
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    I'm in the same boat!!! I'm currently starting a reset. I was 125 and my body media says I burn 2600 a day. I was and have been eating 1600-1900 a day and gained steadily. So I'm doing a reset. I'm 144 now.
  • nothingwithoutHim
    nothingwithoutHim Posts: 140 Member
    Hi. Join the club. I gained 60 pounds eating less than 1000 cals and exercising like a maniac. What the heck?? I know. It stunk. I went to the doctor to have my thyroid checked and she told me to just eat less and exercise more. Wow. Thanks doc! Stellar advice!

    I haven't lost any weight, but I've been doing EM2WL for about a year now, I think the key factor is TRULY strength training. It reshapes the body and is totally amazing, plus you can get all in the groove lifting and feel totally hardcore. ;p

    Figure out your TDEE, slowly up your cals until you are there, and reset while lifting heavy. (I've found stronglifts ( is AHmaaaaazing, just my personal preference though, find what works for you.) Repair your metab and then come back and figure out this cut thang! ('Cause I'm cluuueeeless on that, lol)
  • alleekat
    alleekat Posts: 40 Member

    The exact same thing is happening to me....netting under BMR and gaining weight. Did you ever figure out what's going on with you?

    I never did figure it out, and I still haven't lost any weight. I even completed the Insanity program, hoping to shake things up, with not an ounce or a centimeter lost.
    I'm seriously past my wits end. I feel like no one believes me, and I keep hearing it's just as simple as "eat less and move more".
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member

    The exact same thing is happening to me....netting under BMR and gaining weight. Did you ever figure out what's going on with you?

    I never did figure it out, and I still haven't lost any weight. I even completed the Insanity program, hoping to shake things up, with not an ounce or a centimeter lost.
    I'm seriously past my wits end. I feel like no one believes me, and I keep hearing it's just as simple as "eat less and move more".

    possibly consider taking a full workout break - for a week or two.... while eating 'normally' for you. maybe 1600-1700, idk. better yet, no workouts and eat intuitively. then see where you are at and how you are feeling.
  • Wanting2BSkinny
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    The exact same thing is happening to me....netting under BMR and gaining weight. Did you ever figure out what's going on with you?

    I never did figure it out, and I still haven't lost any weight. I even completed the Insanity program, hoping to shake things up, with not an ounce or a centimeter lost.
    I'm seriously past my wits end. I feel like no one believes me, and I keep hearing it's just as simple as "eat less and move more".

    So doing an almost total anaerobic carb burning workout frequently is a huge stress on your body.

    You ever read up on the effects of stress on your body and it fighting fat and weight loss?

    Did you look up and apply the Insanity eating levels?

    I mean, this EMTWL isn't the first program by a long shot advocating taking a reasonable deficit so the body doesn't fight you to the bitter end, only to end up losing muscle mass, and repeating it again next year, but worse.
    This recommendation and knowledge has been around for 20 yrs, just more studies in recent years showing just how bad it is to do it wrong, and the after effects of such poor decision.

    If gaining or not losing while netting under your BMR, then that ain't your BMR obviously. Perhaps made worse by really bad estimate of calories burned not only in exercise but also in daily activity (TDEE level guess), combined with too safe of estimates of food eaten.

    Ready to allow your sweat and pain to have good results, ready to lose the stress of no loss?
    You gotta be mentally ready to give up the fact your current method and direction ain't working, "eat less and move more".
    That advice is compared to when someone starts, and that's merely all that would need to be done when you start.
    Eat a few less things daily, maybe about 250 less calories, move 30 min more daily burning about 250 more calories. If everyone did that there wouldn't be so many problems.
    But far too many start moving a whole lot more than previously, combined with a total diet change and calories levels they have no clue how they compare to what they were eating, and with that now huge deficit, come screeching to a halt in weight loss. Or worse, l lose decent amounts of muscle mass and LBM in total, and not only current metabolism drops, but now future ability to maintain is shot.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I've had my BMR tested (VO2 max), which means that it is.
    If for some reason the test was ridiculously inaccurate, then my BMR would be under 800 calories a day, since I was typically eating 400-1000 calories a day AND exercising.

    I know that it defies everything we supposedly know, but it happened.

    They don't test your BMR with a VO2max test. And in fact, unless you specifically asked for it, the 5 min sitting in chair at start of test to establish a baseline, isn't even RMR either. Need 15 + min usually relaxing back for that.
    You would have gotten measurement above RMR really.

    Did you exercise the day before the test, did you eat within 8 hrs of the test?
    Hopefully not, or the results are invalid for the VO2 max aspect too, and the baseline they obtained.

    And no, forcing your RMR down by under-eating and exercise is entirely possible and done by many.
  • alleekat
    alleekat Posts: 40 Member
    I've had my BMR tested (VO2 max), which means that it is.
    If for some reason the test was ridiculously inaccurate, then my BMR would be under 800 calories a day, since I was typically eating 400-1000 calories a day AND exercising.

    I know that it defies everything we supposedly know, but it happened.

    They don't test your BMR with a VO2max test. And in fact, unless you specifically asked for it, the 5 min sitting in chair at start of test to establish a baseline, isn't even RMR either. Need 15 + min usually relaxing back for that.
    You would have gotten measurement above RMR really.

    Did you exercise the day before the test, did you eat within 8 hrs of the test?
    Hopefully not, or the results are invalid for the VO2 max aspect too, and the baseline they obtained.

    And no, forcing your RMR down by under-eating and exercise is entirely possible and done by many.

    My most recent test(s) were higher than I believe is accurate. They indicated 1680 and then 1560 later, when I asked for a retest due to the number being what I considered ridiculously high for me, compared to a previous test. The testing conditions were not properly set up - poor prep/pre-test instructions (the first time I had a few almonds about 2 hours before the test), not relaxing back, 10 minute test. The retest I disregarded her poor instructions and followed the instructions from a prior test I had done; I made sure it was at least 36 hours since I exercised and I ended up fasting all day because she scheduled the test for 6pm. Even with all of that, I still believe testing conditions to have been poor, and I don't believe the 1560 that came up.

    The prior test I had done just over a year ago - 15 minutes, with good pre-test instructions, able to relax. That came out to 1164. I trust that number because I was undereating, which then was why I (stupidly) continued to keep calories so low.

    Is it possible that I lowered it below that?