Just started my reset today. Any help would be nice :)

Ok.... I have read through a lot of the MOD topics and I hope I understand what it is that I am doing. I'll get to that in a minute but first a bit about myself.

I screwed my metabolism up when I was 15 and it hasn't been right since. I was eating about 800-900 calories a day and working out 3 times a day (each workout averaged 45 minutes). The really sad part is that I only needed to lose 20 lbs :( I was going by the method that you cut calories to lose weight... not realizing that once you start to eat normal that all the weight would come back....plus some. I am now 41 and am fed up with the yo-yoing. I want the weight to be gone and stay gone. After several attempts to cut calories and lose weight and then eat calories and gain it all back, I decided it was time for a change in this failed method.

I decided to try EM2WL after reading discussions on other threads. Someone actually posted a link to this group and I have been reading ever since. What is being said makes a lot of sense, I just hope that I have interpreted the information correctly. So this is what I have gathered:

I weigh 298 lbs... my goal weight is 170 (for now). I am 5' 9". I used the scooby calculator to figure my TDEE without a deficit since I am resetting. My TDEE is 2494. I recently started the 30 DS but after reading some threads saying to cut cardio, I may put that on hold and continue just doing strength exercises. I am in this for the long haul and devoting my reset to 8 weeks. I did change one thing with the carb, protein, fat. Instead of 40/30/30 I am doing 30/40/30.

Now this may sound strange to some but I seperate how I eat my foods. I find that it causes less bloating and easier digestion. Basically I try not to mix proteins with starches :) I do mix them occasionally just not often as I hate the feeling of bloat that it usually causes. I do eat proteins with green veggies, this has never caused me grief. But proteins with potatoes....ugh. I know that doing this is not necessary, it is just something I do.

So, do I have my information that I gathered correct? Am I missing something?


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You got the principle right.

    And no better workout could you be doing than to be lifting heavy for you 3 x weekly full body - while eating at maintenance. And if metabolism really is suppressed, some of that time will be in surplus while it raises up. So expect great improvements to lifting you won't be seeing again.

    But from the years of body abuse, you'll need that muscle mass and LBM probably to make up for losses.

    And that's the application part, you may have less LBM than expected for the BMR you based the math on.
    Did you do bodyfat estimate and use the Katch BMR?

    Did you treat the TDEE levels as hrs a week, not days a week?
    Lifting burns less than cardio, so no need overestimating either.
    But if daily activity is more than sedentary desk job, that starts your level at lightly active, exercise just goes up a level then.

    Or use the spreadsheet to estimate all that and track progress.


    Because you have a very good chance of having an inflated BMR if you don't use BF% method.
    And while you may enjoy lifting improvements eating in excess, you are also with this much to lose able to increase muscle mass anyway.

    Rock on. Leave that 30DS for much later, like 250 lb reward and month break from one routine.
  • TraceyG1971
    TraceyG1971 Posts: 123
    Hello and thank you for your response :)

    I just entered my BF%, 42.9%, and used the Katch BMR and it says my TDEE is 2449. I am not 100% sure that my BF% is correct though. I estimated it by using measurements and using a different site calculator and I can't remember which one it was (I did the figuring a couple of weeks ago).

    I set my TDEE to "GAIN MUSCLE, LOSE FAT" so no to the hours. I did this since I won't be doing cardio just yet and knowing that strength exercises don't burn as many calories. Am I correct in thinking that if I lose weight at my TDEE that I need to increase my calories (for reset only, of course)? If so, by how much? Should I go ahead and go by the new TDEE I came up with?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hello and thank you for your response :)

    I just entered my BF%, 42.9%, and used the Katch BMR and it says my TDEE is 2449. I am not 100% sure that my BF% is correct though. I estimated it by using measurements and using a different site calculator and I can't remember which one it was (I did the figuring a couple of weeks ago).

    I set my TDEE to "GAIN MUSCLE, LOSE FAT" so no to the hours. I did this since I won't be doing cardio just yet and knowing that strength exercises don't burn as many calories. Am I correct in thinking that if I lose weight at my TDEE that I need to increase my calories (for reset only, of course)? If so, by how much? Should I go ahead and go by the new TDEE I came up with?

    Use the TDEE based on Katch BMR.

    But lifting does burn more post workout than during the workout, the 2 combined is a decent burn actually and should be account for during a reset. Use those hrs estimate.

    During a cut not so much as you want to lose fat. But yes during reset.

    If you lose weight eating at estimated TDEE, then it really wasn't your TDEE.
    Sadly the converse is not true.
    If you gain weight eating at estimated TDEE, then it depends on how fast and if change to workout. Very easily water weight and body improvement.

    So invalid data if starting new workout, must be settled in which it sounds like you are.

    valid weigh-in days - morning after rest day eating normal sodium levels, not sore from previous lifting. Don't even weigh otherwise, not useful data point.
  • TraceyG1971
    TraceyG1971 Posts: 123
    Ok.... put in the 1-3hrs/wk and now my TDEE is 2806. I don't know if I can eat that much...lol. So editing my goals now to new TDEE of 2806. Any suggestions on healthy high calorie foods? I love cashews and avocados but they will make my fat intake go way over :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok.... put in the 1-3hrs/wk and now my TDEE is 2806. I don't know if I can eat that much...lol. So editing my goals now to new TDEE of 2806. Any suggestions on healthy high calorie foods? I love cashews and avocados but they will make my fat intake go way over :)

    As long as you meet the protein goal, you can trade carbs for fat no problem during reset time.

    So full-fat versions of everything. Cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, ect.
    Good fat and protein items with almonds.
  • TraceyG1971
    TraceyG1971 Posts: 123
    Thank you so much for your help :) You're awesome!!! I guess the rest is up to me.
  • TraceyG1971
    TraceyG1971 Posts: 123
    I'm updating my reset topic to show the changes since I started. I am done with my first week of reset and have 7 more weeks to go. I have gained a little less than 3 lbs. However, my measurements have changed. My BF% has gone from 42.9% to 40.23% so I am building up my LBM. This makes me very happy :happy: I will continue to update this post as things progress.
  • Gapwedge01
    Gapwedge01 Posts: 494
    All of this is great to read and follow. Good luck on your journey.
  • jtmurph7
    jtmurph7 Posts: 83
    Best of Luck.. There is a lot of good information here. I am 7 weeks in to my reset I have gained 5 lbs but I can tell that I am building muscle. My BF% is 27.6 it was 36% when I started EM2WL. I have increased my weight's in the gym.. I know this is going to work!!!
    I am looking forward to following your progress.

  • TraceyG1971
    TraceyG1971 Posts: 123
    That is quite an accomplishment, Tammy. Good for you!!! It's nice to see individuals that are doing resets and seeing results. It helps keep me motivated. I know this will work for me too. I feel really good about EM2WL :happy:
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    Fantastic news to both of you, Tracey and Tammy :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Great to see those results.

    And even better to see someone recognize those are indeed great results to see. Better than the unmentionable.
  • TraceyG1971
    TraceyG1971 Posts: 123
    Great to see those results.

    And even better to see someone recognize those are indeed great results to see. Better than the unmentionable.

    I was actually surprised when I took my measurements and then figured them for BF%. If it hadn't have been for the MOD posts, I probably would have freaked out from the weight gain, but I'm okay with it since my body is showing signs of changing.

    Quick question. I am assuming that with my new BF% that I need to adjust my TDEE again. Right?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Great to see those results.

    And even better to see someone recognize those are indeed great results to see. Better than the unmentionable.

    I was actually surprised when I took my measurements and then figured them for BF%. If it hadn't have been for the MOD posts, I probably would have freaked out from the weight gain, but I'm okay with it since my body is showing signs of changing.

    Quick question. I am assuming that with my new BF% that I need to adjust my TDEE again. Right?

    Since you are using Katch BMR, yes, your weight went up while BF went down, meaning more LBM.
    So higher BMR, TDEE, and TDEG.

    You get to eat more!
  • TraceyG1971
    TraceyG1971 Posts: 123
    Great to see those results.

    And even better to see someone recognize those are indeed great results to see. Better than the unmentionable.

    I was actually surprised when I took my measurements and then figured them for BF%. If it hadn't have been for the MOD posts, I probably would have freaked out from the weight gain, but I'm okay with it since my body is showing signs of changing.

    Quick question. I am assuming that with my new BF% that I need to adjust my TDEE again. Right?

    Since you are using Katch BMR, yes, your weight went up while BF went down, meaning more LBM.
    So higher BMR, TDEE, and TDEG.

    You get to eat more!

    Lol.... I don't know how much more I can eat. Struggling now even with high cal foods. But I did come up with a yummy shake :) It's high in calories, protein and potassium. If any are interested I will post a new topic with the recipe :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Lol.... I don't know how much more I can eat. Struggling now even with high cal foods. But I did come up with a yummy shake :) It's high in calories, protein and potassium. If any are interested I will post a new topic with the recipe :)

    You're eating more than me girl!
    I don't need no high calorie shake. I got a granola cereal urge I'm trying to shake.

    And that was with a 1000 calorie burn spin class too.

    Just a hint, does it involve peanut butter? No wait, don't tell me.
  • jtmurph7
    jtmurph7 Posts: 83
    Great to see those results.

    And even better to see someone recognize those are indeed great results to see. Better than the unmentionable.

    I was actually surprised when I took my measurements and then figured them for BF%. If it hadn't have been for the MOD posts, I probably would have freaked out from the weight gain, but I'm okay with it since my body is showing signs of changing.

    Quick question. I am assuming that with my new BF% that I need to adjust my TDEE again. Right?

    Since you are using Katch BMR, yes, your weight went up while BF went down, meaning more LBM.
    So higher BMR, TDEE, and TDEG.

    You get to eat more!

    Lol.... I don't know how much more I can eat. Struggling now even with high cal foods. But I did come up with a yummy shake :) It's high in calories, protein and potassium. If any are interested I will post a new topic with the recipe :)

    I would love to have the recipe. I like to do shakes. I will share some of my recipes also..

  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Best of Luck.. There is a lot of good information here. I am 7 weeks in to my reset I have gained 5 lbs but I can tell that I am building muscle. My BF% is 27.6 it was 36% when I started EM2WL. I have increased my weight's in the gym.. I know this is going to work!!!
    I am looking forward to following your progress.

    WOW ARE YOU SERIOUS!??? that is awesome progress! Today is my day 1 and I'm @33%BF. If I can lose 9% BF over the next 8 weeks and increase weights that will be awesome. You give me hope!
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    I'm updating my reset topic to show the changes since I started. I am done with my first week of reset and have 7 more weeks to go. I have gained a little less than 3 lbs. However, my measurements have changed. My BF% has gone from 42.9% to 40.23% so I am building up my LBM. This makes me very happy :happy: I will continue to update this post as things progress.
    Awesome!! Week 1, day 1 here for me, I'm sooo ready to see the changes that will be occurring. Congrats!