Keto + Wine

Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
Keto friends --

I have been doing keto since the beginning of the year (though I took a 3-week break in February). My nutritionist told me no wine -- she said it wouldn't necessarily kick me out of ketosis, but it would stall me and slow my progress.

It has been so hard! Going out to dinner with friends and not having a glass of wine is really tough for me.

So my question to you: Do you also ban wine (or any alcohol) or do you have a glass here and there -- and if so, has it really stalled you and delayed your loss?


  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    So THAT'S why I only lose 1.5 pounds a week!


    I usually have a glass of wine on a weekend. Rarely, I might have a second glass. The husband enjoys bourbon, whiskey, and the occasional Manhattan. Not uncommon for him to have multiple nights on the weekend to have a couple of drinks (2 drinks, sometimes even 3).

    Yes, it probably slows progress. But this thing has to be liveable too. If I hate how I'm eating, I'm probably not going to succeed.

    It doesn't seem to impact ketosis for me.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It might have slowed me down a teeny bit when I had some wine or other alcohol. Two bigger worries were the munches that went with it and the fact that ketosis really lets alcohol hit you hard! Be sure to have a designated driver on hand if you drink very much at all.
  • Jasmine_James
    Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks so much! I went 6 weeks without earlier this year, and now I've been 3 weeks without. So, I *can* resist temptation -- but ugh, it is just so hard on Saturday nights when I'm out with friends. A yummy juicy steak just doesn't taste the same to me without a good Pinot Noir.

    OK, I am really trying hard to get into the 150s by the end of March, but if I accomplish that I might experiment with one glass of wine and see how it goes.

    Definitely gives me hope that you've all been so successful even with some alcohol here and there.

  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    I drink all the time : - )

    Well, let me clarify. My husband and I entertain a lot and get entertained a lot. Kinda hard not to drink (for me) during those occasions. I also travel for business and business dinners - there is ALWAYS alcohol! I take weeks off when I am close to a goal or on a fast or returning from a long week away but I drink. I stick with vodka and wine but do have the occasional whiskey. No sugary drinks! Of course, with the wine there are carbs so I only have it if it is within my carb limit.

    I think you have a good plan. Hit your goal (I am also trying desperately to get in the 150's) and then try a glass and see how you do. Always count the calories and carbs and you will be fine!

    As a pp said - be careful. I get tipsy way faster than I used too. I never drink without food anymore and I try to not have more than 1 drink per hour followed by a glass of water for each drink I have. So far so good but it does effect you differently on keto so just be careful.

    Good luck on hitting your goal! enjoy the vino and let us know if you had any problems with it.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Definitely stalled me. I don't do keto levels anymore tho unless I've eaten something that triggers cravings. I have a glass of wine pretty much every weekend.

    I think it depends on your carb sensitivity and how much you have to lose.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Like Gmansmom, I have a lot of biz travel and biz dinners and my wife and I love having folks over to our house. So, wine is pretty much a normal part of my weekly food consumption. That and vodka. I don't do keto specifically, so I won't comment about wine's effect on keto. But for a Primal, low carb, high fat type of diet (that's me) ... it hasn't been a problem. Maybe I could have lost faster without drinking wine, but I would have hated it. Which means I would have quit and this would have been another failed attempt to change. However, even with drinking a bit of wine and vodka, even with a totally lost two months (gained almost 10 lbs over holidays, had to lose those lbs in January), I have lost 35 lbs since last June.

    You just have to experiment with your body and see what works.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    All great advice here. Like Kira said, your new lifestyle has got to not only help you achieve your goals, but has to be livable. If alcohol is something you enjoy then it's just a matter of figuring out how to make it work when you do want that drink. Just like all of the food cravings you're trying to meet in this new lifestyle, it's a matter of figuring out what the substitues and options are so that you can enjoy! Wines classified as "dry" are supposed to be lowest carbs. Like others have said, vodka is another great choice. I find I get more tipsy with 1-2 glasses of wine vs. a few vodka drinks.

  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    I find I get more tipsy with 1-2 glasses of wine vs. a few vodka drinks.


    I feel this way too. I tried to explain it to my husband but I think he thought I was nuts because before Keto I could drink more wine and less vodka.

    Anyone know why?
  • Jasmine_James
    Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
    I did decide to try a nice Pinot Noir with dinner on Friday night. Oh wow, it tasted so good after nearly a month without!

    And interestingly, Saturday morning I was finally down a pound (hit 159 at last). So if it stalled me, it wasn't for long.

    I will still try to keep it limited to 1 glass a week max, but so glad I can still lose even with having some wine. We are DINKS (double income no kids) and foodies -- and, well, just meant to consume wine at least once a week.

    Thanks for the support and info,