Confidence and amazing moments

So all of us have something we aren't so good at.
Whether it's just because you are starting at a new level or could be on the travel team and have something you'd like to work on.

We all know confidence is 80% of our game. If we gear up thinking we are crap, we're going to have a crap session.
Positive talk is one of the best ways to cement things we *think* we aren't good at into something brilliant.

So why don't we share some amazing moments we've had achieving something with a skill we aren't so good at?

I've only started scrimmage this year. I've been skating for over 2 years. I'm not a strong player and many people take advantage of that. I'm the first to get pinned and when I jam.... it doesn't end well.
We've been focusing on team work in my training sessions, remembering that none of us can do anything on our own. So I've started actively looking for my team in the pack and calling on them to help me. After all, offense is just as important.
I'm also putting myself on the line to try out some things I'd be too scared to do. I'm hoping to be drafted in the coming 2 months and making an impression is really important. I'm trying really hard to showcase my ability to positional block, to control a wall and being distracting towards our power blockers. But I can't do that in every jam so I want to show people I'll give whatever it is a good hard go even if I fail. 'Ah *kitten* it! Why not?' attitude.

This week I jammed a few times and wasn't doing so badly. Wasn't getting lead but scoring a handful of points by looking for my team and using them to assist me.
Second last jam. We've now been playing for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Swapping up teams every half an hour. Everyone is tired. I get a second wind so my benchie gives me the star. Bollocks. I look across to the other bench and see I'm up against some people that just beat the living snot out of me. I'm doomed. I'm going home in a body bag. I haven't come up against a line this strong ever. All the people I know I can pick off are now in my team, injured or too tired to go on.
Champain sits down next to me and says 'Hit the jammer off the line. Get low and knock the **** out of her then bolt the other way. It'll give us a chance to pack right up in front of her. Plus, they wont expect that'.
They did.
The hardest hitting player tells the jammer I'm going to hit her and lines up in front of me.
5 seconds.
She squats really low.
The blocker smirks at me.
As she goes to full body block me I stand my ground, completely expecting to be smashed. She makes contact with my shoulder first, which instinctively tells me she's executed the block wrong. I buckle down with my shoulder holding her in place and throw my hip into hers as hard as I can. It works! She stumbles and with the force of bouncing off each other she's thrown face first into her own blockers. They expect me to stumble and close their wall ontop of her trying to grab me, opening up the inside line. I knew this was the plan and I bolt for my life. Within 4 feet I'm called lead. Before the pivot line it's a power jam, the penalty being back blocking.
The first scoring pass was a dream. My team manages a stop pack. They've pinned another player and in the melee of trying to free her they have forgotten I'm there. I fly past on the inside line with the blocker turning her back to me. I'm already tired but Champain is screaming from the pack to me. RUN PWNIE RUN!!!
They line up again.
My team man up just as I make contact with the wall and break them apart. Within seconds I'm free. Another 5 point pass.
They manage to take a small bit of pace and this time I'm chasing. I see the other jammer stand in the box. I have nothing left (my endurance is really really poor) but I manage to cut down 3/4 of a lap within seconds. As they swarm around me my team makes a wall to stop the other jammer. I keep pushing and pushing them. They start to break of and bridge, giving me their points as I pass. I pass the last one and the 5 point pass is shown. The jammer is within engagement and my bench calls for me to call it off.
We've managed a 15 point jam.
As we skate off the track everyone is high fiving and screaming at each other. Champain grabs me IT WORKED!! IT WORKED!

I think that was the best 1 minute and 30 seconds of my life.


  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    Congrats! I think it's safe to say that you've shown the jammer instinct. :) When the plan goes to crap (which is almost always) you found a way.

    I still have video of my very first jams in a game. I hold onto it for those times when I get frustrated, I just look back on where I was...

    Keep it up!
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    Also, your derby name is PWNIE? lol That's awesome!
  • eddynigma
    eddynigma Posts: 18 Member
    Thats Great!
  • Apocalypse Pwnie but everyone calls me Pwnie for short. Thanks, I think it's pretty special and love it when people understand it.