new to this, have some questions...

So, I've read the book and want to get started on this, but I need a few things answered first... Stage one is supposed to be 6 weeks long, right? So, why then, does the log sheet only have labels for workouts 1-4? Am I looking at this wrong? I understand the alternating between A and B (A,B,A. B, A, B), but I am not sure how the log sheet in the book adds up to 6 weeks.... Also, do I need a spotter for my squats? I don't think I'll be squatting massive amounts of weight anytime soon, but, is it safer to have a spotter??? These are the two main questions I have right now, I'm sure there will be more to come!
Thanks for any help in advance!


  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    The log sheets are pretty generic, I just crossed out the numbers and re labelled them 5-8. I never needed a spotter for the squats, but I did have a trainer show me how to do all the exercises with proper form, so I felt really comfortable attempting them on my own. Hope this helps and welcome to the group!
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    I didn't even use the workout logs in the book. I used a note book so I can keep everything together. It was easier for me.
    Like Tessa said make sure you have the right form on squats. I never used a spotter. I use a squat rack or power rack. When I first started the program i was doing squats with DBs. I'm done with the programs now. I squat 140 and never used a spotter.
    Good luck to you! Great program!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    As the book says, the log sheet is just an example and not meant to be used to complete the program. Most people create their own.

    I never had a spotter and I completed the program.
  • fwilson1031
    Thanks all! I think I was taking it too literal. Can't wait to start!