Is MFP low carb UNfriendly?

doneatfour Posts: 120 Member
I've noticed that it seems like low carbing is very unpopular on MFP. I really don't understand why. Yes, you do need a calorie deficit, like everyone says. But why does that mean that low carb is bad? Why is it that it has to be one or the other? I low carb AND I eat at a deficit. Don't all of you who are trying to lose weight?


  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    I've also noticed that; I mean, most people view their diets the same way religious people view their religion or politicians view their side, in my opinion. In other words, they like to feel really strongly about being "right". I think people should just do whatever works for them and stop trying to make everything a competition unless they're competing with themselves; if one thing works for them, then why do they care what we're doing?

    And in response to your final question, I used to count calories before carbs, but once I started Atkins I completely stopped counting calories as I've been losing whether I'm over 1500 calories or under. I don't try to eat at a deficit at all, I just eat until I'm nearly full and make sure I'm not hungry throughout the day, otherwise this diet will only be a diet, not a lifestyle change.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I don't think it's an MFP issue - it's in general in our society. Most people believe what we've been told about "proper nutrition" and the low fat dogma. Asterie's comparison to religion is a good one. Most of their information isn't based on the science - it's what they've been told, and they just believe.

    I tend to stay away from the regular boards and stay here or the Keto board.

    I don't entirely subscribe to "Calories In - Calories Out". This ignores the complexity of how our body responds to foods and things like hormones. The RATE that you are burning those calories impacts the calories out, and there are so many things that can impact that. High levels of carbs, for example, impacts how you burn energy.

    I think I've cited this a few times, so sorry for those of you who may be tired of reading it.

    From a study in the 50's by Kekwick and Pawan:
    "Kekwick and Pawan determined that a group of patients could maintain their weight on a 2000 calories per day of a mixed for balanced diet. Then they put them on a diet of protein and fat, but very little carbohydrate. They found that their patients could consistently lose weight on 2600 calories per day so long as carbohydrate was sharply restricted."

    So what you are eating, affects how you burn energy.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I tend not to talk about my diet outside of MFP anymore, and honestly I'm starting to talk less about it on MFP. As others have said, people are very touchy about their diets just as they are their religion and political preference.

    I know I just got yelled at by my mother (I'm 26 btw lol) for eating so much fat - She asked me how I was losing weight so I told her, but she didn't like the answer.
  • doneatfour
    doneatfour Posts: 120 Member
    I don't count calories per se because I rarely go over unless I'm WAY over on carbs, too. I freak out only when my carbs are high. When i maintain, I plan to only keep track of my carbs instead of bothering with logging everything. Worked for me when i was in maintenance for a couple of months recently. Still, I didn't know though that you could eat at a surplus and still lose weight/maintain. See, you do learn something when the conversation is not adversarial.

    I wish MFP had a "quick add carbs" option like they do for calories. That would make it perfect for me.
  • Bill_from_Philly
    I don't think MFP is low carb unfriendly, heck 99% of all my lchf friends I met here. I talk about low carb all the time, I'm practically evangelical about it lol..I think most people are just brainwashed to think that eating fat is bad and when people get on my case about it (and these are typically overweight people) I point at their growing waist line and my shrinking one and just ask them how that's working out for them?
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I eat ultra low carb Primal, and I honestly think people are very afraid of the high fat part of a low carb diet. The majority of my calories are fat, and saturated fat to boot, but I have read thousands of articles, journals, scientific reviews, peer reviews etc, etc, and have made up my own mind. :smooched: For me LCHF WORKS! Primal is a way of eating for life, and I love eating this way, so what is said in the wider world outside of this and the Paleo/Primal community is simply water off a duck back.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Howdy Low Carb Group, Happy Holidays :)

    I think there is some misunderstanding on both sides of the fence.

    Some low-carbers will swear that it's not the deficit that is key, there is some metabolic magic in low carbing and it's all about blood sugar, insulin, Gary Taubes, Lustig, Wheat Belly and whatnot.

    Some 'everything in moderation, a calorie is a calorie' followers will deny that some people just get on better with the carbs low (especially the refined stuff) as it helps reduce appetite and cravings. Especially if they have some kind of metabolic imbalance (Insulin Resistance, for instance).

    There is a middle ground there somewhere but internet forums (fora, forii?) don't tend to be a breeding ground for that kind of talk.

    It has to be tribal, a religion ... I did low carb/keto/primal/paleo for 6 months and I enjoyed being part of it but ultimately, for me, I can get on with 'everything in moderation' so that's what I do. If you're getting on with something else then all power to you for finding it :)

    MFP is just a reflection of the world, for good or bad.