Day 2

lkgarza Posts: 56 Member
Woot! Let's do this! Another day of good eats and sticking to our goals. Who's with me?? Today I want to know who you've got supporting you in your NO SUGAR goals? Who have you told and who has joined you in the fun?!

I am sure we can list people who think we're nuts or try to ruin our success. We all face uncomfortable moments when people try to talk you in to just one bite......... stand in your truth (any Suze fans here?) and be proud of your decision to say no thanks!


  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I just about managed to stick to my goal today. I had to assist with cooking white chocolate cookies this morning with my 2 teenage sons. They wanted me to try one telling me how yummy they were. I tried the tiniest, smallest crumb and I was immediately hit with sugar. Even from the smallest crumb I could tell they were just loaded (which of course they were). I went out for a run straight after to clear my head. I've resisted the temptation to eat any (so far).

    My husband sometimes accidentally makes me the odd cup of tea with sugar. I have to throw it down the sink. I get a bit annoyed if he does it too often. The first few occasions he did it I was convinced he was trying to sabotage my efforts but of course he wasn't.

    My 2 boys are quite happy about my decision and support me wholeheartedly, after all it means I don't pinch any of their sweets or chocolate anymore. For the first time in years, they'll get to eat their Easter eggs to themselves.
  • lkgarza
    lkgarza Posts: 56 Member
    I love your dedication!