Squat form I've decided to stick with
I just read an article that made me think of you, on 20 rep squats.
Deload to the empty bar and practice until your form is solid:
(About halfway down the page)
I love reading old-time weight lifting stuff. It's so ... decluttered from all the modern-day "I'm so overly informed, now I'm all confused" stuff everyone with any access to modern media has to deal with and wade through.0 -
i can't watch videos at work which is why I haven't been commenting, but have you already experimented with changing your stance? I have short legs and a long torso too and I squat MUCH wider than other people do. Not sumo, but somewhere half way between.
I have really long legs (I'm almost 5'11") so I do a wide stance but not full blown sumo. Helps with the balance thing. It also seems to be working my inner thighs a bit more. These are much more comfortable for me.
This ^^ I'm 5'10 and all legs. I too have to adjust my squats. wider stance and I still use a small box under me so I know I'm going low enough.0 -
@OP I doubt that degree of scoliosis is causing this problem. I have to watch my own form to make sure my hips remain straight and level, and that means the bar isn't level left to right at,my shoulders, so I use a collar on the lower side. But scoliosis will cause you lateral problems, not the front to back ones you've got, imho.0
If you compare me to this chart, you will see that even with my knees slightly pass my feet and my body bent over forward, I still can't get where the imaginary bar would be to line up with the middle of my feet because of my thigh putting me so far back. The only way to balance is to lean forward but that "leaning forward" is what everyone criticizes in my squats. Does this make sense or am I just crazy? Because I'm not the type to make up excuses, I do a lot of sports & have trained hard for the last couple years in many things
I think you can and should lean forward more. Who's criticizing it? (I had some dude tell me I was leaning too far forward once. He had chicken legs and huge upper body, I didn't listen).
Real lifters have quads!0 -
Not when you're leaning against a door The door is doing the work lol0
Not when you're leaning against a door The door is doing the work lol
I was actually referring to the guy with chicken legs.0 -
Where? lol0
Where? lol
The guy with chicken legs who told me not to lean forward on my squat.0