Those of you who are losing - how are you don't it

jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
Title should say- how are you doing it!

I'm 47, 5ft 7!and weigh 148 pounds. Everyone I speak to / read says I should be doing something different but I have been losing and gaining the same few pounds for a year.
I have been told to eat 1400 and just try to be active by a dietician. Thento eat 1600 and burn 2600 by a sports scientist at kifit (Bodymedia )- we tried 500, then 750 deficit first.
I'm doing Chalean extreme strength DVDs and the odd cardio stuff. Plus long walks with the dogs.

What have other people, with not much to lose found works?
I KNOW I have to be patient but am finding it hard to commit to one regime as I have totally lost confidence that I will ever lose weight. I know I'm not a biological creek but also can't understand why nothing I is working.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I don't take any notice of the scales any more.... That's what works!

    I am currently doing insanity, I put ON weight, but I can see improvements after the first month, I am sure I have lost bodyfat.

    If you don't have much to lose then you only need a very small deficit (200cals) and LOTS of patience!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I've been taking photos and measurements too. They are not changing either.
  • raychulj
    raychulj Posts: 458 Member
    Since giving birth to my daughter this past september. I have lost 30 lbs lifting free weights 2-3 days a week and doing steady state cardio for 30 mins after. I also eat about 1600-2000 cals sometimes more depending. I breastfeed and wear my baby in a wrap when I go grocery shopping. I think that helped with more calorie burn.
    Ill add that I lifted weights for 3 years before and while I was pregnant so my muscle helped burn off the fat too.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You haven't logged any food or exercise for the last week, so there's not much I can suggest at the minute, sorry.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    I found my numbers and stayed within them. That's BMR and TDEE. When I ate between those numbers of calories my weight loss never stopped. I eat my exercise calories all or enough to not be under my BMR (net about 1200-1500 after workout). There are BMR and TDEE calculators online. Best thing I did for myself was input my own calories because the numbers mfp gave me were too low and wouldn't work. A quick standard way to do it is by multiplying your weight by 12 and eat that many calories to lose weight and multiplying 14 to your current weight equals the calories to eat to maintain. I highly recommend eating veggies and lean proteins for health and better results, but frankly the right deficit of calories is enough to lose. You don't need to exercise to lose either. It gives you more calories to eat though and the benefits for body and looks are great.

    Do what works for you. Small changes for health done little by little will be better to stick to in the long run.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I found my numbers and stayed within them. That's BMR and TDEE. When I ate between those numbers of calories my weight loss never stopped. I eat my exercise calories all or enough to not be under my BMR (net about 1200-1500 after workout). There are BMR and TDEE calculators online. Best thing I did for myself was input my own calories because the numbers mfp gave me were too low and wouldn't work. A quick standard way to do it is by multiplying your weight by 12 and eat that many calories to lose weight and multiplying 14 to your current weight equals the calories to eat to maintain. I highly recommend eating veggies and lean proteins for health and better results, but frankly the right deficit of calories is enough to lose. You don't need to exercise to lose either. It gives you more calories to eat though and the benefits for body and looks are great.

    Do what works for you. Small changes for health done little by little will be better to stick to in the long run.

    Thanks but that's the problem- I DON'T KNOW what works for me as nothing seems to.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    My story here:
    I am one of thos "special snowflakes" who only loses if my carbs are kept low. The last few lbs are realllllly slow.
    I ate betwen BMR and TDEE for months and just maintained. It works great for some. Keep trying different things, and pay attention to those macros (don't use MFP's auto-settings, they are USDA bunk IMHO)
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Well done.
  • Jasmine_James
    Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
    I've been trying to lose 30 pounds. I'm more than half way there since starting earlier this year. When you don't have a ton to lose you have to expect that it'll be slow. I have had weeks where I didn't lose anything and weeks where I even went up a bit. My suggestion is to mix things up. If what you're doing isn't working, try a new approach. It might be that the old approach worked for a while and then your body caught on to what you were doing, so you have to change things up to trick it into losing.

    Personally, I'm doing a keto diet (low carb, high fat -- very clean eating, almost nothing processed) and working out most days. I am running 3-4 days a week and also doing strength training.

    I say give yourself a month to really try something new -- get a new workout DVD or start a new exercise, like hiking.