April challenge

demilade Posts: 402 Member
Lets take the opportunity this month to reset. A lot of us are tired or can't be bothered or finding it a bit hard.

The goals for this month are :

1 - set your food goal. A max amount of calories a day or a food you will give up.
2 - set your exercise goal.
3 - set your weight loss goal

These should not be overerly challenging or stretch you. Make them achievable. This month is about getting back into a groove.


  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    My goals :

    Food : keep my calories within the range set by the dietician and try to limit sugar.
    Exercise : do something 4 days a week
    Weight loss : 3 kilos / 6.5 pounds
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    I like this challenge:bigsmile:

    FOOD: I'm going to stay between 1500-1600 calories a day

    EXERCISE: 6 days a week atleast one hour a day

    WEIGHT LOSS: 10lbs this month
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    Mmmmm, yesterday I definitely got the exercise in-4 hours walking around the zoo. Tracked it as 45 mins slow pace. Food not as good. Still feeling a bit off so didn't eat much but still managed an Easter egg :)

    Lol today I have managed exercise and I'm off to a good start with food.
  • Hi everyone. It's Yolanda. Hope everyone had a nice Easter for those who celebrate it.

    Here are my goals:

    - Food : Keep my calories between the range set by the dietician and the MFP experts .
    - Exercise : I am striving to work out 6 times a week, Monday - Saturday. I think I am going to start out with Jillian Michael or the Biggest Loser workouts this month since I don't have a gym membership at the moment.
    - Weight loss : Trying to reach at least three of my goals this month, which is about 10-15 lbs.

    Peace :)
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    Mmmmm, yesterday I definitely got the exercise in-4 hours walking around the zoo. Tracked it as 45 mins slow pace. Food not as good. Still feeling a bit off so didn't eat much but still managed an Easter egg :)

    Lol today I have managed exercise and I'm off to a good start with food.

    Awesome start:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Now this is a challenge that I need, at just the right moment!

    FOOD: I'm going to stay between 1400-1500 calories a day

    EXERCISE: 3 days a week for a minimum of 3--45 minutes, with daily walks at work that are at least 20 minutes.

    WEIGHT LOSS: I'd like to get 10 pounds gone, but realistically I know it's probably gonna be more like 5-8,
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    Smashed it! 2.4kg lost, exercised every day. Calories a little low
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    So far I'm not doing great. I caught the flu so I've not been able to exercise, on the plus side I've kept my calories in check (no appetite at all). I am feeling better now, I still have a cough and some problems with my breathing, but I'm starting to exercise again. No Tae-bo yet but I am going to ride the exercise bike.
  • jesskkai
    jesskkai Posts: 5
    1 - Food: 1500-1700 Calories
    2 - 30 day shred every day and 5k training every other day.
    3 - 10 lbs
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    Did not do as well as I expected. Started out sick.:sick: Then had an accident at work that kept me from exercising...:cry:

    So the one goal I met was my calories.:bigsmile:
    I only managed half my exercise.:grumble:
    I only lost about 4 lbs:sad:

    But I'm back on track now and I am .2 lbs away from being under 250 That is a number I haven't seen on the scale in atleast 20 years.:bigsmile: