April Goals!



  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    I´m a completely newbie, my first day lifting is tomorrow (the 2. of april.)
    My goals:

    Consistency! To show up for work every workout through the month.
    To learn proper form. I want to learn the basics and improve it as much as I can.
    To read all of Starting Strength "A simple and practical guide for coaching beginners". Maybe twice.
    To raise my calorie level (wich is a little transboundering for me...) from 1350-1600 (Final goal 1800)
    And how did it go?
    I went to the gym every single time. Didn´t miss a workout.
    I´m still learning. Probably always will. Have made an appointment with a personal trainer to check on my form (monday the 6´th.)
    I´m still reading. English is not my native language...
    Calorie level raised to 1600.
    All in all a great month. :smile: