April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack

tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
Posting up a new thread before I go to bed tomorrow.

I also put up an April Goals thread in the sticky - but post them here too so you can talk about them.

I don't really have one - I need to get a bit more cardio in, if I can, but I won't sweat it. In the past I'd say my goal was not to miss a lifting session, but I honestly just never do (well not NEVER, but if I do its for something big, otherwise my schedule is so flexible I can generally fit it in).

I felt good about deadlifting today - 175x3. Not a record or anything but it was a day that overall felt pretty solid.


  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    my goal is to do Anti-March where I had a bunch of mediocre workouts.... it showed in my March results where I lost 8 pounds but more importantly didnt lose much in the way of inches....basically 1 of my hips, NADA from waist and a half inch off my already too small boobs Goals: Swim 3-4 times a week before work Strong Lifts or Body Pump Class 3 Evenings Lose 10 pounds Get into size 10 jeans (current size 12) Stick to Saturday morning ONLY weigh-ins

    so Im off work Monday & Tuesday.... gonna get my swimming in hopefully very early, like 6am, if I ever get back to sleep (its 2am and Im WIDE AWAKE)

    been lifting & moving 50+ pound cinder blocks all weekend for home improvement project... Im considering that a workout since Day 1 of projct (Friday) left me with DOMs....

    Tomorrow afternoon/evening I will do StrongLifts workout A, though because I deloaded from 75 to 65 on my squats and stayed there for 2 weeks in March m not sure where to start
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Haha love the title! Will post goals later when I think of something. I am sure one will envolve the demonic scale.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Wow....April already. This year is flying by way faster than I expected.

    Goal: Hmmm....right now, I've been hovering at 140 for squats forever, so this month's goal is to get my squats to 150 WITH good form.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    At this point in the game, I would be happy to simply settle for a clean bill of health from the ortho tomorrow. I haven't done any DL's or rows since the regular doc told me not to pick up anything heavy. (I don't consider squats picking up anything heavy, exactly, LOL...)

    My goal for the month is to NOT be injured, ;)
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I think I am going to try eating at maintenance and keeping up my regular workouts for April. I got sort of fed up with cutting in March, and this week I've been very up and down emotionally with regards to my body and food. Yesterday I ate WAY too much, for example. And I was still eating even when I wasn't hungry, and I could tell I was doing it for emotional reasons, but I have yet to pinpoint exactly what those emotions were. In the meantime, while I try to figure out what my brain is doing and why I think it is trying to sabotage me, I'll eat maintenance-ish. I hope. I'm guessing at my maintenance, so, you know. Plus it seems to change. You'd think from all the data I have from over a year on here that I would have at least figured out my maintenance, but no. Not so much.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ugh. Crappy workout today. I slept horribly, so I was kind of expecting it.

    Squats I was a little wobbly on. I was still at 95, so not sure exactly why they were sucking so much, but they were. I was having some serious balance issues.

    OHP, I actually threw up 5 5 5 5 3 at 60lbs. I was kind of surprised since I just went up in weight and that was my first attempt at 60.

    DL. I killed myself. They weren't feeling wonderful during warmups, but of course I needed to push myself, so I tried 180 again (I had some form breakdown last time). I did 1x2 then 1x1. I tried to get it up again and got it about an inch off the ground. Decided to take a bit of a rest then try again. Walked up to the bar, got into starting position, and my right knee completely gave out before I even tried to lift it. I'm mostly happy I completely didn't fall over into the bar. I had problems supporting my weight let alone walking.

    It was one of those things that you think you might be able to walk off, so I hobbled around putting the smaller weights away. When I got down to the bar and the 2 45s, I figured I had enough in me to get it back to the squat rack to deload. Still having problems walking, and I'm not sure exactly what I did. Apparently I broke myself. Hopefully it will be better by Wednesday so that I can squat, but I guess we'll just have to see how I do. :grumble:

    This month is going to suck since I'll be traveling a lot, and I don't know if I just injured myself this morning, so we'll see how that goes.

    As for goals:
    1) Not miss more than 3 SL workouts this month. It'll be a little difficult with the traveling, but I think I can manage it. I will be missing a lot of my cardio, so that's going to kind of suck. And I know when I travel I don't eat well. :grumble:
    2) Fit into the next size down for work pants. I can get some of them on, but they're way too tight still. I'd like to work on dropping some inches so I can get them on.
    3) Diet break!! Looking forward to this. I'm planning on starting April 21. The hard part will be going to Scotland and not eating above maintenance. Especially since I know I'll be drinking a lot. However, this will make goal #2 more difficult...
    4) Lifting goals:
    Squats 95....110
    Bench 80......92.5
    Rows 65.......75
    OHP 60.........67.5
    DL 180..........190 (I'm going to have to deload, and even 190 might be too ambitious of a goal)
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Ugh. Crappy workout today. I slept horribly, so I was kind of expecting it.

    Squats I was a little wobbly on. I was still at 95, so not sure exactly why they were sucking so much, but they were. I was having some serious balance issues.

    OHP, I actually threw up 5 5 5 5 3 at 60lbs. I was kind of surprised since I just went up in weight and that was my first attempt at 60.

    DL. I killed myself. They weren't feeling wonderful during warmups, but of course I needed to push myself, so I tried 180 again (I had some form breakdown last time). I did 1x2 then 1x1. I tried to get it up again and got it about an inch off the ground. Decided to take a bit of a rest then try again. Walked up to the bar, got into starting position, and my right knee completely gave out before I even tried to lift it. I'm mostly happy I completely didn't fall over into the bar. I had problems supporting my weight let alone walking.

    It was one of those things that you think you might be able to walk off, so I hobbled around putting the smaller weights away. When I got down to the bar and the 2 45s, I figured I had enough in me to get it back to the squat rack to deload. Still having problems walking, and I'm not sure exactly what I did. Apparently I broke myself. Hopefully it will be better by Wednesday so that I can squat, but I guess we'll just have to see how I do. :grumble:

    This month is going to suck since I'll be traveling a lot, and I don't know if I just injured myself this morning, so we'll see how that goes.

    As for goals:
    1) Not miss more than 3 SL workouts this month. It'll be a little difficult with the traveling, but I think I can manage it. I will be missing a lot of my cardio, so that's going to kind of suck. And I know when I travel I don't eat well. :grumble:
    2) Fit into the next size down for work pants. I can get some of them on, but they're way too tight still. I'd like to work on dropping some inches so I can get them on.
    3) Diet break!! Looking forward to this. I'm planning on starting April 21. The hard part will be going to Scotland and not eating above maintenance. Especially since I know I'll be drinking a lot. However, this will make goal #2 more difficult...
    4) Lifting goals:
    Squats 95....110
    Bench 80......92.5
    Rows 65.......75
    OHP 60.........67.5
    DL 180..........190 (I'm going to have to deload, and even 190 might be too ambitious of a goal)

    Hope you aren't broken!! But I must say awesome DL. I thought I was going to pop a vein last night pulling 145. I can only dream about pulling 180.
    I am also jealous of your Scotland trip. It is so on my bucket list!! Have a great time!! I think it is an excellent idea to do maintenance on the trip so you wont have to miss out on goodies.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Juliemouse: Not being injured is a great goal! Hope you can meet that one.

    Auddii: Oh, so sorry to hear about your difficulties today. Be careful with that knee! And good luck with the travel, it can take so much out of you!

    General stuff: Isn't it weird how you feel super strong one day and weak another day. Today my squat weight felt unbearably heavy and I'm not sure why. Ah well, it's one of life's mysteries, I guess.

    BP was pretty easy at 85, so I'll go up next time.

    Rows are finally working the way they're supposed to. I'm confident enough that I'm doing it right to increase the weight, so 85 next time and hoping to get that up to 100 by the end of the month.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Audii: I hope you aren't broken!

    Julie: Fingers crossed that you get the "all clear" from your doctor.

    I'm just sticking my nose in the thread. Haven't worked out since Thursday and I don't like the way I feel right now. Proud of all of you!
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    At this point in the game, I would be happy to simply settle for a clean bill of health from the ortho tomorrow. I haven't done any DL's or rows since the regular doc told me not to pick up anything heavy. (I don't consider squats picking up anything heavy, exactly, LOL...)

    My goal for the month is to NOT be injured, ;)

    Hope you get a clean bill tomorrow.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    ::Sending healing vibes to audii & julie::

    Just tagging the new thread... rest day for me today. I made some goals for the month and now I'm all nervous about making them LOL.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    Mouse I hope ya get that clean bill of health too..or you may need a shrink too ;)
    auddi maybe a rest day....hopefully you arent hurt
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Goals for April:
    - Complete cycle 1 of my routine and complete 2 weeks of cycle 2. Tweak along the way. Definitely stick with power cleans and work on overhead squats. At some point take a look at jerks and snatches and find out what those are all about.
    - Find that elusive nutritional balance of getting enough protein, a moderate amount of fat, and not going crazy with carbses while maintaining enough of a calorie deficit to drop roughly a pound of fat a month (ish) over the next couple years (that'll bring me to within 5 or so pounds of my weight goal).
    - Wean myself *somewhat* off my MFP OCD and learn to just make better choices that work for me without having to track every.single.calorie.
    - Applying what I've learned from logging/tracking over the past 2 months and staying consistent with it.
    - Going for a 2-week diet break to eat at maintenance, and going down to a deficit after that again for about a month or two (apparently somewhat regular cycling of maintenance/deficit is not only good for the body but also the psyche and helps with stick-to-it-ness).
    - Find a way to do a bit more cardio this month than last month (take the dogs for walks regularly and/or get on my bike more or something, we shall see).

    I know that sounds kind of generic (we need numbers, dammit! numberrrrssss!! :angry:) but that's all I've got right now, honestly. The overlying theme for April will be "reasonable intake/output." That's actually a challenge for me, but I think I've learned enough by now to make it happen. :smile:

    Also, speaking of reasonable (:laugh:), I ate an entire bag (yep!) of BBQ mesquite chips of the kettle variety to the tune of about 1200 calories along with drinking a bottle of homebrew on Saturday night. OMG was it ever so good. BBQ chips are my kryptonite and I can never just eat one (or less than an entire bag, apparently). The goal was to eat half of the bag one day and the other half the next but yanno, it's been a couple months since I had a chip, so before I knew it ... oops. :drinker:

    It's a lot easier to eat a bag of chips if you a) give yourself permission and b) fit it into your overall plan. That way you can enjoy every bite without the guilt.

    Sorry for all the rambling. Thanks for reading the whole thing. I've been up to my neck in Lyle McDonald and he's very wordy (but also super informative once you get past the wordy part). :flowerforyou:

    I wish you all a month full of awesomely progressive lifting. Thanks for accepting me so well. Appreciate all you gals more than you know. :heart:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Actually I like your goals Dani! I usually make goals like that myself. Because, I really have no control over if I hit a certain number, but I *do* have control over what I do. So if I hit my exercise and nutrition goals for the month I can feel successful regardless of whether I hit any number goals or not.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member

    Get 7 hours of sleep at a minimum per night. (usually okay with it, but I know it hasn't been great lately)
    Leave the scale in the closet.
    Eat over TDEE for a one month trial "bulk". Would like to see how much muscle +5-10 lbs overall gives me.

    As for weights:

    Squat: 150 (currently @ 125)
    Bench: 115 (currently @ 95)
    Row: 125 (currently @ 100)
    OHP: 75 (currently @ 65/70)
    Deadlift: 175 (currently @ 135)

    I'm going to keep up with moderate cardio at least twice a week, but no more than 20-30 min per day.

    We will see how things go this month.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Happy April Ladies!

    I had a fantastic long weekend....did it up right single girl style :laugh: :wink: :blushing:

    Still managed to track everything I ate and I would say averaged out I still managed to stay at maintenance....maybe at little bit over. Oh well. The only crappy thing is that I ended up taking 2 rest days instead of 1 as I had planned. Not really the biggest deal, but I think I'm disappointed because I had "planned" to only take 1 rest day given the holiday....didn't skip lifting though....just a schedule yoga day.

    Easter dinner for me consisted of french onion soup, steak, baked potato, broccoli and a chocolate desert shared 3 ways. Overall not so bad!

    Lowered weight on my squat this morning to 125 to get that bit lower in my depth. I think it was effective as my *kitten* is killing me :laugh: Stayed at the same weight on BP as well @ 62 and lowered weight back down to 90 on my row. Probably could have done 95 again but I really want to start focusing on the form instead of increasing weight every workout. Plus changing up the reps kind of keeps it a bit more interesting!

    My goals for April are kind of soft goals if you will.
    -continue at 1800 cal/day until at least mid month in an attempt to figure out WTH I need to do to lose more inches!
    -make a final decision on which life coach course I am going to take.
    -continue to balance lifting, cardio, and yoga. I feel really good since doing this.....BUT the deficit calories are making it tough. Not concern myself so much with increasing weight every session, but a combination of increasing reps, weight, and proper form to maximize each and every exercise.
    -find a nice boy to date regularly. Maybe even regular circuit training. That would be the best :laugh:
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I'm just jumping in to tag. My goals are to make the move to 5/3/1 without killing myself. :laugh:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Actually I like your goals Dani! I usually make goals like that myself. Because, I really have no control over if I hit a certain number, but I *do* have control over what I do. So if I hit my exercise and nutrition goals for the month I can feel successful regardless of whether I hit any number goals or not.

    ^^ Yep, pretty much :smile:
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I was sick all weekend, and I got sent home from work today because I'm still sick, so my goals aren't too lofty. I'm not feeling overly ambitious at the moment. :smile:

    I've been trying to up my cardio because I'm pretty sedentary in my day to day life, and I love food! I'm also trying to work in some yoga and mobility work, but it bores me to death. Basically if I could lift everyday I'd be happy, but I can't so I'm still trying to find out what will work in the other areas that I can stick to.

    I just started stronglifts Saturday. I've been lifting again for 6 months (NROL4W), but I still decided to go back to the empty bar to practice form, and to give myself a little rest. So I don't have any concrete weight goals at the moment because this month should be pretty easy in that respect.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Tagging the new thread.

    I met my March goal of not getting ill (along with most of the others) but I woke up this morning with a sore throat. Thanks, body.