April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Straight into a squat rack yeah and a guy asked very politely if he could use the bench press after me. I even let him warm up in between my sets. Yay!
    squats 40kg 5x5 yay! Will redo next time to keep form!
    bench 30kg new pr, 5,5,5,4,3
    and had a durr moment on the rows.. I have used the half weight bar before so loaded up the Olympic bar with 20kg weights err no that is 60kg should have been 10 each side! (the maths was screwy whatever bar I was using I am turning onto a meathead!) so even with the right weight only managed 5,4,4,5,4 but it didn't feel great. will try with the small bar and the 15kg plates next time for better distance to floor! Oh no that would still be a 5k increase. Bah humbug I need to get stronger fast!
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Soos, what program are you following? Something homebaked?

    I'm seriously thinking about going back to 3x5 here soon cause I notice the higher rep ranges are not a friend of good form, and plus I don't want to get swole :laugh: AllPro's is aimed towards hypertrophy ... of course cause it's from a bodybuilding forum ... and so I don't think that's going to help me aim for endurance unless I go further down in weights and go way up in reps. Not that I'm actually getting swole (matter of fact I seem to be shrinking slightly), but I realized I miss making those frequent strength gains. Then again my happy day is Saturday when the big deloads happen and I can just dinker around at my own leisure (and even do triceps work!) because it feels so ez (compared to Tuesday which generally just kicks my tail now). :laugh: at myself for thinking "ez" means a 45 lbs barbell rather than a 5 lb dumbbell.

    Thinking about switching things over to a 3x5 program with an automatic deload put in so I can keep the extra stuff I'm doing that keeps me from becoming bored, and generally keep the same lifting rotation but go up in weight every week rather than reps. I.e. somehow merging principles from AllPro's and Rippetoe while aiming for a personal sweet spot of sorts that works for me. :smile:

    I need to kick Rippetoe out of my head and his "just follow the damn program" harpings and be fine with tweaking things to avoid boredom while still making overall progress. I mean, crap, I've been lifting and doing yoga religiously 3 times weekly for 2 months now, and that's definitely unheard of in my corner of the universe. That part of it I love. Devil's in the details I guess as they say ...

    I'm going to go pick stuff up and put it down again for a while. That always helps defuzz the brain. :drinker:

    Ummm pretty much lol. I am building off the SL with including the compound lifts, but I found that I get incredibly bored, incredibly fast so I thought I would switch it up just at bit. My other choice, as Tameko puts it, is to be a fat lazy *kitten*. :laugh: I figure when I get bored with this I will find another routine or just change up my accessory lifts.

    I love lifting but the same thing over and over greatly affects my ADD and it will get to the point where I hate doing it. Right now I am happy with what I am doing, exchanging rows for cleans, adding some accessory arms one day and then accessory legs the next. I am doing things that I like (with the exception of that OHP, *kitten* :grumble: I will keep doing those because they are good for the arms and shoulders ). I figure if I can keep it fresh for myself then I am more apt to stick with it. I am probably going to go back to a 5x5 though because I am not feeling the 3x8. My mind and body wants to give out after that 5th rep because it has been programmed to take at break at 5 I guess. I even deloaded some of my weight when I went 3x8, but still hit 5 and my body thinks I am done and those last 3 are a struggle sometimes.

    @Tameko- thanks for the progress pic thread! I am hoping to see some "progress" in mine this month.

    @lwoodroff- I cant math either lol. But nice workout!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    BUUUUUT!!! If your goal is "to go to the gym and not be a fat lazy *kitten* at least 3x a week" then its fine to make your program yourself.

    That's about my goal, really. The other goal being to never lose my love for lifting, and to stick with it, while making some sort of upward/forward progression on a semi-regular basis. Which is very generic, I know, but that's still a HUGE improvement from where I was this time last year when I was lifting zero and doing yoga a couple times a month maybe.

    I'm terribly concerned that using up my newb gains too quickly by putting the pedal to the metal is going to make me stand in my garage a year from now and think "ok now what?" Because once you're at the point of making like a pound or two gains every month, what's there to aim for now if your goal is to max out some program or to achieve straight-up number gains? The point in a video game where I roll an alt is usually way before I reach top level. Just so I can do the thing over again in a different way, apply what I've learned, and explore different sides of it, rather than maxing out top end gains (eeking out the last 1-2% of something is never my idea of a good time).

    I know that Starting Strength is proven, as is Stronglifts and AllPro's and those people obviously know way more than I do about strength training. They've poured all their years and decades' worth of experience into these programs and made them as close to ideal and efficient as you're going to get.

    But who they don't know, is me. I know me and my boredom threshold, I know what I've learned from my personal lifting sessions over the past couple months, and sticking with the same program for 8 weeks isn't going to happen. I gotta have that variety sprinkled in. That's why I can never get to a max level in a video game very quickly because I love the process of exploration and folliwing side trails to see where they lead. Or use shortcuts/cheat codes just to see how the game ends. Except you can't do that with lifting. :huh:

    If you don't play video games, then my analogy is probably meaningless to you but that's really the best way I can put it. :drinker:

    Now at some point I might get a wild hair up my *kitten* and decide I want to straight-up power lift to see how high I can get, and that's when I'll be following Starting Strength to the letter because it's designed to help people do exactly that: The greatest amount of strength gains in the shortest amount of time. But, at this point in the game, my goals are a lot more fuzzy than that, which is why I don't mind experimenting, trying different things and discarding what doesn't work for me. Heck I just might actually give SL a whirl for a few weeks and see what that's all about (and actually earn my right to be posting here :laugh:).

    TLDR: I'm perfectly okay with taking the first 6 or so months of my lifting experience to find out what actually suits me, and trying out different programs to see what those are all about while I figure out more concrete goals. All the while gaining strength and getting rid of some unwanted fat cells that have set up shop for way too long around here. I am definitely going to stick with some form of compound lifting as a foundation/focus, because there's just nothing better, period, and I really enjoy it.

    Sorry for throwing up my random inner musings all over this thread. But it helps to get them out and getting feedback, so thanks for that! :flowerforyou:

    Oh and I took some vids of me OHPing and rowing today. Those were very eye opening! Going to try and upload them for some feedback.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Didn't check up on you ladies yet, but throwing out my prgress from today.

    Workout A

    Squats: 145lbs--New PR but I need to watch my knees. They were a little wibbly wobbly.
    Bench: 92.5lbs--I made sure to really squeeze my shoulders and arch my back. The weight was still heavy, but it went up easier than 90lbs did.
    Rows: 95lbs (thought I was doing 100lbs)--:angry: Accidently deloaded because I'm seriously dumb. I kept thinking "These are so easy!" I may need to start writing on my arm which plates to use for each lift. :grumble:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    great workout, some amazing weights there! I use the lifting buddy app which tells me what to lift, but not how to work out the weights.. *sigh*..
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @Dani.....you know you might also like the way that I have started following SL. I know that you aren't "supposed" to mess around with it too much, but what I found after going through my first cycle was that I love the program....but I was starting to take an *kitten* whooping on the progression. I fully realize that is the basis of the program.....but the bottom line for me is that I do still have physical goals that I want to meet and I just can't eat enough to fuel that sort of strength progression SOOOOOO.......

    I took a deload week between cycle 1 and 2 and then used my deload weights as starting weight for cycle 2. Progression can either be in intensity or volume or both......I am now doing a hybrid whereby I don't increase weight every session, but rather work to pound out an extra rep....I try not to go any longer that 4 workouts/ lifts at the same weight though. This allows me to work on my form further while messing with the heavier weights, plus I'm still progressing and I don't need to eat quite as much to progress at this level. The other nice thing is that because I'm also doing 3x5, I can fit my cardio in after.

    Anyway.....I realize that as Tamkeo said, the people that designed these programs are experts.....and I respect the program but I feel like as long as your are progressing in your lifts in some fashion that you will still be ahead of the game. For myself personally, I know that I can accomplish a lot more before I move to an intermediate program and quite frankly, being fairly new to lifting, I just don't know my "lifting body" well enough yet to feel confident moving forward.

    But that's just my 2 cents :smile:
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member

    But who they don't know, is me. I know me and my boredom threshold, I know what I've learned from my personal lifting sessions over the past couple months, and sticking with the same program for 8 weeks isn't going to happen. I gotta have that variety sprinkled in. That's why I can never get to a max level in a video game very quickly because I love the process of exploration and folliwing side trails to see where they lead. Or use shortcuts/cheat codes just to see how the game ends. Except you can't do that with lifting. :huh:

    If you don't play video games, then my analogy is probably meaningless to you but that's really the best way I can put it. :drinker:

    Now at some point I might get a wild hair up my *kitten* and decide I want to straight-up power lift to see how high I can get, and that's when I'll be following Starting Strength to the letter because it's designed to help people do exactly that: The greatest amount of strength gains in the shortest amount of time. But, at this point in the game, my goals are a lot more fuzzy than that, which is why I don't mind experimenting, trying different things and discarding what doesn't work for me. Heck I just might actually give SL a whirl for a few weeks and see what that's all about (and actually earn my right to be posting here :laugh:).

    TLDR: I'm perfectly okay with taking the first 6 or so months of my lifting experience to find out what actually suits me, and trying out different programs to see what those are all about while I figure out more concrete goals. All the while gaining strength and getting rid of some unwanted fat cells that have set up shop for way too long around here. I am definitely going to stick with some form of compound lifting as a foundation/focus, because there's just nothing better, period, and I really enjoy it.

    Sorry for throwing up my random inner musings all over this thread. But it helps to get them out and getting feedback, so thanks for that! :flowerforyou:

    Oh and I took some vids of me OHPing and rowing today. Those were very eye opening! Going to try and upload them for some feedback.

    You're my ADD twin lol. I have a very very low boredom threshold :yawn:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    You're my ADD twin lol.

    Yes I think so! :drinker:
    I feel like as long as your are progressing in your lifts in some fashion that you will still be ahead of the game...

    3x5 is short and sweet. I like that. Leaves you plenty of breathing room for other things. I really like that now that I'm figuring out which lifts I want to keep and which ones I want to dump (good bye barbell curl! hellooo power clean, front squat and overhead squat!) There's a lot of lifts I want to try on for size, so I'm going to leave myself lots of wiggle room while sticking to a main core progression. :smile:

    Programs do work and I think that a written record is absolutely necessary for lifting to stay on top of progression and to keep you from doing anything too willy nilly in the weight room. I have to have my spreadsheet and program there with me so that I have at least a general idea of what I'm doing that day. Keeps my ADD in check *mostly*. :bigsmile: So I will definitely stick to having a written program several weeks in advance.

    Anyhoo that's prolly enough about me and best suited for a journal or blog :bigsmile: Maybe somebody will benefit from all my brain/keyboard diarrhea posts today. Sorry! :huh:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member

    "Would you rather run on the treadmill or play with the barbell for 15 minutes?"

    Dur! That's a no brainer! Favorited. Thanks!! :flowerforyou:

  • "Would you rather run on the treadmill or play with the barbell for 15 minutes?"

    Dur! That's a no brainer! Favorited. Thanks!! :flowerforyou:

    This is awesome!! I think I'm going to try sticking it at the end of the workout with just the bar. Looks like fun and is sure to scare the old ladies doing physical therapy (did I mention I'm lifting at work before my shift now? hehe)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    "Would you rather run on the treadmill or play with the barbell for 15 minutes?"

    Dur! That's a no brainer! Favorited. Thanks!! :flowerforyou:

    This is awesome!! I think I'm going to try sticking it at the end of the workout with just the bar. Looks like fun and is sure to scare the old ladies doing physical therapy (did I mention I'm lifting at work before my shift now? hehe)

    I still haven't tried them yet! I'm not sure where I want to add it in.....I'm thinking I will wait until I get sick of the treadmill and then sub a couple of those out for the running! Let me know how you ladies make out with it!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    You're my ADD twin lol.

    Yes I think so! :drinker:
    I feel like as long as your are progressing in your lifts in some fashion that you will still be ahead of the game...

    3x5 is short and sweet. I like that. Leaves you plenty of breathing room for other things. I really like that now that I'm figuring out which lifts I want to keep and which ones I want to dump (good bye barbell curl! hellooo power clean, front squat and overhead squat!) There's a lot of lifts I want to try on for size, so I'm going to leave myself lots of wiggle room while sticking to a main core progression. :smile:

    Programs do work and I think that a written record is absolutely necessary for lifting to stay on top of progression and to keep you from doing anything too willy nilly in the weight room. I have to have my spreadsheet and program there with me so that I have at least a general idea of what I'm doing that day. Keeps my ADD in check *mostly*. :bigsmile: So I will definitely stick to having a written program several weeks in advance.

    Anyhoo that's prolly enough about me and best suited for a journal or blog :bigsmile: Maybe somebody will benefit from all my brain/keyboard diarrhea posts today. Sorry! :huh:

    I've actually been thinking about melding stronglifts and ss together. Mainly I just want to add power cleans. I love them! And I have a feeling as the weight progresses 5x5 might be too much.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member

    Wow - that looks super fun. I may have to give that a shot tomorrow. . .

    Dani and Soo - it's very interesting to read about how you are changing things up. I tend to 'follow the directions,' so I enjoy reading about all the ways we can adapt this stuff to suit our personalities and tendencies.

    Tameko - thanks for the link to the guest blogger on Nia Shank's site - I went down a rabbit hole there and in Girls Gone Strong today - but I learned a ton!

    Rest and yoga day for me - I had taken a bit of a break from yoga while starting SL - I was pleasantly surprised at my strength and stamina today, but I have lost a TON of flexibility, so I am going to make sure to get in there at least once a week.

    I downloaded Starting Strength on to my iPod today, too. Fascinating stuff, especially for an ex-academic like me who loves complicated explanations of how things work. I'm going to coerce one of the staff at the gym to video my squat and deadlift tomorrow so that I can compare my perception with the reality. Maybe I'll even figure out how to post it up here, LOL

    Have a good evening, everybody!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I just wanted to check in. So far so good! I did my second WO A this morning. I'm having a hard time being patient with upping the weights, because I know I can lift more. But I'm being a good girl, and adding the 5 pounds per workout :tongue:
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I went to the gym today and had a nice little workout after getting my butt kicked by the trainer on Tuesday. Did squats 45 5x10 because my butt and abs are too sore to handle any weight. Bench 100 3x5 and Rows 80 3x5. I randomly decided to pop out some pushups after my rows and was quite pleased I did 10 in a row no problem, but my chucks kept slipping so I stopped. I probably could have eked out a couple more. Toe ones too! The most I've done before in a row was 14, but I didn't lift before that. Then I came home and did some hill sprints. Now I'm tired.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I went to the gym today and had a nice little workout after getting my butt kicked by the trainer on Tuesday. Did squats 45 5x10 because my butt and abs are too sore to handle any weight. Bench 100 3x5 and Rows 80 3x5. I randomly decided to pop out some pushups after my rows and was quite pleased I did 10 in a row no problem, but my chucks kept slipping so I stopped. I probably could have eked out a couple more. Toe ones too! The most I've done before in a row was 14, but I didn't lift before that. Then I came home and did some hill sprints. Now I'm tired.

    Just reading your post made me tired lol. Great workout!
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member

    Wow - that looks super fun. I may have to give that a shot tomorrow. . .

    Dani and Soo - it's very interesting to read about how you are changing things up. I tend to 'follow the directions,' so I enjoy reading about all the ways we can adapt this stuff to suit our personalities and tendencies.

    Tameko - thanks for the link to the guest blogger on Nia Shank's site - I went down a rabbit hole there and in Girls Gone Strong today - but I learned a ton!

    Rest and yoga day for me - I had taken a bit of a break from yoga while starting SL - I was pleasantly surprised at my strength and stamina today, but I have lost a TON of flexibility, so I am going to make sure to get in there at least once a week.

    I downloaded Starting Strength on to my iPod today, too. Fascinating stuff, especially for an ex-academic like me who loves complicated explanations of how things work. I'm going to coerce one of the staff at the gym to video my squat and deadlift tomorrow so that I can compare my perception with the reality. Maybe I'll even figure out how to post it up here, LOL

    Have a good evening, everybody!

    I have the attention span of a gnat. I cant even sit through a movie! I was bored at week 3 even though I do like the workout, so I knew I had to change it up so I wouldn't just say screw it I'm done. There are a gazillion and one things you can do with a barbell and like Dani I will keep changing it up and trying new lifts so when I get bored I can just to keep myself interested. Don't get me wrong I LOVE to lift, but I hate monotony and things get tedious for me when I hit mono.

    And the whole losing the flexibility thing stinks. I have been doing some yogers ( what my son calls it lol) myself in attempts to remain somewhat limberish. But it does help and I dont feel as nearly as tight after a good yoga and foam roller session.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I just had an idea! You guys with bicep profile photos look awesome!! What if we all do bicep photos for next week? What do you think?

    I am not lifting (waiting for butt to heal) but I am eating chocolate! I don't know what is going on but I am insatiable!! Maybe I need more circuit training? ; )
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    Hey y'all!

    I get bored real easily too, also ADD and a gamer except that I usually beat the game, but don't finish the post game extra stuff lol.. How long are, those of you switching up your lifts, sticking to the program as written before changing things up?

    Jstout- it's much better today my shoulder. I think Zumba loosened it and I'm also using heat (a tube sock with rice, microwaveable) and that helped a great deal. I think once I get the fractionals, I won't pull anything like that anymore and I've learned my lesson to not push toooo much.. Just enough! Lol

    I hope you all had a good day :0)