BAMarsh Posts: 72 Member
I completed S1WA this morning. I am a runner (I do half and full marathons) and I sweated (is that the past tense of sweat? haha) almost as much as I do when I run 3 miles.

It's going to be interesting keeping up with running while I do NWoL4W. I plan lifting M/W/F and running T/Th/Su. I may have to cut back to two days of lifting and have two rest days - but I'll see as I go along and make adjustments.

I have to say, this 2000 calorie thing is going to be rough - I had a protein bar after lifting this morning (my magic bullet broke and I'm waiting on my replacement parts >:( - so no smoothies for now - plus not a lot of time to get one made and drank while getting me and two kids ready). So now I'm sitting here at my desk trying to eat yogurt and my stomach is wanting none of it. blech. But I'm determined to follow this plan - I lost 20 lbs last Jan-April doing 1200 cals. I gained ALL of it back. I wasn't starving during that time, 1200 was fine with the high fiber/protein things that I choose to eat, but when I started eating higher cals I think (well, I KNOW because 20lbs doesn't just happen) I over did it.

Anyway - I"m ready to do this and kick some butt!



  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I find a lot of times, I'm hungrier the day after lifting, not as much the day of. As long as it balances out, you'll be fine, I think you'll find yourself hungrier soon enough.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I think (from my own experience) that you may struggle with all the running AND the lifting. This program has a LOT of leg work. Be careful not to overdo it
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    depending on how far you are running on TTSa, you may need more than 2000 calories a day. Listen to your body!
  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member
    I find a lot of times, I'm hungrier the day after lifting, not as much the day of. As long as it balances out, you'll be fine, I think you'll find yourself hungrier soon enough.

    Glad it's not just me!
  • BAMarsh
    BAMarsh Posts: 72 Member
    I ran 2 miles on Tuesday and 3.2 today. My legs were aching when I woke up this morning (from the lunges yesterday) but I decided to give a run a try. I felt fantastic and actually had a better pace than I've had in a while. I'm not a fast runner (usually average 11:30 pace because I run/walk) but today I had a 10:30 pace.

    I know to watch myself and not overdo it. When I was training for my marathon last year there was more than once that I knew I had to rest or not run as far as I was scheduled.

    I'll drop to two weightlifting days a week if I have to the rest of April - since I have a half marathon coming up May 5.

    And I've actually been just over 2000 all week. :)
  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member
    I ran 2 miles on Tuesday and 3.2 today. My legs were aching when I woke up this morning (from the lunges yesterday) but I decided to give a run a try. I felt fantastic and actually had a better pace than I've had in a while. I'm not a fast runner (usually average 11:30 pace because I run/walk) but today I had a 10:30 pace.

    I know to watch myself and not overdo it. When I was training for my marathon last year there was more than once that I knew I had to rest or not run as far as I was scheduled.

    I'll drop to two weightlifting days a week if I have to the rest of April - since I have a half marathon coming up May 5.

    And I've actually been just over 2000 all week. :)

    That's fantastic! A lot of people have said NROL4W has improved their running. :drinker: