Be Accountable APRIL



  • SeansMomma
    I gave up Red Wine & Ice Cream for Lent and would like to stick with avoiding both items except when dining out (and we only eat out on weekends) but I think the main thing is to workout everyday even if it is just walking the dog or yoga. I read that your metabolism slows down after 30 and that we lose about 1/2 lb of muscle every year thereafter so doing a workout is the best way to combat this.

    My weight loss has stopped - not slown down - stopped despite the fact that I have stayed within my 1500 calories for the past 30 days and even started logging in on weekends. I have to cheer myself up with the fact I DID LOSE ALL THAT BABY WEIGHT BUT THE 147 I weighed in college is an elusive goal! I'm 5'8.

    Any suggestions are welcome....
  • JennNH12
    JennNH12 Posts: 56
    I can, FOR SURE, drop 5lbs this month!! Without a doubt! I have been at a stand still for two weeks now. It was getting upsetting for a while after dropping so much weight in the month before. BUT.....I figured out what the "issue" was. Turns out it was not really an issue. Turns out I was dropping inches, not pounds. I tried to think of something that I can give up. I have already given up so much that I was thinking I would not join this group if I could not give something up. But it JUST hit me. I can give up my love/hate relationship with my scale. I can stop weighing in every morning. I can make ONE day a week to weigh in and take my measurements. I think that is a healthy step forward, mentally speaking :) I have already given up soda and things like that. I still have it in the house, I get it for free with couponing....and the husband loves it. I gave up so many other things that I love to spoil myself cream, chips, sugary snacks that I love to bake. At first I felt almost like a victim. Like I was the only one around me having to "go without". But I gave that mind set up a while ago. It was a victory I almost did not notice. LOL. So much of this fitness goal is mental. That was my biggest hurdle. Now I can really focus. Thanks for the invite to this group. I will drop that 5lbs and give up this junk about getting on the scale every damn day.
  • NicoleMensigg
    NicoleMensigg Posts: 40 Member
    For Me:
    April 1-211.2
    April 30-206.2
    1. Move 20 min a day-doing something!
    2. 60 miles of walking for the month (that's just two miles a day!)
    3. Adding weights to my regimen
    4. Drink more water and less Dt. Dr. Pepper

    What will I give up??? Gee...ok, so this is a challenge and the one thing I LOVE (food wise) is Mexican, for the month of April, no Mexican restraunts. This will be difficult seeing as I go to one at least once a week!
  • lisa799
    lisa799 Posts: 79 Member
    April Goals:

    1. Weight loss: at least 6 lbs
    2. Training: Finish C25K and continue to run 2-3x per week to prepare for May 11 5K
    3. Finish Move2Lose Program (12 week YMCA workout class)
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Ok April goals. I weighed 129.8 on April 1. (I'm 5'1" & my GW is 110)
    I don't know if I can lose a whole 5 lbs in April since it's slower to lose when you've only got 15# to go.
    My goal is to lose ANY weight, but mainly I want my measurments to be smaller.

    I am giving up chips for the month. They are my weakness!

    I eat pretty well and usually exercise at least 5x a week.

    Anyone feel free to add me! I love giving & receiving support on here!

    ta -Kitty
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    Hello all! i currently weigh 171 lbs, i am hoping to be 165 by the end of April, by then i will have reached the 50 lbs mark, really looking forward to it :) I'm currently getting over a really bad cold so it may take me a few days to get back into the swing of things (workout wise), my body doesnt seem to agree with what i want to do at the moment. For the month of april i'm going to give up all deserts, so long chocolate i'm really going to miss you :) My work out goals are the usual, 60 min six days a week on the elliptical, working my way up on the resistance scale, currently do 2,3 and 4, during my workout, looking to drop the 2 (except for a five min warm up) and do the majority on 4.
  • Libi_KK
    Libi_KK Posts: 572 Member

    I sent you like four emails because my stupid phone had an issue. :smile:
  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    I dont know what I weigh. I'm in the middle of passing a kidney stone. I think I'm retaining a lot of fluids.

    I'll give up potato chips. I don't even like them, but I eat them because they are right in front of me at my mom's house and they're free.

    I'm giving up alcohol and cheese, as well. I actually like both alcohol and cheese, so that's gonna sting a little.

    I will begin logging calories again, beginning April 3rd.

    I will do one chore to better my life every day. Such as finally doing taxes, etc. I did a chore yesterday and today, so I'm good on this already.

    I will do 30 girl push UPS every day, since I HATE push ups! Starting today.

    So I'm down three things, up three things.
  • deleted4school
    you all are AWESOME!!!

    you all are my COACH... !!!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    O.k., I'm not being accountable. So far same ol' same ol'.
    I haven't been able to get a grip on my goals for weeks!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    I dont know what I weigh. I'm in the middle of passing a kidney stone. I think I'm retaining a lot of fluids.

    I'll give up potato chips. I don't even like them, but I eat them because they are right in front of me at my mom's house and they're free.

    I'm giving up alcohol and cheese, as well. I actually like both alcohol and cheese, so that's gonna sting a little.

    I will begin logging calories again, beginning April 3rd.

    I will do one chore to better my life every day. Such as finally doing taxes, etc. I did a chore yesterday and today, so I'm good on this already.

    I will do 30 girl push UPS every day, since I HATE push ups! Starting today.

    So I'm down three things, up three things.

    Holy cats! Better get one of those fridge charts with the gold stars to keep trak of all that!

    Good luck! I lowered my alcohol consumption too. hard at first but getting in lots of exercise and protein helps. Donno why.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    no chocolate anything and starting green smoothie thingy... gotta go shopping! I got my son on almond milk! lol!!! my daughter still likes cows milk. working on her! :)

    I am currently 158.2 according to my scale... :P my ultimate goal is to be closer to 140 or 135, but I like that we're taking it 5 lbs a month. thanks!!!!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I'm trying very hard to stop eating before I'm over-full and making lots of progress. Before dinner, I put full portions onto my food diary. Then I go back and adjust things down if I don't eat the full portion because I'm comfortably full. I love seeing the calorie numbers go down!
  • deleted4school
    I'm trying very hard to stop eating before I'm over-full and making lots of progress. Before dinner, I put full portions onto my food diary. Then I go back and adjust things down if I don't eat the full portion because I'm comfortably full. I love seeing the calorie numbers go down!

    that is a smart way to do things...
  • ngottstein
    CW: 157.7.
    1. Lose 5 lbs this month
    2. Complete first 30 days of P90X without skipping any work outs
    3. Give up candy - this is hard since I usually have tootsie rolls at work but I really feel this is an addiction/crutch/habit that I need to break :)
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    I may give up something else... I don't eat much of it... don't drink sodas... gave up the sparkling waters because of the aspartime... can I do something? like when I watch tv...well we don't have cable so no real tv... videos, I have to do say...4o squats?

    Oh, I can give up red meats! THAT will be hard. my son doesn't eat chicken so that what's usually served... K. no red meats. got it. God, I am gonna need help! especially since I really like eating proteins... I can do this!
  • deleted4school
    I may give up something else... I don't eat much of it... don't drink sodas... gave up the sparkling waters because of the aspartime... can I do something? like when I watch tv...well we don't have cable so no real tv... videos, I have to do say...4o squats?

    Oh, I can give up red meats! THAT will be hard. my son doesn't eat chicken so that what's usually served... K. no red meats. got it. God, I am gonna need help! especially since I really like eating proteins... I can do this!

    you got this...

    and you have everyone in this group supporting you as you support them back... so a total of 56 currently support ya.
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    Print I :heart: you! This is motivational!

    April goals for me - Lose 10 lbs

    Hit- 10,000 steps on work days and 12,500 on non work days
    Burn a total of 2,500 cals on work days and 3,000 on non work days (body bugg)
    Find creative ways to burn cals while playing with my children!
    Calorie goal- 1400
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • deleted4school
    Print I :heart: you! This is motivational!

    April goals for me - Lose 10 lbs

    Hit- 10,000 steps on work days and 12,500 on non work days
    Burn a total of 2,500 cals on work days and 3,000 on non work days (body bugg)
    Find creative ways to burn cals while playing with my children!
    Calorie goal- 1400
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    how do you like the body bugg.. and how much did you spend or spend per month on it?? looking for a new HRM
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    Print I :heart: you! This is motivational!

    April goals for me - Lose 10 lbs

    Hit- 10,000 steps on work days and 12,500 on non work days
    Burn a total of 2,500 cals on work days and 3,000 on non work days (body bugg)
    Find creative ways to burn cals while playing with my children!
    Calorie goal- 1400
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    how do you like the body bugg.. and how much did you spend or spend per month on it?? looking for a new HRM

    I love it. It keeps me motivated when I wear it and I love seeing accurate numbers for my workouts since mfp's are notoriously off. I bought it used off of craigslist when I had my last baby . I hate that it won't sync to mfp though and it's website is terrible so I don't use it at all! Body fit media I hear is a lot better and syncs to mfp!