You Know When You Are A Swimmer



  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    One more, that pesky cold that's going around? Well, it doesn't really bother you to get some chlorine/saline pool water up the snoot. My personal Neti pot. :(
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    My Additions

    You know you are a swimmer when

    You recognize the other swimmers underwater by the color of their swimsuit.
    You can get a 2 Km swim in during Lunch Hour without leaving work early or returning late.
    Shaved my moustache off while Camping and no one recognized me until I started to Swim Laps and they recognized my Clumsy " Stutter Stroke " as my Lane Buddies Call it.
    When out of " Town on Business you have a scheduled meeting outside the office" and return with the slightest Chlorine Smell.

    The ones that I can truly relate to are.

    You know you are a swimmer when :

    • You count all your laps
    • Your car has a spare towel, bathers and goggles just in case you go past or have time for a quick swim.
    • You surf the net to find new swim toys
    • You surf the net to read swimming stories.
    • you critique the way people swim on TV or movies, because their technique is terrible.
    • every conversation somehow reverts back to swimming.
    • you can smell a pool from a mile away.
    • you have gotten into a fight with the lane line during a backstroke set.
    • there is nothing worse than a warm pool.
    • You know you’re a swimmer when it’s ok for you to wear Crocs, but no one else.
    • a 10:00 am practice on Saturday morning means you get to SLEEP IN!
    • You know you’re a swimmer when your conversations take place in 15 second intervals.
    • you find yourself doing random shoulder stretches in class or the office.
    • you have a permanent suit tan.
    • you can swim longer distances than you could ever run.
    • you have gone two weeks without a normal shower.
    • You know you’re a swimmer when waking up before dawn to exercise seems normal.
    • jamming a piece of Styrofoam between your legs is not a kinky sexual activity.
    • you would win an eating contest against a football player.
    • you know how many tiles there are from one end of the pool to the other.
    • your skin is always dry.
    • You know you’re a swimmer when you have few non-swimmer friends because you can never hang out with them.
    • bugs die of chlorine poisoning when they land on your skin.
    • the first place you go when you’re stressed out is a swimming pool.
    • You know you’re a swimmer when being fishlike is a compliment.
    • you have a permanent suit, goggle, and cap tan.
    • you have trouble fitting into clothes because your shoulders are so broad.
    • You know you’re a swimmer when you know who everyone in you lane is from their feet cause you bump into them so often.
    • you have rings around your eyes unrelated to the amount you sleep you got.
    • there are wet towels over every door in your house.
    • nearly your entire wardrobe consists of swimming shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, and sweatpants.
    • you sweat chlorine.
    • You know you’re a swimmer when your hair is always wet, and ladies; your hair is always in a messy bun.
    • you can’t understand why people worry about having a “bikini body” for the summer.
    • you barely recognize fellow swimmers when they have dry hair and normal clothes on.
    • there is nothing better than a continental breakfast.
    • You load swimming humour on MFP

    It sucks for me right now as our pool is closed for the yearly maintenance so it's a 2 hour drive to the next Community that has a Pool that is open. Its a 50 Meter pool so half the turns and slightly faster swim times.

    Strange I have meetings or scheduled projects there every week for the month of September. :glasses:
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    One more to add:

    You know you are a swimmer when your conditioner always runs out before your shampoo.

    Happened to me again today in my after swim shower!

    So true! I go through 4 bottles of conditioner for every bottle of shampoo
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    Also, when instead of counting sheep to fall asleep you plan the morning's swim and count laps in your head instead to relax/
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    When it's starts raining and you just keep on swimming!
  • galabrielle98
    galabrielle98 Posts: 507 Member
    When half the time at work you can't hear out of one or both ears, because you got water in your ears (ear plugs fail) and it won't come out!

    Also when it takes a full on thunderstorm to get you out of the pool once you've started (or even before LOL)!


    :lol: I can relate to both. People think I'm half deaf. And thunderstorms need to be legitimately big and actually happening before I even think about getting out. How I miss the pool. I haven't been in the water for 3 months now because my pool closed. Hopefully the local y will get the hint and build a pool addition ;)

  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    You know you're a swimmer when
    # you buy vitamin C tablets by the gross when they're on sale with no intention of ever consuming them
    # you know which thrift stores in town have good never - worn swimsuit collections
    # you judge a swimsuit not by how good it makes you look hot, but on whether it can survive both a flip turn and your own particular butterfly style without riding up or sliding down
    # the thought of standing in a strange shower without your flip flops on sorta just feels wrong . . . so you wear shower shoes even at fancy hotels