HHEELLPP!! Deployment Eating!!

My husband left for a short deployment this past Friday and since then I have spiraled out of control and I cannot pull myself out of it.
I am so depressed and when my depression gets this bad I just loose all will to do anything period. And since I barely even want to leave my house, I really dont care what I put in my mouth.
Please, I know this is only a few week deployment so compared to what other women have gone through with months of deployments this is nothing but my husband and I have spent the better part of the past 6 mths apart so this is just really hard.
How did those who have gone through this pull yourself out of this slump??
I have no human children (I do have my doggies but they dont talk to me) and I have no real friends and no family anywhere due to being overseas so I am completely alone. How do you deal with loneliness and getting past it so it doesnt bring you down??

So far I havent gained any weight because I dont eat a lot, I just choose bad foods that are simple to grab and SWEETS!

I am just looking for any advice that I can try so I can try to kick start myself into wanting to workout, wanting to watch my diet & wanting to do more then sit infront of the tv with a gallon of ice cream.


  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Hey~ I got super depressed when my guy was away this past summer/fall. I gained 10 lbs in 5 months. I love cheesy fries and wine.

    Previously I did Ok by making a schedule for myself and always keeping track of my food and exercise to stick with my shedule.
    I even lost weight! It was really helpful for me to plan in advance; even if only a few days in advance.
    sometimes I'd write my plan for the day down multiple times just so it would stay in my head.
    I'd know that 12 pm I get a snack and at 2 pm I was going to go to the gym for 30 mins, etc etc.

    The TV really does suck you in. And I totally eat when I'm bored.
    I just have cats too, no kids, but I totally talk to them.
    Where I lived the past two years I only saw friends on the weekends maybe.

    try to occupy your time with things & hobbies other than eating and make sure you DO eat when it's time!
    At first eating chicken and cottage cheese as a snack was LAME! But I'm more used to it now and I crave it.
    Also I when I was alone I didn't keep beer or wine or chips in the house. My BF always has them and they're a weakness for me :(

    When I was overseas and alone I explored a lot. Just walked around.
    There was nothing else to do except watch TV, play video games or drink at the bar!

    Anyway I guess my best suggestion is the schedule. :)
  • carlaunderconstruction
    Try to get into a routine, with commitments. It is easier to make poor choices when you have zero support system. It's really hard, and I totally understand. Do you have a job right now? I'm dealing with unemployment right now due to our posting, and I find that volunteering does help. In Canada we have Military Family Resource Centre's, do you have something similar you can access? If so, volunteer, take workshops, and access counseling services. You can do this!