Bit of guidance needed if possible

geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
Hi there

I read with interest about this last year and realised that I no longer wanted to eat at ridiculously low calories any more. I upped my cals and watched with amazement over the coming months my weight started to come down slightly.

What I loved and still do is that I have more energy on my runs, and I have learnt that fuelling my body properly is the way to go.

I had upped my cals to 1900 which I never quite managed to hit but it was a huge improvement on what I was doing, I have since bought myself a fitbit and got an accurate TDEE, for the past month it has averaged at 2088 per day. I set my cut to 1700 on MFP but then to get an accurate measure of what I've eaten v what I've burned I've been adding anything over 1700 as an exercise. Now I'm wondering if that is making me go over calories and maybe I should leave it?

I used to sync my FB but it confused the hell out of me, I do like to record when I've ran and include my calories but I do think I'm confusing the different ways to do this?

I feel like I've had a good few months off trying to lose weight and while my weight was staying quite steady I have seen a bit of a gain the past month.

I would like to start trying to lose again and any guidance on what I should do with the FB would be greatly appreciated.

I also want to start lifting, our gym at work has opened but only has one weight machine and dumbbells but its better than nothing which is what I've being doing so far.



  • Kimbles67
    Kimbles67 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi GG

    I dont have a FB but I used a webpage which was posted by EM2WL to work out my TDEE etc. I've just started this and worked my "cut" to be 1747 which I've logged in MFP. I still add my exercise in but make sure I keep to the 1747 regardless of how many exercise calories I have (I did have 1040 calories burned at Bokwa one night last week :-O ).

    I'm hoping that I have perceived that right. If not someone will guide me on what I'm doing wrong. If it is right then just stick to your cut calories. The exercise should have already been added to the "cut" figure" if worked out right.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    thanks Kimbles, I keep confusing myself :-/
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    If you calculate your TDEE properly, then you don't need to add back exercise calories unless you really go over and above your usual routine. But, most people don't calculate their TDEE high enough (they use light exercise instead of moderate, etc). How often are you running?

    I think lifting will be a GREAT addition!!! Be sure to take measurements though, as you will likely see some water gain (muscle retention) and muscle weight (which weighs more than fat). But, it will be great for your metabolism :)

    Good luck!
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    If you calculated your cut off of your fitbit which calculated all your activity then you should be fine. If your activity during your fitbit calculations were "normal" for you then the only time you would need to eat back any calories is when you do a workout that is significantly above and beyond "normal" for you.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I'm trying to record an accurate daily figure of fitbit calorie burn against what I eat to show an accurate deficit.

    I might stick to an average daily target instead, I just find exercise days I'm more hungry than non exercise days and I stress if I go over calories on these days equally non exercise days I can struggle to hit daily cals :-/

    I have been running 2-3 times per week between 10-15 miles but aiming to get back to doing 5-6 days with increase to 20+ miles per week.

    I'll look at my monthly avg TDEE and aim for 10% cut for now.

    Thanks again.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You can also setup your MFP account so it sees maintenance at the FitBit non-exercise TDEE level.

    Then those adjustments that come across on exercise days or done.

    And this allows you to still do a manual eating goal with better deficit amount than block of 250 or 500 calories.

    Find 3-5 days of FitBit TDEE for non-exercise days.
    What is that non-exercise TDEE?

    What is your MFP BMR - Apps - BMR Calc?
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I would say non exercise days vary between 1850 - 1950

    BMR is 1460

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I would say non exercise days vary between 1850 - 1950

    BMR is 1460


    1900 / 1460 = 1.30 multiplier

    That is tad below MFP's Lightly Active maintenance level of 1.35.

    Set MFP's Settings - Diet/Fitness Profile to activity level Lightly Active.
    Weight loss goal Maintain.
    Exercise goals nothing since you won't be logging.
    Should receive net eating goal of 1971.

    Now go manually set your eating goal to 1900 - 10% = 1710.
    Change macros to whatever you are following.

    Setup the FitBit to sync positive calorie adjustments over, no negatives though.

    So now on your avg day, you will be eating at non-exercise TDEE 1900 - 10% - 1710.

    On your exercise day, the FitBit will have increased TDEE reflecting your exercise.
    It will sync that to MFP, which will see that when you go over 1971, it must be exercise and you deserve some extra food.
    That credit will increase your 1710 by your exercise amount.
    You eat the increased amount.

    You can still log your exercise, but must use 1 calorie. Or log the full amount for record keeping on your wall, but then correct to 1 calorie.

    There, you just took reasonable deficit appropriate for amount to lose, and will receive goal increase on days you exercise, maintaining that deficit.

    Changes you will need to do.
    As TDEE goes down, you must manually change the net eating goal.
    MFP will automatically lower the non-exercise TDEE value.

    Might confirm monthly that 3 days of non-exercise still hit TDEE of 1900 avg.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi again

    I've reset my goal on here to 1710 and with no exercise goal.

    I've also asked it to auto sync from fitbit and only show positive adjustments.

    I've asked MFP to sync back to FB with my food log

    on MFP I've set my goal weight to maintain

    hopefully I've done this right & I'll see what happens

    However, today FB has already given me +664 calories back :-O

    I'll keep a reasonable deficit thought and see if I cant manage to shift a few lbs
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi again

    I've reset my goal on here to 1710 and with no exercise goal.

    I've also asked it to auto sync from fitbit and only show positive adjustments.

    I've asked MFP to sync back to FB with my food log

    on MFP I've set my goal weight to maintain

    hopefully I've done this right & I'll see what happens

    However, today FB has already given me +664 calories back :-O

    I'll keep a reasonable deficit thought and see if I cant manage to shift a few lbs

    Did you select Lightly Active as your activity level?
    Of course, that's only a 146 cal difference to Sedentary, but that needs to be changed anyway for this method to work right.

    When you check, if correct, don't hit Save. MFP will rewrite your eating goals again, requiring manual correction again.
    If you do correct it, you'll have to manually change eating goal again.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Ah ha I've now found the correct place to update and activity now set to lightly active & aim to maintain weight.

    I've then gone back in to calorie goals and changed back to 1710

    Hopefully I'm right now. Thanks again so much.