Has anyone had an injection accident?

mentalist76 Posts: 4 Member
I inject with Bydureon once a week and wondered if anyone had the same accident as me? I unjected in my tummy a couple of weeks ago and it really stung and started bleeding a lot. I then got a massive bruise. When I saw my nurse she said that I probably hit a vein by accident. She said as I seemed fine that there wasn't anything to worry about and to try and intect at an angle so the needle doesn't go so deep next time.

Has anyone else done this? I felt so dumb rushing to my Drs about it!


  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi there, no need to feel dumb at all mentalist, your reaction is completely normal, though it can be alarming for someone new to injecting or someone who hasn't had this experience yet.

    I've been injecting meatime (bolus) insulin 3x a day, to cover the carbs I consume, along with injecting a bedtime (basal) insulin for going on 25+ years, in fact, I have an area of discoloration on my tummy right now, where I injected into a vein a week ago. I just stay away from that area until it clears up and try to remember to avoid that area next time.

    It happens to us from time to time unfortunately. Our tummies have many veins running through them. Your nurse's recommendation injecting on an angle is a good one, and one I try to remember, sometimes I don't always remember though. Try not to feel like your doing something wrong. Like everything else with our condition, It's all about trial and error.

    With regard to the "stinging", I too experience this from time to time. If your using a Flexpen, sometimes it helps some of us to let the pen come to room temp before injecting. I also get "the sting" when using different tummy areas too. Again I try to remember to avoid
    that area in the future.

    Good luck!
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    What bdubya said. It happens, and it is a pretty minimal thing. Your nurse had a good suggestion about the angle of injection, but you might also look at getting a tinier needle, although I use a 6mm needle and still manage to hit a vein now and again.
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    I get bruises from time to time and bleed once in awhile. Last week I hit a vein and injected directly into my blood stream. That dropped my sugar down to 44 in about 20 minutes while eating a sandwich and chips. Just try to be careful.
  • tracygolden
    tracygolden Posts: 94 Member
    I love ya'lls positive attitude. I am , at current, only in need of pills. I am trying hard to avoid the shots AGAIN as I had to with my gestional diabetes. Please forgive me for gripping about my pills. Ya'll have a more difficult road. Keep up the good attitude and encouraging others!

  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    It happens to me a lot, especially on the right side of my stomach for some reason. The bruising goes away quickly. I have had no adverse reactions however.