Wine to relax

After reading a few past posts, I have the sample problem as many. As a single mom of 2 boys (10, 14). What started as a glass to "mentally relax", is now a glass or 2...or 3. When I try to stop or put limits on myself the little voice in my head head says "stop trying to control everything", "rough day, you've earned it", etc, etc. I think the majority of my weight gain is alcohol related. I am open to any ideas, insight you are willing to share. Thank you!


  • sd_dilligaf
    sd_dilligaf Posts: 146 Member
    When the alcohol affects your relationship with your boys, or husband, or anyone really, then it becomes easy to ask yourself, "Do I love my boys or do I love alcohol? That is what did it for me. And having my girls tell me I am more stable and easier to be around reinforces my choice and makes it easier to avoid drinking. It wasn't me getting under the influence that was getting in the way. Alcohol is a depressant and I would be snappy or grumpy or irritable for 24 - 72 hours after drinking. My bad behavior correlated to alcohol, but not necessarily at the time of drinking.

    Something to think about.
  • wkertesz
    wkertesz Posts: 3
    Thank you... Very good insight to think about. Thank you for sharing.
  • Suerhv
    Suerhv Posts: 61 Member
    Something to think about indeed. I have not been doing great on the wine front either again, but I do enjoy tea and find it relaxing too...just have to remind myself that it solved the same issue for me and stick with that...soothing tea in such a variety of flavours...treat myself to fancy Teavana tea, etc., to make it more fun...
  • sd_dilligaf
    sd_dilligaf Posts: 146 Member
    Suerhv, that's great! Finding a substitute is a great strategy. I LOVE beer nad used to brew my own and grow hops in ym garden. I enjoyed beer WAY more than wine, and I loved WINE!!! In vino veritas, right? But now I have one of those "Make your own soda" devices - just a big CO2 cartridge and bottles that thread in to it. I make quarts of "club soda" and the cold fizzy sensation follwed by a satisfying BBRAAAPPP! is close enough to beer that I do not miss beer much any more.

    Over Easter dinner I grilled lamb sirloins - phenomenal meat, not gamey, served rare. That begs for a good red and i brought two of my best reds from the cupboard (Yup still have a small collection of 20 bottles), and opened and smelled and served it to family and friends and never tasted a drop. I was still having the fun of buying, serving with complementary food, and accepting praise for the sommelier, but didn't drink, and didn't really feel I needed to. I focused on the substitute pleasures.....