Week 2 Day 1 - done & dusted!

kristafb Posts: 770 Member
I just got off the treadmill after finishing day one of week 2 and I feel pretty darn proud of myself. I have never been able to run longer than a minute before, it was almost getting to be a mental block but this time I just kept saying I'm a runner, I can do this, over and over in my head and I got through it without stopping once!! I even stayed on the treadmill for another 30 minutes doing some 2m/1m intervals. In the end I burned almost 500 calories in an hour & cut about 5 minutes off my mile (still slow as a herd of turtles but better) and I feel pretty darn awesome!!

Anyone else starting week 2?


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    What a rock star! How awesome for you.
  • famousmel
    famousmel Posts: 149 Member
    That is amazing-I'm trying to accomplish the 20 min run and will keep your mantra in mind.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Just finished W2D3. It wasn't pretty. I had to stop after almost every run for a few seconds to catch my breath. My recovery time sucks apparently. Plus my legs felt very heavy & tired today. I'm thinking week 2 may be a do over week for me. I certainly don't feel strong enough to move on yet. Anyone else having to do a do over week?
  • Nikipowpez
    Nikipowpez Posts: 60 Member
    No shame in repeating weeks. The program is designed for you to build up endurance. Some of us take a little longer to build it. I had to repeat W2 three times before I graduated. I spent 3 weeks on W3 and couldn't finish a whole round in that week before I stumbled on this group.They helped me realize my problem, I was running too fast. I slowed from a 3.5 walk/5.0 jog to a 3.0 walk/3.5 jog and actually finished the whole 30 minutes.
  • Angelsrose12
    Angelsrose12 Posts: 37 Member
    I am starting week 2 this afternoon! I hope I do as well as you!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Thanks Nikipowpez, I did slow the running down a bit on the last day of week 2 & it does make a difference. Speed will come later. :smile:

    Angelsrose12, I struggle daily. I've always had breathing issues, asthma as a child, and this time of year shortness of breath from allergies, not to mention tendonitis in my ankle & plantar faciiatis in both feet, so it has not been easy. But with the help of some new orthotics & a puffer for exercise induced asthma, I'm getting there.

    Last night I did W3D1. I had to stop during the 3 minute run to catch my breath, but I made it through. I'll keep doing this day until i can do the whole run. I start to panic a bit at 1.5 minutes when my heart rate goes up so I stop. Its mental for me at this point. When I can change my mind set I'll change my body.
  • xstephiejadex
    xstephiejadex Posts: 13 Member
    I am starting Week 2 day 1 in about an hour, just letting some food settle and I am a little nervous. I have had the weekend off because I do my 3 runs in the week and I am a little hesitant to run today even though I know that I feel amazing afterwards. I'm hoping once I make running a habit my excitement before I start will come much easier.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Don't be nervous, just do it!! and if you can't do it, try again next time. YOu're not competing with anyone but yourself. I did w4d1 2 days ago after I was sure I would have to do week 3 again. I didnt' think i was ready at all but one of my mfp friends said "try it, you might surprise yourself" and she was right!! You have nothing to lose if you don't try right?
  • xstephiejadex
    xstephiejadex Posts: 13 Member
    thank you, you are right! I tried the workout and it was very tough but I stuck through it and finished. It was very hard today though so hopefully the next one will be a lot better
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Congratulations!! I've found each week to be a challenge in the beginning but by the 3rd day its so much easier. You do get stronger every day.