no weight loss

After being diagnosed almost a month ago, going on Metformin, exercising almost every day and totally changing my eating habits, I have not lost a single pound. I am going to another class tomorrow, but need advice from people who have been doing this for awhile.


  • jaygreen55
    jaygreen55 Posts: 315 Member
    Here is an article on that topic from Diabetic Self Management magazine
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    Hello. When I was first diagnosed, I was put on Metformin. Instead of losing weight, I gained weight. It wasn't until about 5 1/2 weeks ago that I really started trying to lose weight, and I was diagnosed in January 2005. Have you been drinking enough water? I heard that if you don't drink enough water, your body will retain water. That could be in the form of water wait. Hope you start losing!
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Here is an article on that topic from Diabetic Self Management magazine

    Helpful article, thanks for sharing!
  • thanks!
  • I am new to being a Diabetic too. I know it is very hard. I have been working at it since february of 2013. I have went from 193 to 177 since then. But my glocose level is still some what high. I have been trying to get them down. I think the lowest is 112. But I am still trying to figure this all out. I keep hearing that the sweetners are bad for you. But I just feel better using them. I think one of the reasons my levels goes up is because I work 12hr night shifts. The stress of staying awake I think adds to the increase in my levels. Plus when your tired you tend to feel hungery. I have lost weight and been doing so but not quiet so fast as I first did! Don't want to be diabetic and want to be more healthy too.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    But have you lost inches?
  • I've been put on both Januvia and Metaformin, and my husband an d I have read up on both, especially on after the whole cancer link on Januvia. Both cancel each other out on that, BTW. But they do mention on the water intake and I had lost a couple inches. It has been slower, and I plan to rev it up this spring and summer, but it can be done.
  • Forgot to note, I meant the cancer risk is what got canceled out, not the sugar reduction. I've actually been running around 80-130 for the glucose reads on fasting.
  • I haven't actually measured the inches, but my pants aren't getting any looser. I will be patient, and hope it starts kicking in soon. Also will increase my water.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    There are a number of factors that could be at play. How many calories a day are you eating? If you are going with the MFP suggested, you may not be eating enough, especially if you are not eating back your exercise calories. Remember, food is fuel and your body needs fuel to function. You may want to use a calorie deficit calculator (I like which takes into account your age, height, current weight and activity level. Then to lose weight, you would eat a deficit of your daily calorie needs (15 - 30%).

    I agree that you could be retaining water. I noticed that the last week I hadn't been as good about drinking water and I gained a couple of pounds. I am back at it starting today and hope those pounds melt off. :)

    If you continue to exercise and eat right and you still don't lose weight, then you may need to look at the times of day you are eating and the types of foods you are eating and start playing with those. Everybody is different, so it is hard for us to know what is going on.

    If you are still doing everything right and have adjusted and still don't see results, you may need to talk to a nutritionist or your doctor.

    Good luck! Don't give up!
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    After being diagnosed almost a month ago, going on Metformin, exercising almost every day and totally changing my eating habits, I have not lost a single pound. I am going to another class tomorrow, but need advice from people who have been doing this for awhile.

    Had to edit this out. Didn't see the previous posts! :)