Program not working well?



  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    Also do these noodles that you eat have flour in them,? My understanding was that the only noodles that are plan approved are ****ake noodles. If you eat any other types of noodles no matter what they are they can kick you out of fat burning so be careful with that too. Drink tons of water, weigh your protein and watch your condiments. We don't have to have 3 condiments a day we are just allowed to do so. Don't have cheese for your fat every day either, try olive oil, salad dressing or even once in a while almonds to mix things up. You will see it will work out. Watch your sodium too such as adding salt to food.
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    The noodles are actually just zucchini cut into noodle-like strips, so no flour....they're part of my green.
    I've gone back to 'basics' in not adding cheese and other extras whenever possible.

  • jeepie98
    jeepie98 Posts: 114 Member
    I have to agree your carbs are too low for someone that is a regular exerciser. I find that I lose slower if my carbs are below 85 as I exercise everyday. Also you need a healthy fat like olive oil. LC cheese is not a fat.
    And keep walking! Exercise keeps you healthy mind, body and soul!
    We are in the same boat as my weight loss is also slow and I wonder if its worth the now increased price to lose this last 25 pounds but I love the program. Feel free to friend me! :flowerforyou:
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    .8 lbs this week. :/
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I've definitely increased my carbs the last couple of days. I'm also going to stop weighing daily. I think that really messes with my head (the up/down fluctuations).

    Sorry your loss wasn't up to your expectations, Staci...but be happy that the scale went DOWN! :)
  • normsnan
    normsnan Posts: 3 Member
    I am 55 and 4 ft 11 in. My weight loss on Medifast was slow the first time...but consistent. I also had a mindboggling 7 lb. weight loss the first week, but averaged 1 lb. every week for about 2 months. Then I plateaued for two weeks, and went back to one lb. weight loss til I reached my goal. It took me 6 months to lose 31 lbs. I exercised the entire time, and I did not really worry about measuring herbs, spices and fat free condiments. I also used bouillion in my soups and made my cold drinks with Fresca in the blender.

    This time, 3 years later, I have gained half my weight back, and in my first week back on OP I lost 1.6 lbs. Not stellar.

    the issue is that my body only needs about 1200 cal. to maintain. I am short, I am middle aged, and I am not a gym rat.

    Medifast is not really taylored to different body if you are on the smaller side, you are just not going to lose as quickly as the larger folks. Could that be it?
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Thanks for your response Normsnan.

    I went into this with the thought in the back of my head that because I dont have a huge amount to lose, I'd probably be losing slower than average. However, there's been NO loss in about 2 weeks.

    I have 2.5 weeks left of the MF supplies, but (for financial reasons) I wont be able to reorder. I'm going to continue to follow the basic guidelines of the plan, but find other healthy foods that fit into the calorie/carb/protein counts that I need daily, while making sure I'm still getting my other nutrients. I know I'll lose it eventually and I have not intention of giving up THAT particular goal. =)

    Edited to add:
    I did get an awesome jump start on the program. I'm still really motivated and determined to lose the last 25ish pounds.
  • Have you spoken with the Medifast support team(specifically the nutritionist)?
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    4 lbs last week, 1 lb this week.
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Sorry to get to this post so late...

    I did contact MF Nutrition support and was offered a few suggestions, which I've implemented (for example, eating my L&G earlier in the day when metabolism is higher, alternating high carb green and low carb green every other day to shock the body, increasing protein by 2oz).

    So far no change, but it is that TOM again, so we'll see in another week or two.....