
I recently bought ketostix,and today I measured 1.5..Is that good or should it measure higher?
Also wondering since I am here..If a product has sugar alcohol,is that okay ?
Wasn't sure what that means ..Because it says 9 carbs,9 sugar alcohol= 0 net carbs


  • witeowl
    witeowl Posts: 89
    Ketostix are highly unreliable in that specific measurements aren't that useful (due to different hydration levels, them only measuring one sign of ketone production, etc). Don't worry about specific levels.

    Sugar alcohols don't impact insulin and blood sugar the same way, so some people don't count them. However, different people react differently to sugar alcohols. Worse than insulin impact, though, is that some people have gas problems... or worse (think running to the restroom). Try them out and see how your body reacts. Just don't use too many foods with sugar alcohols until you know.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    I agree that ketostix are 100% accurate.

    You can read about some testing here:

    You can get a free blood ketone meter here (which will come with some strips):

    Mine took a couple of weeks to arrive.

    Strips can be purchased from various online stores:
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    My experience with the stix was rather bland. Not til I got the meter and started using it did I see real results. What I've read, the stix measure one type of ketone in your urine, but the meter reads the ketones in your blood stream. These are what really make the difference.