Week 1 Results

lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
1 week down! How are we all feeling? So, the aim for this week was 2000 cardio calories and 1000 strength calories!

Tell us how much you burned and, if you want to, how many lbs lost or inches lost. If you have a gain don't worry about it. It could be for a number of reasons and if you tell us we'll support you, let you know why it could be and keep you motivated for next week.

remember that strength training will change your shape, but not always the scales so look out for those NSV's!

I will announce the winner of the week's goal and also the winner of lbs/inches lost on Monday!!

Don't forget to check out Week 2 goals!


  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    My first week is now over and here are my results.

    Cardio burned: 4013
    Strength training burned: 263

    Definitely behind on the strength training front...but proud of my cardio :)

    I didn't lose any weight (gained 0.6 lbs!) but I lost an inch off my waist and 1/2 an inch off my chest and hips! These are the kind of results I normally get from strength training...but nevermind!

    I'm gutted that I didn't lose any weight but I feel slimmer already and it has even been commented on!
  • thepinkpacker
    thepinkpacker Posts: 32 Member
    So far so good! wink

    Day 1: March 30: Day 1 Livefit Weight training
    Day 2: March 31: Day 2 Livefit Weight training
    Day 3: April 1: Running 5 miles (580 Calories)
    Day 4: April 2: Running 6 miles miles, Day 4 Livefit training (730 calories)
    Day 5: April 3: Rest
    Day 6: April 4: Running 6 Miles, (730 Calories)
    Day 7: April 5: Running 6 Miles (730 Calories)

    Total Calories this week from Cardio: 2,770

    I didn't add my weight training into my Cardio. I adjusted my calories and mileage from my previous post...I calculated wrong but got it all right now. I compute everything in Kilometers and convert and messed up.

    Love this Challenge! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • This challenge has been great for me! I have done at least 300 cal a day for cardio and burned probably more than enough for strength. I have got injured in the past so it's been hard to get started up slowly because I have the tendency to throw myself into things headfirst. So the thing that was really important for me was just getting up and exercising so this was great for that. It's got me feeling great and healthier. Easter was pretty hard but I just exercised more to make up for it.
  • nana6799
    nana6799 Posts: 262
    I am real happy with my results! So thank you so much for this challenge. These results would not have happened if it was not for this challenge.

    I got in on the challenge the 31st:

    Day 2: Run 53 min. 489 Calories
    Killer Abs Lev. 1 DVD 30 min. 130 Calories
    Day 3: Weights 90 min. 394Calories
    Killer Abs. DVD Lev. 2 156 Calories
    Day 4: Run 1 hr. 425 Calories
    Day 5: Weights 90 min. 298 Calories
    Killer Abs. DVD Lev. 3 30 min. 166 Calories
    Day 6: Brisk Walk 1 Hr. 348 Calories
    Day 7: Walk 1 Hr. 247 Calories

    Summary: Cardio: 5 1/2 Hrs - 1,961 Calories
    Weights 3 Hr. - 692 Calories
    Lost: 1 1/2 pounds
    Forgot to measure so, I will just do that at the end of Week 2.

    Normally, I would have done one more day of weights & the killer abs. a couple more times. This week has been crazy for errands and appointments!

    Tomorrow is my husbands 50th High School Class Reunion and we have been in on the planning part but guess who has done Max's (my husband) part of the planning. . . . .me. So I am real happy with what I done for week 1. I made doing my exercises as priority 1 and if I had not been in this callenge, I probably would not have done this much exercising nor lost the weight. So, again a big thank you!
  • StephanieCo3
    StephanieCo3 Posts: 122 Member
    Cals burned: 2212

    I got mine in which is a huge change for me because I haven't hardly been working out at all. I went to the gym three times this week with a friend. We swam and did classes. Plus my son and I like to go for hikes and walks. I also gained weight. But I did over do the eating this week, mostly because I was off work.
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 1: 323 calories burned (from cardio)
    Day 2: 374 total calories burned (293 from cardio, 81 from lifting)
    Day 3: 205 (walking)
    Day 4: 324 (walking)
    Day 5: Stayed home sick :(
    Day 6: 228 (walking)
    Day 7: 844 total (about 200 from weight lifting, not for sure because i had my HRM on for cardio then personal training, then more cardio)
    Total calories burned: 2298. So I pretty much made my cardio goal and only got about 300 cals for strength training. Not bad considering I felt sick for Tues evening - Thursday mid day.
  • I burned 2030 calories this week. Can't believe I did that much. I shocked myself. Bring on week 2.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Such good results guys! Very impressed with you all. I'll post the winner when I others add their results :)
  • MrsSassyPants
    MrsSassyPants Posts: 223 Member
    Results for week 1

    Day 1-03/30 Recumbent bike, circuit training 60 min.--- 482 calories
    Day 2 Rest, Easter
    Day 3-04/01 Stair stepper, Abs combo 56 min.
    460 calories
    Day 4-04/02 Lap swim 30 min. Walk 40 min.
    415 calories
    Day 5-04/03 Bike, circuit training 68 min.
    569 calories
    Day 6-04/04 Stair stepper, Abs combo 69 min.
    549 calories
    Day 7-04/05 Lap swim 30 min.
    284 calories

    7 Day Total 2759 calories burned
  • angless21
    angless21 Posts: 54 Member
    Week 1 I burned 3156 calories doing cardio. I did not do any strenght training this week. I lost 1/2 pound and 1/4 inch of my waist. I hope I do better next week.
  • afatwomanonamission
    afatwomanonamission Posts: 39 Member
    My week was a bit of a mess; our office was relocating Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday, so I didn't get any workouts in on those days. That being said, I tried to max out my early week exercise, and did pretty well on that front.

    Last week was as follows:
    Monday: 1371 calories burned - treadmill and skip circuit (includes weight training)
    Tuesday: 1981 calories burned - 75 minutes of Zumba and 90 minutes of personal training (including weight training)
    Wednesday: 813 calories burned - 65 minutes of personal training (including weight training)

    My grand total for the week was 4,165 calories burned (in three days? That ain't bad!)

    I also charted a loss last week of 3.1 pounds - which was great! Some of that may have been thanks to the end of my ToM though - so we'll see how my weigh in goes this week :)
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Well done everyone for the immense effort put in on this first week! I'm very impressed by all your dedication and it is only going to get better from here!

    Everyone clearly sweated their bums off (hopefully literally!) but I can announce that the winner for week 1's challenge was afatwomanonamission! Well done for the crazy good calorie burn and thank you for setting such a wonderful example to all of us, even with other stuff going on in your life, giving you the perfect excuse to avoid the gym! But you didn't, you stuck 2 fingers up at those tempting excuses and kept working out anyway! woop woop!!!

    Keep eating fruit and drinking water and I'll announce the winner of week 2 next week xXx