1 week in- thoughts

jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
Im only on day 4 (did the first workout of both A and B). The workouts are definitely hard if I push myself (which I did). I have been lifting heavier for the past few months prior to NROL4W- so I'm used to heavier weights, but 15 reps is a lot more than the 8-10 i was getting used to, so I had to lower the weight slightly- but by the time i was at 12 reps it was getting HARD- so i know im choosing good, challenging weights. i plan to concentrate on slow reps with great form, so i can add on more weight to the routines as stage 1 progresses and the reps decrease. its a really great total body workout. Feels great but the workout is soooo much shorter than I'm used to!! 10 min run to warmup and the weight routine is only 20min at this point. im glad that after 2 more workouts i can add some extra sets in. also- right now i wish we did more on the swiss ball- i feel like 8 reps is nothing.

im running 2-3 of my non-lifting days, because my body is used to running- but I'll follow the rules and not overdo it, and wont lift other than weight training days. however, i have a 8.1mi race next sunday ("metric half marathon")- that will be the only really big non-lifting workout. i'll manage

calorie wise, their equation-300 cals for weight loss puts me around 1750 on non lifting days and around 2050 on lifting days. 1750 is very manageable, but 2050 is sometimes hard to hit. yesterday i was about 200 cals shy, but i assume 1800s is still good. dont get me wrong- i love to eat- so i doubt ill have this problem often- things totally depend on my work schedule. im diligently having my recovery shake or bar after workouts though- avoiding that was something i was definitely guilty of! im hoping i still lose with this calorie goal...just trying to hit my 40C/25F/35C macros, or get close to it. been doing well.

since i have occasional binge issues, i hope that knowing i can eat up to 2050 3x a week (as opposed to the daily 1600-1700 i was hitting) can help me kick the habit for good (so i can get out of the mentality of "well, i already screwed up- so who cares if i screw up more?"

so- day 4, and going strong. thoughts on my experience? thoughts on your experiences?

good luck to everyone! hoping for 6 weeks of sticking to my calories along with this workout plan, and we will see the results. i didnt take measurements- but i have some (crappy) before pics - hoping to see a difference!


  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I have always done more reps than they call for on the SBCs and the PJKs. To make it harder, you can hold a plate on your chest or over your head. on the PJKs, add a pike.

    Best of luck to you!!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I also usually did 20 reps on the Swiss ball/crunch type exercises.

    I also struggle with occasional binging, I had gone over a month....then dumb Easter candy, I've been on like a 4 days bender of junk food, I hate myself when I do this. I swear I'm back on track today, so far so good. Lots of support to you!!!

    Enjoy the 20 minute workouts, they don't all stay that short. I'm on stage 7 and it takes me just over an hour. I also don't think there's anything wrong with a little extra cardio, just my opinion. Enjoy the extra calories, enjoy the program.
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    so you all do both a and b at the same time??? Im on day 2 and I thought I was suppose to alternate with A on one day and B on the nxt lift day... Correction please!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    NOT a and b on the same day, yes alternate.
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Sounds like you are enjoying the program which is really key. I don't follow the nutritional guideline in the book but very curious to see how it work out ... but really what's not to like about eating more food lol.

    guilty, I added a 3rd set to my workouts pretty early on do more reps for the swiss ball crunch (long arm) & prone jackknife. So it's now a solid 35-40 min workout, plus a 30 min cardio session.

    Good luck with the rest of the program and have fun
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    awesome- thanks for the input everyone :) i want to try to stick to the plan as much as possible- but i def wanted to add more reps to both crunch exercises-- i cant imagine it would hurt. im pushing myself with the amount of weight im using, so 20 min left me feeling like i did a 40 min workout... im just not used to it being so short- but ill take your advice and enjoy it while i can :)

    thanks all!!!
  • BAMarsh
    BAMarsh Posts: 72 Member
    Tomorrow will be my third workout (2nd time in A) and I'm a runner too. Ran 2 on Tuesday and 3.2 today. I have a long run scheduled for Sunday - will make for an interesting time! A new adventure we have ahead if us!!!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member

    I also struggle with occasional binging, I had gone over a month....then dumb Easter candy, I've been on like a 4 days bender of junk food, I hate myself when I do this. I swear I'm back on track today, so far so good. Lots of support to you!!!

    ME TOO! I finally saved myself and polished off the last of the Reese's eggs last night, so I'm back on it today, but between vacation and Easter and not working out for 2 weeks, I have to be up at least 5 pounds. Such is life, I guess.
  • Melli_81
    Melli_81 Posts: 13
    Here's another runner starting to do NROL4W. :-)
    I did yesterday my 2nd workout (1st time B). And for me the workout also seems so short. Looking forward for the longer ones!
    In the A workout I did "accidently" 15 PJK and was surprised, that I can do it. Therefore I did yesterday also 15 crunches. Somehow I like the idea of abs workout.

    My plan is also to run on non lifting days. So let's see how this will work if the lifting is getting harder. In May I want to run 10km and in autumn again the metric half marathon.

    Let's keep in touch!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    another (occasional *cough*) binger here, and just mentioned in stage 1 topic pretty much the same issues - short workout and feel like im capable of doing more on the swiss ball. so you are definitely not alone! :)
    im eating at my tdee on non-lifting days (which is btw the same as the books kcal plan -300) and adding the extra 250kcal on lifting days.
    and yes, i too share the mentality of 'i went over a few calories... might as well raid the kitchen' but when i started to consume more these urges have lessened.
  • BrittanyGQ
    BrittanyGQ Posts: 92 Member
    I just started this program today, too! =) Really hoping to get better results from the gym/a consistent routine than I have for the past, oh, 4-5 years doing cardio and light weights... :grumble:

    Question: does it REALLY matter if we do the moves in the sequence he recommends?! I'm the type of person who hates standing around at the gym when someone is using what I need, so I did the "C's" before the "B's", and had the 1's and 2's backwards as well. :laugh:
  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member
    I just started this program today, too! =) Really hoping to get better results from the gym/a consistent routine than I have for the past, oh, 4-5 years doing cardio and light weights... :grumble:

    Question: does it REALLY matter if we do the moves in the sequence he recommends?! I'm the type of person who hates standing around at the gym when someone is using what I need, so I did the "C's" before the "B's", and had the 1's and 2's backwards as well. :laugh:

    I think it's important to do the DLs and Squats first as they are 'power moves' as in they work the most muscles in your body all at once so need maximum energy for them.

    Not sure about the other two so long as you keep the alternating sets together?
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    ive now done A 2x and B 1x (will be doing B for the 2nd time tomorrow)- it def is a great workout. ive run on all but 1 of my off days, and feel good. went a little over in cals on friday, and then had two back to back parties yesterday and went into to my crazy grazing habit :( hope a few clean days and a lot of hard workouts will negate it. just trying to break that stupid habit.