Any "Old School" gamers out there?



  • TheFabTam
    TheFabTam Posts: 88 Member
    I remember playing D&D, HEROS, Waterworld, Vampires, whatever RP we were doing at a friend's house and her mom would just fill the table with treats. (Family of gamers, so she understood the need) Once one dish was finished the next would be put on the table. We sat there one time for 36hours straight playing out this one game and there was never a moment when the table did have sauteed mushrooms, pizza bread, chips and dip, spaghetti, everything you could think of. There was about 6 people there everytime. It was great then, but now no way can I eat that much junk. Oh the good ole days.
  • TheFabTam
    TheFabTam Posts: 88 Member
    I am very respectful to anyone who takes on the mantel of responsibility that is being a DM. I will admit however, that if a person is reading out of a module it just bugs me. I see modules as training wheels. I can play a game where the DM is using a module and I will do all I can to be a positive contribution to the team. I would expect over time for the module to end and for the DM to be able to keep the game going. There just comes a time when the training wheels have to come off and when you get to my level you can't imagine actually putting them back on. I may borrow an aspect of a module that I think is well done like a villain for example but I will put my own spin on everything in my world. I will describe my own scenarios and I will know where I am taking the story.

    Using Modules take away from the point of the game unless you are a beginner DM. Its about creating your own world and scenarios. Modules make it feel like a cookie cutter game. Never have I disrespected a DM in their own game, but I wouldn't return if modules were their foundation.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Well this D&D weekend was an interesting one. A lot of things happened and the characters drove the storyline for the most part. There wasn't even one combat but at no point were the players unengaged. They were investigating further in to the activities of several prominent people within the game and perhaps my favorite part of the game was the part when the group was debating whether or not they should even be getting involved in all of the politics of this new region they are in.

    I really liked how they were asserting that they had a choice. They didn't simply assume that they should be getting involved because it is a game and they need to follow the story. The truth is my story will continue regardless of what the group does and they know that I won't drop a DM hammer on them for getting involved or not. They had the conversation because that is the what their characters would do. It was fantastic.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    This weekend's Shadowrun game had a similar feel to it. Flowed smoothly, no inner-group dissention (which can occur a lot given the circumstance of Shadowrun), story moved forward, and we got paid handsomely for the run.

    It also felt pretty good to be on the Player's side of the table for a change. Looking forward to the next run.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Oh shadow run that brings back the memories. Are you guys on the side of technology, magic or both? Shadow run has so many opportunities for metaphysical debates. Whats the general storyline that you are in?
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    thats awesome we had a bachelor party this weekend which makes it 1 month before we get to play again... kinda depressing, as far as an mfp virtual game check out fully web based no downloads had voice/video chat virtual dice and a costumizable map and chars for the gm to move around.... looks pretty cool just saying :)
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    Oh shadow run that brings back the memories. Are you guys on the side of technology, magic or both? Shadow run has so many opportunities for metaphysical debates. Whats the general storyline that you are in?

    I usually run a higher Tech game, while my friend likes to run a higher than normal Magic game. He's currently the GM so...

    The general storyline is one that's been going on for a LONG TIME since 2nd edition days. It's mainly a conspiracy / suspense style of game with a lot of Earthdawn reference (EarthDawn is 4th Age, Shadowrun is 6th Age). Very dark, and more oppressive then your usual Shadowrun canon. Believe it or not, i actually have a character that has reached 500 karma in that game. He's essentially become an NPC at this point (that i get to control), but most people don't make it to 75 karma.
    Some say that's no fun, but i think it's very fitting of Shadowrun, and the theme of the game he runs. Playing Shadowrun isn't like DnD where when you die, we take your hand into town and get you resurrected/reincarnated.
    You die in are dead....end of story.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Oh shadow run that brings back the memories. Are you guys on the side of technology, magic or both? Shadow run has so many opportunities for metaphysical debates. Whats the general storyline that you are in?

    I usually run a higher Tech game, while my friend likes to run a higher than normal Magic game. He's currently the GM so...

    The general storyline is one that's been going on for a LONG TIME since 2nd edition days. It's mainly a conspiracy / suspense style of game with a lot of Earthdawn reference (EarthDawn is 4th Age, Shadowrun is 6th Age). Very dark, and more oppressive then your usual Shadowrun canon. Believe it or not, i actually have a character that has reached 500 karma in that game. He's essentially become an NPC at this point (that i get to control), but most people don't make it to 75 karma.
    Some say that's no fun, but i think it's very fitting of Shadowrun, and the theme of the game he runs. Playing Shadowrun isn't like DnD where when you die, we take your hand into town and get you resurrected/reincarnated.
    You die in are dead....end of story.

    500 Karma sounds completely ridiculous. That is like saying you got to level 100 in D&D. Don't you start out with just 6 Karma? How long did it take you to get to 500? I would have thought that you would have achieved some sort of transcendence at about 200.

    I do like it when death is permanent. I don't know if you have read my previous posts in this thread but I have broken resurrection in my game. I have an in story reason for why it is that way but on a meta-game level I did it because I wanted death to be permanent. I also broke detect even and know alignment and that sort of thing. I think that a world where people can just know if that guy on trial is evil would change things greatly. I also got rid of zone of truth and detect lie.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    Oh shadow run that brings back the memories. Are you guys on the side of technology, magic or both? Shadow run has so many opportunities for metaphysical debates. Whats the general storyline that you are in?

    I usually run a higher Tech game, while my friend likes to run a higher than normal Magic game. He's currently the GM so...

    The general storyline is one that's been going on for a LONG TIME since 2nd edition days. It's mainly a conspiracy / suspense style of game with a lot of Earthdawn reference (EarthDawn is 4th Age, Shadowrun is 6th Age). Very dark, and more oppressive then your usual Shadowrun canon. Believe it or not, i actually have a character that has reached 500 karma in that game. He's essentially become an NPC at this point (that i get to control), but most people don't make it to 75 karma.
    Some say that's no fun, but i think it's very fitting of Shadowrun, and the theme of the game he runs. Playing Shadowrun isn't like DnD where when you die, we take your hand into town and get you resurrected/reincarnated.
    You die in are dead....end of story.

    500 Karma sounds completely ridiculous. That is like saying you got to level 100 in D&D. Don't you start out with just 6 Karma? How long did it take you to get to 500? I would have thought that you would have achieved some sort of transcendence at about 200.

    I do like it when death is permanent. I don't know if you have read my previous posts in this thread but I have broken resurrection in my game. I have an in story reason for why it is that way but on a meta-game level I did it because I wanted death to be permanent. I also broke detect even and know alignment and that sort of thing. I think that a world where people can just know if that guy on trial is evil would change things greatly. I also got rid of zone of truth and detect lie.

    500 karma is a little ridiculous, but there is good reason. BTW, characters start with ZERO karma...
    I created the character near the beginnings of 3rd edition's release. He would get played, then sit out, then get played again. It was an on-off-on again type of character to help bring the heat off of him. Near the end of 3rd edition / intro to 4th edition he had amassed about 275 karma. Instead of trying to convert him using the conversion guide, i just remade him using 4th rules but gave him all his 3rd gear using 4th equivalents.

    4th edition came, and played him using the same routine of on-off-on again. last time he saw play he had about 225 karma.
    275+225 = 500. This is also a major reason he is now an NPC / major character in the story and not a player anymore.

    As to the "age" of the character...i would say i have been playing this character for almost 10 years throughout the course of our games. (my friends games and my games take place in the same world, just different story arcs when we are GM).
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I must have been thinking of essence then because zero should kill you or you would at least lose your character. At least it took you a long time to get the character to that level of insane power.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    I must have been thinking of essence then because zero should kill you or you would at least lose your character. At least it took you a long time to get the character to that level of insane power.

    Ahh yes...Essence, the stat that measures your humanity. Correct, starts at 6, and goes down as you implant yourself with cyberware/bioware.

    I'm glad he is placed in retired status. It's very easy to get yourself killed in Shadowrun, so someone who's survived that long really isn't going to be tempting fate least not until the rest of my "regular" crew who has as much karma as i do decide they wanna go on one last Hoorah! Although i fear such an en devour would be a suicide mission. Lots of karma makes you known...shadowrunners like to remain anonymous...
  • ericnealdavis
    ericnealdavis Posts: 66 Member
    thats awesome we had a bachelor party this weekend which makes it 1 month before we get to play again... kinda depressing, as far as an mfp virtual game check out fully web based no downloads had voice/video chat virtual dice and a costumizable map and chars for the gm to move around.... looks pretty cool just saying :)

    Roll 20 looks very interesting! Especially the possiblility of voice and video chat. I'm going to have to float this by my old buddies and see if they are interested in giving it a whirl. Of course, if someone on here wants to get up a MFP game...:drinker:
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    thats awesome we had a bachelor party this weekend which makes it 1 month before we get to play again... kinda depressing, as far as an mfp virtual game check out fully web based no downloads had voice/video chat virtual dice and a costumizable map and chars for the gm to move around.... looks pretty cool just saying :)

    Roll 20 looks very interesting! Especially the possiblility of voice and video chat. I'm going to have to float this by my old buddies and see if they are interested in giving it a whirl. Of course, if someone on here wants to get up a MFP game...:drinker:

    I sent a message to my old gaming buddies after I checked it out.... no one replied yet lol o well I am totally down for a mfp game id even offer to run it but yall all seem to be pros and will probably laugh at my attempts. But if we can get a scheduled time that works with people im more than willing to give er a go
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    still kinda like the idea of a mfp you are caught in a cone of push ups do 2d6 of push ups or be stunned lol
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I will check it out when I get home. If there were a game on MFP I would not want to incorporate any sort of exercise in to it. It would just be a game that we would play through a group on MFP but the game itself would be a serious campaign.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    I will check it out when I get home. If there were a game on MFP I would not want to incorporate any sort of exercise in to it. It would just be a game that we would play through a group on MFP but the game itself would be a serious campaign.

    /agree. can't mix business with pleasure.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I was also thinking that something in the whitewolf setting might be a good way to go since that is set in the present day. I used to lose to love it when I would be going about my regular day and I would receive an e-mail from my GM that was actually for my character and not me. I am such a nerd for immersion. We could also focus the campaign around storyline instead of action.

    I know players love a good fight scene heck I am even one of them but since we are trying to create a campaign that will function within the constraints of the resources that we have available to us there are other ways of telling the story. I would suggest a storyline that involves a lot of the politics that whitewolf is so famous for.
  • ericnealdavis
    ericnealdavis Posts: 66 Member
    I'm in. I think we need to give this a shot, if only to test the roll 20 thing out. If we are going to run a "Whitewolf" campaign, or some other system I'm not familiar with (its been over a decade since I gamed seriously) someone will have to point in the direction of some background material and/or books.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I'm in. I think we need to give this a shot, if only to test the roll 20 thing out. If we are going to run a "Whitewolf" campaign, or some other system I'm not familiar with (its been over a decade since I gamed seriously) someone will have to point in the direction of some background material and/or books.

    That is a good point. We would need some sort of single source that we can all look to so that we all know the rules. I do not have access to PDF's for any game system anymore and I don't want anyone to have to spend actual money on this. Does anyone have a suggestion?
  • ericnealdavis
    ericnealdavis Posts: 66 Member
    Maybe we need to pole the potential players as see if we all have a common RPG system that we could use. For example, I still have all my AD&D 2nd edition books, Call of Cthulhu, and Role Master. I am not opposed to buying some books as long as I don't have to fork out for a dozen manuals. Does anyone know if any of the RPGs are coming out as e-books?