Encouraging yet terrifying!

Monday I hopped on the treadmill just to see what I could do. 1.5mi in 24 mins. Keeping in mind I haven't ran at all since it was required of me in middle school 12 yr ago, I don't think I did too shabby. Ran and walked when needed.

So I started Week 1 Day 1 on Tuesday (treadmill in my room). I did great I think. I ran the full minute every time, took slow deep breaths on walks to catch my breath. Was jamming out to some System Of A Down ti distract me. :) Paced myself well.

Now I'm going through the thread, reading various posts and tips and I have to say I'm conflicted. I'm excited to see everyone's progress and tricks. But I keep seeing the warning about week 5 day 3. I see that it's a great idea to repeat weeks if I need to. And I will. I guess I'm just psyching myself out... and I haven't even competed week 1!

Anyone else just starting I would love a friend request. It'd be great to see others go through this too. Thanks :)


  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Best advice I can give you is to just do one day at a time.

    yesterday I completed w2d2. Took a peek online to see what I had to look forward to in the upcoming weeks, and got really scared. but then i started thinking, "I just need to do one day at a time and trust the process."

    If you start struggling, maybe redo a day or a week. It doesn't have to be done in exactly 9 weeks. Go your speed and let the transformation happen as you go.

    Feel free to add me.
  • JennChamb
    JennChamb Posts: 55
    I realize that looking ahead causes fear. And possibly underestimating myself.
    One day at a time sounds good to me. :)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    It looks scary...but it isn't. It is all mental at that point. Go into week 5 knowing you will complete it and you will. Don't second guess yourself. A lot of people repeat weeks because they are scared of what is ahead. Don't be. In reality it is only 4 more minutes of running that you had done the week prior. The only difference is you do it in one shot without walking.
  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    Hey I'm just starting also (W1D2) and it looks like we're pretty much at the same weight and have the same goal weight!!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    One day at a time sounds good to me. :)

    That's the way to go! You'll be breezing by week 5 before you know it and wondering why you ever worried about it.

    And, glad to hear you like System of a Down.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm lucky in a way because I wasn't on this board until week 7. So on my week 5, I turned on my phone, saw that they wanted me to run 20 minutes, panicked for a second, realized that the program had progressed me successfully for 5 whole weeks and that all I needed to do was my best. If I couldn't get through it, then I'd repeat. And, like almost everybody else, I managed just fine. You will too.
  • JennChamb
    JennChamb Posts: 55
    I'm lucky in a way because I wasn't on this board until week 7. So on my week 5, I turned on my phone, saw that they wanted me to run 20 minutes, panicked for a second, realized that the program had progressed me successfully for 5 whole weeks and that all I needed to do was my best. If I couldn't get through it, then I'd repeat. And, like almost everybody else, I managed just fine. You will too.

    Thank you. :) that calms me
  • JennChamb
    JennChamb Posts: 55
    One day at a time sounds good to me. :)

    That's the way to go! You'll be breezing by week 5 before you know it and wondering why you ever worried about it.

    And, glad to hear you like System of a Down.

    Thanks. I'm sure I will.
    And love SOAD. They were my favorite in high school. I could listsen to them all day long. :)