Need to add some tri friends.

DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
I started my healthy living journey about one year ago when I quit smoking and started to exercise. I couldn't run at first so I did a lot of biking. When I was finally able to start running I kept up with biking too because I enjoyed it so much. It was during last summer that I thought "hey, wouldn't it be fun to do a triathlon?" so I took some lessons last fall to learn decent swim form.

I did my first indoor tri last month and had a lot of fun. I like to compete even though I will never make a podium and I like to push myself a bit. I have this crazy idea that I could do an IM some day but for now just have plans to do some sprint and Olympic distance tris this summer as well as a half marathon or two.

Right now I am in week 3 of an 18 week half IM training plan. I don't plan to do a half this year but figured the training will get me in great shape and ready for any event I decide to do.

Just looking to add some friends with similar goals.


  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    Request sent. I'm planning on IMWisc and Route 66 half in 2014, with a few oly's and sprints this year.

    If you haven't already, check out Beginner Triathlete. Their Spring mentor program is about to get started, and the forums there are much more active.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Yep. Mentor groups are slated to open in May. I will more than likely be heading one up.
  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    Request sent, my first Sprint Distance is in a few weeks.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Done a few sprints and an oly. Have three sprints and one oly on the schedule for this summer. No long range plans for anything longer than that. I don't particularly enjoy riding and just can't imagine spending any more time on the bike. No expectation of ever hitting the podium; I'm happy to just finish in the middle of my age group and perhaps take a few minutes off last year's times.
  • forestplay
    forestplay Posts: 63 Member
    I'm also looking for tri friends. Stolen directly from my profile:

    I've decided to train for a sprint triathlon in the fall. I'm working on the B210K program to gain stamina. I ride to work 2-3 times per week (8 mi each way) but the biggest challenge will be the open water swim. I was able to get to 1200 yards last summer but that was with a stop every 25 yards. To do the triathlon, I have to swim 500 yards without stopping..
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    I am signed up for my first sprint tri this summer! Would love some tri friends on my list!
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    My 1st sprint triathlon is June 23rd of this year . . . Looking forward to the challenge and crossing the finish line !!!
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Everyone feel free to add me. IMTX in a month or so and then a yet to be determined half this fall. Will sprinkle some sprints in there somewhere but I want to see how burnt I am after Texas.
  • kywh
    kywh Posts: 46 Member
    Feel freed to add me as well. I complete IMAZ in November and am back to doing shorter tris again now that training for IM is done. If you are looking for a good training book--I recommend Be Iron Fit.
  • gigglemachine
    gigglemachine Posts: 82 Member
    Request sent! Anyone else, please feel free to add me. I have 3 sprints coming up this year (each one steadily increasing in size). I love running the best so often find i have to force myself to cycle and swim but love it once i start.

    Good look with your goals everyone
  • drpleiades
    drpleiades Posts: 12 Member
    Im aslo looking for some Tri friends, I did one sprint about 3 years ago then got even fatter haha but i've lost almost 80lbs so far and did my first Sprint just last weekend. Have an olympic distance next month and some other tris though out the year.
  • basicjim
    basicjim Posts: 69 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me. I am doing my first tri (a sprint) in July. I am thinking of following it up with an olympic in Aug and another in Sept.

    I am a big boy and I hope to disqualify myself from the Clydesdale division before my first Olympic!
  • Tri4Aug
    Tri4Aug Posts: 3
    I completed my first Olympic Tri in 12 years a couple of weeks ago and hit my goals. I have no problem training hard, I just have a problem keeping my mouth shut and not eating all day! I can use a few tri friends to keep me honest on logging my food. I know I will be faster if I drop some weight. Thanks!
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I'll send you a request after this post...if anyone wants to add me as well. I completely my first tri, Olympic Distance, Philly Triathlon last year. I was hooked. Did UMLY sprint tri 2 weeks ago, just did the Pitt Half Marathon this past weekend...and 3 weeks ago did a 5k x 3 (5k to the race, 5k race, 5k back home). I will be doing the Philly Tri olympic distance again this year, along with the Philly Half Marathon, and I will be doing the Hat Trick at the Runner's World Half Marathon (since the Rock N Roll Pitt Half was cancelled, grr). I will doing some random 5k and 10ks as well. Good luck, this stuff is addicting!
  • IronfitDan
    IronfitDan Posts: 9
    I did a sprint triathlon last year and have an Olympic distance tri in June. Next year I am looking to do quite a few races but haven't the time this year.

    Feel free to add me, I'm not very inspiring at the moment but will be doing some more running soon.
  • EnduranceGirl2
    EnduranceGirl2 Posts: 144 Member
    I've done several sprint and olympic tri's and just completed my first HIM. I'm not nearly ready to sign up for one yet, but friends and family are predicting a full IM in my future. Makes me tired just thinking about it :-) After a year on MFP, my main goals are maintaining my weight loss and continuing to improve my health and fitness. Feel free to add me if you are interested in sharing nutrition, training, and racing tips.
  • mewhisler
    mewhisler Posts: 37 Member
    anyone feel free to add me...I have done 3 IMs and many 1/2s :) I LOVE THE SPORT. I just had a baby one month ago, so I am just getting back into it and would love to see how others are working out. My plan is to do a marathon this winter and then a half IM or a full IM next year.