Glucose, Lipid Panel, Body Fat - 10 months Primal

caribougal Posts: 865 Member
Hi all,

I finally got my lab work done. I'm fairly pleased with the results, but I see some areas for improvement. For those who don't know me, I've been eating Primal since July 2012. Very strict for the first several months, less strict over the past 2 months.

First and most important is my HbA1c results. I had gestational diabetes twice and have siblings with it and diabetes on both sides of my family, both obesity-related and not. So... it's likely in my future, but I'd like to push it off as long as I can.

Component Your result Standard range
Hgb A1c % 5.4 3.4 - 5.9 %
Fasting glucose 87 60-99
Average blood sugar calculated from the HbA1c 108

That's a normal result right there! Woot woot! HbA1c is really important because it reflects your average blood sugar from the previous 2-3 months. I'd still like my average number of 108 to be down just a bit, but it's totally within the normal range for non-diabetics. The fasting number is good, but a little on the high side of normal. But since my trigs are low, I'm OK with that.

Now for the lipid panel. I don't have anything to compare this with, but my previous panels were all normal. I was mostly curious to see how my "high fat" diet impacted my numbers. Unfortunately, this was a standard lipid panel and not a VAP test, so it's not terribly informative. I would have liked to also see my CRP level. I'll have to request that next time.

Component Your result Standard range
Cholesterol 180 0 - 199 mg/dL
Triglyceride 43 <=149 mg/dL
HDL 51 >=40 mg/dL
Chol, non-HDL 129 <=150 mg/dL
LDL 120 mg/dL

Very happy with that low trig number and I completely give credit to the low carb lifestyle for that, but I'd like to see my HDL go higher and my LDL get lower. Must. Exercise. More!

Ok, now for the body fat stuff. My Crossfit box is having a challenge this month. I've been MIA for pretty much 5 weeks. March was a loss due to working crazy hours and not sleeping. I was ready to get back on track April 1, and I've been waylaid by the crappiest cold ever. Today is the first day that I don't actually feel like I'm a walking bacterial cloud. I stopped into Crossfit this morning to check in with my coach since I missed the first week of the challenge, and to get my measurements done.

Sooo... INCLUDING MY JEANS AND SHIRT.... which I'm guessing weigh 2 lbs, my weight this morning was 124.6. Which corresponds to my naked weight at home of 122 this morning (I was 121.2 yesterday but I didn't log it). I started this journey at 145, so I'm pretty pleased. Then they used an ultrasound thingy to measure BF.

BF at tricep: 16.2 mm
BF at waist: 21.0 mm
BF at hip: 6.6 mm
BF % = 30.3.

Poop! That's way higher than I want. My scale at home which is clearly not as accurate says I started at 33% and I'm down to 26%. But.. it is what it is.

Overall, I feel pretty happy with my results and reaffirm my hopes to bring that BF %age down to 25%.


  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    These number are fantastic - congrats on the trig scores especially

    Also remember - the ratios are worth bragging about..

    Trig/HDL .84 (rockstar): 2 or below is "desirable" with 4 being high. Indicator of pattern A vs pattern B! high ratio strongest predictor of heart attack.
    TTL/HDL 3.53 (super low): Ideal is <=5
    LDL/HDL 2.35 (UNBELIEVABLY LOW): Ideal is <=4.3 7-11 is considered moderate

    I hate those bf% scales - they aint worth poo.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Great lipid panel and fasting glucose level! It sounds like you are doing all the right things to fight off the genetic predisposition towards diabetes in your family. If everyone was as disciplined as you the world would be a much healthier place!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Thanks, Mike. I hadn't taken the time to figure out my ratios. They help to put the numbers in an even better perspective. Three cheers for light and fluffy lipids!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Great lipid panel and fasting glucose level! It sounds like you are doing all the right things to fight off the genetic predisposition towards diabetes in your family. If everyone was as disciplined as you the world would be a much healthier place!

    Thanks!! Now if only I would run and lift the way you do.
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Great results!
    I just had my blood tested on the weekend, so it will be interesting to see the results. I've been primal for about 18 months. I don't have any previous data to compare it to, but I hope it will be good evidence to rub in the noses of the naysayers around me who are worried about my saturated fat/cholesterol intake! (these are also the same people with high cholesterol, are overweight and have high blood pressure...)