
tracywaz Posts: 53 Member
With a new crop of 10 weekers starting tomorrow, it might be a good idea to get some topics going.

I am a 12 week member of the Farrell's "cult". I couldn't be happier with the changes I've seen in myself and fellow classmates. The only complaint (and it's not a full on complaint) is that the nutrition is pretty vague. After the first 5 weeks, I ended up tweaking the plan for something more specific to me. The biggest change was that I cut back on sugars. Once I made that change, I really started to see results.

I'm also tracking calories here on MFP. I didn't start this until the very end of my program (week 9 or so). I personally just like the control of seeing precisely what I'm eating, but that's just me. Farrell's has given me the basics, but I got to a point where I was ready to step things up a bit, if that makes sense.

What about you? How do you feel about the nutrition and have you made any changes?


  • bquillen
    bquillen Posts: 45 Member
    I started my 10 week 4-8-2013, I have had some medical problems where I can only do the bands...My coach is telling me that I am not eating enough carbs which I find hard to do. I have the habit of counting calories and seem to always go over my calories, so hopefully next week I can start the kickboxing back and up my carbs...any suggestions on what to eat to up carbs....thanks and you look awesome...
  • tracywaz
    tracywaz Posts: 53 Member
    How can you not eat enough carbs? ;) Yes, I'm a carboholic!!!

    Whole grain breads, veggies and fruits all count as carbs. I do whole grain pasta as well-- just measure your serving size. I've found that if you boil it in chicken broth, it has more flavor. Brown rice is another, but I don't like that it's so dry! A favorite of mine is whole grain crackers with a bit of turkey and swiss. Don't forget that dairy has carbs. You can mix some cottage cheese with a little fruit and you have a balanced meal!

    I didn't count calories the first 8 or so weeks, then I came here. I guess to each their own. I think Farrell's keeps it vague so they don't intimidate people. If you're having inactive people do heavy exercise and also throw a bunch of numbers at them, it might be too much. I sort of evolved on my own. I'm not perfect with nutrition but I've learned what works for me.

    Hopefully you can start kickboxing soon! It's killer! I sort of have the opposite problem. I'm allergic to the latex bands and cover myself in sleeves, long pants and gloves. Some days I get really itchy and have to wash off the powder and modify the routine by either using nothing or a medicine ball. I just hope the day doesn't come where I have to give it up. I've looked into latex free and frankly, they suck.
  • bquillen
    bquillen Posts: 45 Member
    thank you for all the suggestions....I am slowly trying to get more carbs and I get to start back kickboxing on Monday :happy: hopefully I am not to far behind missing 2 weeks....