4/6/13 Weigh-In

Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
Sorry I haven't posted a weigh-in for awhile. Not sure if anyone is still reading. I weighed in today, and ~ after our trip to Florida ~ I am UP 3 pounds. Not at all happy about that, but it could have been worse. I will get those calories off ASAP!!! And then some!!!


  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    I keep checking. Thought it a little odd you hadn't posted weigh in. At this point not sure where I am in relation to this thread. I think I've gone up and down three months and am currently even with jan 1 weight

    Stay focused you will get those 3 lbs off.
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    aubsgg: Hooray for you for maintaining since January 1. I know you want to lose more, but at least you didn't gain! Always feel free to post the weigh-in topic if I forget! I usually try to weigh in on Thursday mornings, but ~ of course ~ I forgot to this morning. Darn it!!! I will weigh in tomorrow morning and post topic. Thanks for still being around! It's getting lonely around here. Wish more people would post. Oh well, I will be here as long as you are! :wink: