Still feel weak?

rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
I have been doing this 5 weeks (repeated one week for 3&4), but I still get so sore and worn out. I think I am improving my form, increasing range of motion, and doing more reps, but not sure if it is true! I feel like I am saying all that to make me feel better. I am tempted to do workout 1 & 2 just to see if it is a lot easier now. I am just so tired of hurting (it is good pain, but still!) I know it is helping, but I feel like I'm failing because I modify plans and push-ups. I will still do it- I just wish I was more impressive at it! Anyone else feel like they aren't keeping up?


  • Thereupon
    Thereupon Posts: 52
    I'm sure you're doing better than you think! Jillian has said "this is a marathon, not a sprint", so as long as you keep showing up and doing your best, you're going to improve. Going back to workout 1 sounds like a good idea, but if you still struggle with that, don't let it get you down too much. This is just the beginning of your journey to a healthier life!

    Edit: have you tried to track your progress in any way? Weight/measurements etc? Even tracking the amount of reps you're doing of common moves might be helpful so you can keep an eye out for improvements - or it can give you a goal to try to beat. It can be hard noticing gradual improvements! I'm sure you're not just imagining them.
    Edit 2: Remember that there is no shame in modifying movements, either. Everyone's circumstances/strengths/weaknesses are so different, so just keep going with what works for you.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I'll second the fact that there's nothing wrong with modifying movements. As Jillian says, you're showing up, and that's what's important. It's fine if it takes you a while to build yourself up. It's all about making exercise a habit. I'm due for 3 and 4 next week, but I might repeat 1 and 2 with more weight and extend the 90 days out. The schedule is just a guideline and a line to sell the product. Work it how it works best for you.
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Are you eating a good amount of quality protein?

    When I am eating a lot of protein I can feel myself getting stronger. When I don't, I feel weak.

    I always feel weaker as the week progresses because I am sore, too. After my rest day, I feel very strong for two days, when I feel like a weakling again. :)

    Jillian says to just try to do as many of the advanced moves as possible, then do the modifications. There is no shame in doing the modifications! I pushed myself to do 5 military pushups today. When I do it again, I will push to do 10. I did two straight legged side crunches, next time I will try to do 5.

    There is no way to go through this program and not get stronger-those hot bods on the dvd even struggle with the modification moves and I highly doubt they are following the complete program (6 days of alternating these workouts).

    Maybe try to test yourself right now-how many military push-ups can you do-and then see how many you can do in a few weeks-on a rest day. I bet you see a huge difference. :)