Progress Update

_Frankie_ Posts: 36
edited January 20 in Social Groups
(Until today) I made it 6 days without binge-eating, which believe me, is GREAT for me. I don't even feel so bad about today because of it! But I think I've made a few discoveries along the week. One, I've been aiming for 2000 calories a day - which is technically maintenance for me - but I haven't made it to 2000 4/7 days (more like 1600...) but I think that's because I gave myself the freedom to go to 2000 if I really wanted to.

Second and slightly more important discovery, having trigger foods in the house really ****s me up.

Like, I thought I could deal with it if my husband was at home - but I made some caramel slices yesterday and I literally couldn't get them out of my mind. After I had one, the binge floodgates were opened! I was al-right yesterday, but today, I found myself binge eating bread and porridge out of frustration that I couldn't eat all the caramel squares sitting in the fridge! And then I managed to smuggle/eat them anyway. I'm not even safe when my husband is home now! I always find a way to sneak something from the fridge...

But yeah. I told him about the caramel slices and how they've managed to drive me crazy this weekend - so we decided that if I/he ever bakes again (we already don't buy trigger foods) that I'll either just bake enough for 2 servings or give/throw away the leftovers straight away. I think I would have been fine this weekend if I hadn't made those damn caramel slices!
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