post workout when on whole30

Happy Monday! Ive gotten some awesome suggestions from the Facebook group on this topic and just wanted more input. Since whey isn't allowed on the whole30 (wah) and if I follow whole30 I want to do it the right way. Im having problems thinking of post workout foods. Someone suggested hard boiled egg but is that enough protein? Also, someone else suggested an egg white shake with banana which I could do but I usually lift at night so the banana seems like a lot of carbs before bed. Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 191 Member
    Hi there!

    For whatever it's worth I just ate 3 applegate turkey hot dogs with some saurcraut after my workout and I feel pretty good, it's about 15 g of protein. I'm not sure if hot dogs are in the spirit of whole30, but I'm counting it, seeing as from the ingredients it seemed ok to me?

    Also It Starts With Food recommends like 3 hard boiled eggs after a workout if I remember correctly.