Body shape question and NSV

jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
So I am down almost 80 pounds, and I can definitely see a big difference, BUT.... the general shape of my body is still much the same as it was at my maximum weight. I know the "sag factor" is part of the problem, but it seems like at least SOME of that has to go away just on the general principle of losing so much. It works against the positive thoughts of the numbers (weight lost, clothes sizes, etc). I would just like to know if I can expect to see any of this go away with more time, or if it is only going to be corrected by the excess skin removal eventually. Any thoughts?

Anyway, on a much happier note, I had not posted in here in a LONG time, and when I submitted a post a few minutes ago, I noticed that my scale below is PAST THE HALFWAY POINT!!!!! That's exciting because I remember seeing it sit stagnantly for such a long time before when I was trying to lose weight the more conventional ways.


  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Congrats! Are you taking your measurements too along with tracking your weight? Measurements help alot too.
    I've lost 138 at this point and do have loose skin. I don't know how much it weighs, I started out at 270. Most of it is in my tummy area and some on my upper thighs too. It is just part of the WLS journey, loose skin. My health insurance won't pay for it to be removed so I will have to self pay for it. I am going to look into once I have maintained my weight for a 6 months since my WLS won't refer you to a plastic surgeon till after that time period I think.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I only had about 105 pounds total to lose, and have lost 86 of those. I am half the size I used to be, but still have a lot of abdominal area to lose, not so much loose skin anywhere noticeable other than on my arms. I keep hoping that the last 20 pounds will take care of some of that. Like many others, my insurance will not cover skin removal and I will not pursue it because financially I don't have the means. I am very fortunate, after three denials, that I ever got the approval for the RNY to begin with. On a good note, the surgery was easy, I had and have had zero complications--no nausea ever either. No problems with the exercise or meal plan--had plenty of time to prepare my mind for that. As far as the excess skin, I guess I will just deal with what I am left with and realize that I am at least blessed to be healthy again.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    It does take some time to kindda get used to it, the program leader of my WLS says not to give up hope of the "final product" because things tend to shift and change lol. Well in my case sag more, but sometimes it does look different - not a day-to-day change but more over the course of a month I see some changes.

    I have the same problem problem as you, I still have a big tummy area and I have lost over 120 pounds. I have an "apron" as the doctors call it stretching from hip to hip (not just my stomach). I hate how I look, especially without clothes, but the trick is in how you dress - at least outwardly I can feel better. I find that now that I am a smaller dress size I can be pickier in my clothing selection and I try on different styles that I never thought I would ever wear and find ways to minimize attention to that area.

    In the end, once you have reached your goal and seen what the end result is, it will be your choice to decide it you want to have surgery to remove/ tighten the skin or not. My insurance pays only for the pannectony (not sure how to spell) but I want a lower body lift, I used to think I wanted just a tummy tuck, but although its more money I want the skin in the whole lower area tightened. I would also love to have my arms and breasts done but realistically I couldnt afford to have all that work LOL, and I think I could live with the execess/ saggy skin there more than I can with the tummy/ thigh area.

    Case in point, be patient and have fun with your new body - as Tim Gunn on Project Runway say "make it work" LOL