Protein shake/meal after workout?

Hurley1203 Posts: 40 Member
I know I read somewhere that protein is recommended after lifting or working out. Do any of you have a shake or some type of protein after you finish the workout for the day?
Just curious if this is something I should be doing. I figure if I am doing this, I better try and do everything right!


  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Yes! I have a Protein shake straight after my workout.

    Not only does it boost that all important Protein intake, it also fills in my missing cals if i'm struggling to hit target... oh and it prevents me raiding the fridge if i feel famished after a tough workout!

    I recommend you always read the nutritional label to find a blend that suits you, the one i use (Nutrisport 90+) is low fat and low carb (i bloat if i over-do the carbs), whereas my husband prefers a higher-carb variety.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    Yes, I take a whey protein shake everyday after my workout. You need alot of extra protein to build muscle - 1 gram of protein for every pound that you weigh. So I weigh 134 and try to eat 134 grams of protein. Protein shakes are better than bars because they are low carb and low sugar.

    If you have a Cosco nearby, I use their Cytosport Chocolate why protein. I just mix it with water or almond milk.
  • cultjam
    cultjam Posts: 3 Member
    hey just saw this post, i am wondering about using the p90x results and recovery formula, anyone tried this before? i am just nervous about overshooting my calories since i am in the kickstart week of the program and i think its around 1200 calories/day. hope its going well for all of you!
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    I always have a protein shake after a workout. I workout in the a.m. and have my biggest meal (my shake) after that. It is usually about 600 cals. An example of one of mine is 2 scoops of choc/pb whey protein powder, 2 T almond butter, 1/2 banana, 1 c almond milk, 1 c plain greek yogurt, 1 light vanilla activia.... YUMMY! And it keeps me full for hours!