Day 3

tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
Get it done, then let us know about it!! Let's keep each other accountable!

I managed to sucker my husband into doing it with me. I do it in the mornings and he does it in the evenings. He asks me each day how it was and how long it was. He's preparing to leave for boot camp June 3. If he sticks with this for 60 days, he'll kill boot camp!

Day 3 was a little harder for me. Pushups (and fast ones at that) are not my favorite. I kept picturing fun sun dresses that I'll be excited to buy and wear!

How many of you are following the nutrition plan along with the DVDs? I am following the calorie counts pretty closely. My goal is 1837 per day, and so far I've been in around 1950.

Hope everyone is having a fabulous Wednesday!


  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I work out later in the day, but my legs are tired from cardip power and resistance yesterday! lol. I am following the guidline, and will use recipes most likely. I have been still using recipes from the ultimate reset though for veggie dishes because they are sooo good! I am on 2400 cals/day for now, I will re-evaluate in 2 weeks or so to make sure I'm not eating too much after losing some weight.
  • kels1152
    kels1152 Posts: 74
    Day 3 done! :)
    It was just as intense as yesterday and I think harder...I have the cardio endurance but the strength I lack so I wasn't able to keep up with everything. But...I know I will be able to soon!

    For those shoulder pushup thingys I am super inflexible and the lack of my hamstring flexibility was keeping me from doing them fully...Did anybody else have that issue? I had to bend my knees slightly but I'm not sure if that took the effect from working on the shoulders away....any input?

    And damn...those simple looking triceps dips were not simple at all! :)

    I'm following the nutrition plan as best as I can but sometimes I think 1900 calories is so much so my ultimate goal is no less than 1500 calories. If I'm hungry I"ll eat and If I'm not then I won't :) But I do know the importance of nutrition so my nutrition will be great!
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    I ended up doing many of the pushups from my knees. I figured it was better than no pushup at all.

    Oh, I couldn't agree more about those tricep dips! Yowser!
  • nikkidoll80
    nikkidoll80 Posts: 19 Member
    Day 3...Ugh!

    I could not do those tricep dips either. And I also had to do the knee version of the push ups. My goal right now is to just get to the point where I can do the whole set and then I will worry about increasing speed.

    I have to remember not to compete with the people on the video because they are in much better shape than me and have been doing it a lot longer. I do not want to discourage myself.

    With that in mind, I lasted a little longer and felt that it was something that I could achieve. I will get better at my own pace. Until then, I do my version of insanity.

    I can see the the "thought of" abs peeping through the fat. lol!
  • nikkidoll80
    nikkidoll80 Posts: 19 Member
    I could not do the traveling push ups. I could not get my body to understand the form. I ended up taking my break while they did those.

    We will get there. :smile:
  • happyjacdolan
    happyjacdolan Posts: 12 Member
    Traveling push-ups were the hardest for me, couldn't get the rhythm down. But my HRM said I burned 498 calories! Yay!
  • aniluck
    aniluck Posts: 6
    I thought today was Thursday so I did cardio recovery...
    I guess the next few days will tougher than it's supposed to be considering I have to do 3 cardio workouts in a row. Ahh well. Everything happens for a reason. Thought it was so much easier today. :P
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    Finished day 3, I was surprised that the "V" push ups were easier than regular for me. I'm still having some difficulty with balance and lightheadedness going low and jumping up so I do those much slower. I ended up taking yesterday off due to very sore calves so now I'm on the same calendar schedule (I started Sunday) as the program is set up for.
    It helped that I spoke with a friend who was successful with this and he told me to take breaks, don't hurt yourself. I hope one day to only need the breaks when Shaun T gives them but that seems a long way off right now!